FACULTY INVITED TO DANCE TONIGHT: The Student Government Association of the Hazleton Campus cordially extends an invitation to the faeulty and admin.- istrative paersonnel to attend a dance to be held this evening at 9100 P.M. in the SUB, Music will be by the Chords and refreshments will be served. •0 • 11 /•••••••••••••••40•0•0••••••••001111 DON'T FORGET THE MOVIE THIS MONDAY EVE IN THE 5U8.:...... • IF • A • 0000000 • • • I • VI • i . IREPORTu courn= And then.....the rain came down( This caused the stands to empty -- end at this point Highacres lost a few more of its students. :Francis Sullivan, showing up at the bus an hour late, in— sisted that the parking lot had been moved. A little investigAion proved that Francis had not even been looking for the parking lotl.(Jußt kidding,Frar) Richard Allison and Ronald Reichert covered Main Campus from end to end look ing for the bus. At last the bus driver fouzad theme After rounding up all the members of the contingent, the buses headed for home. As everyone sat in their damp clothing, colds, sinus trouble, sneezing and coughing started. Bus #1 was doing fine when all at once it jerked, sputtered, and slowly rolled off the highway. No gest This was (of course) of no immediate concern to the students in that bus but for some reason it greatly upset the driver. A phone call was placed and in 15 minutes a supp l y o f gas was rushed to the bus and it was on ita way again. The 'buses arrived in Hqzleton at 9:30 and thus a very pleasant trip was concluded. PRESENTED BY COLLEGE ARTS COLLEGE ARTS SOC lETY TO PRE "ENT FILM DEC The second film presentation in this years series of College Arts films will be held on December 7in the SUB. This picture is a Japanese film with English narration. It was created by Josef von Sternberg, famous creator of "The Blue Angel". "AITATARAII" is a postscript to the late Pacific corifiict, based on a fantastic actuary incident that occurred on th 4 island of Anatahan where 20 Japan.- ese sailors and a single Japanese girl held out for 7 years, refusing to believe in Japants defeat. Make plane now not to miss ANATAHAN Monday evening, December 7. FACTUAL REPORT OF RECENT FOOTBALL TRIP TO MAIN Caine% "All aboard" was the cry heard at 7115 A.M. last Saturday as the two buses carrying 82 Highacres students and fac ulty members began itietjourn*rto the Main Ca Opus and the Penn State vs. Holy Cross football 4tmes Things went smoothly on ristte to the campus. Only a few minor details gave some life to the journey -such as losing two or three students at the first coffee stop and another two or three more by falling out of the bus windows. Finally, MAIN =PUS: The bus no sooner stopped when a mad scramble started. Everyone dashed for tips many buildings in search of old friencs. Some did some shopping while a few just wandered about as th7ugh they were lost, When 1:30 P.M. rolled uround it was game time and multit&es were seen headed for Beaver Field. (Fis the game got under way some of our lost friends were still wandering.) Penn State took the lead and held it all the way. The game was very exciting and the half-time show that the Blue Band conducted vas superb. (cont. in left column, this page)