I.M.II': , Tic'T.I 4 I.TION GOODS, 57TUD:.2. .1 . T.'.'.; FEEL IT The recent rAministr7tive ruling concerning trnsfer , tudents living in residence h!'lls 1-st resort qrrsp resultin Arinistrrtive goof severrl rer.rs The rensont , behind the t=7Ter rulin that the University did not receive enourh money from the c'tr.te leg islrAure to increrse enrollment to fill the ne- Polloc'!: Circle Hsi's. This is true, but the rer . son :rhy enou„11 money !; - s not recei—ed from the St-te is quite diturlDin. `lever-1 ve-rs - o, the University mode rn or :1 - - - reemert —ith the - t-te. The University ould '1o?t lorns —nd — ith the mcneY yould -ild residences to ccommod-te the preictei demfnd 'or coller - e enrollment. The te then ;culd use its (p.m money to 1:11 , :qd suf ficient clfssrooms :for these sddition' 1 students. Hoyever, the 2rrreement s 7ot made bindin= on the rte to nd the results no , ' sho!. The University ful filled its h . IP of the ITr7sin but the h7s.ntt done its p - rt. — e c - n criticize the le . irE . afture rli 7;e but the .17ct rem - ins th't if University offici - _.ls hed r - de the c7reement bindin from its 7 e.,:innin7, this situ , tion - ould not no' - : exist. 'ho p7 - vs Per this mi7trke - i The students. One result hich hit every student's pocketbook 7'7:5 the tuition raise I:st sf - mster. 7o' tr - :nsfer s'aidents ,let the r: de, 1. It m y be - .3-71Jed th't the exper ience of in 7 residence ' - 111 or frfternity benePit -ny stu dent. This rily be true, hut - : the stu dent should 11-:ve - choice of' - hetl , er he .iches to live on cmpus, in Pr ternity or in r , donntor-n 7p,rtment. ti "e -70, 'n editoril in this column pointed out the so-c lied 4 dminiotr-tive inf - llibilittr." This is just nother instrnce of n dmini str?tive miscue or 'zhich students must izy. This n-ticle cs t' ken 'PPE D:ILY Tuesd y, 'Lrch 1, 1959 DR. Yr., , tr Cr ( .7 - 7 ' l ' 0 , G" Y On the eveninr2 or .'ebrury 10, Dr. Philip Youn-, 'ss'ect'ted ith the EnPlish deg, ;'treat 't the Universl.ty c - mrus of the University, sue':e 't the c'tudent Union Luildin- on the sife,ject-- "Ernest I eming nd 1, the urs -nd do\ ns of beim: ' critic." The lecture de - lt ith the rrv:.ny trirls -nd tribul- tions hich Dr. 'l ,--, un t forced to underr7o — hile critic-1 s'.4idy of 'r. yls -- ark. ' , his —7:s due p'. rely to the ct th' t Dr. Younr- hrA never met ';r. rnd p . rtiv du-_ -• to the '.orld--'-m-;us -uthor ts refuss 1 to his permission for 1 - üblicrtion of the ook. Introduction o 2 the s --, e 's n. deb 7 - -ul Thompson, - secon , --enr - sc , oci;te de roe student in electric - 1 tech. The lecture . J , s sponsored by the ;Belles-Lett- es Litr'ry 'society, the 7.ihu . cres C:ll7us L dies :uxili - ry Society, nd y.s - ell - tt nded by npproxim ,- tely one hundred persons. ,;bllO - inc . the lecture, , cfre3hments v'ere s rved the i . n - cre3 C-m us L:dies ice, DI I 't - r ItL April 7, 1960. 7:30 in the 'UD. rreh 29, 1060. mus3d - - evening in the opu f.t, 7:30. For :q - zleton C.mpuc - 2 stud, SSCcT I,PPLICLTIOZ CO'rTraTED: grettly to the student's Avt.ntge to file his ripplicntion once. The re sOts will he reported to the student's Selective Service loc:.l bonrd of juris diction for use in considerinp: his de ferment nos n student. Thursd'y evenlrv - -t For high school stud.