A TOUR OF THE SUB *********4v** Let's take a w.lk to the SUB (Student Union Minding). You know what building .I mean: the new one surrounded by a low stone wall. Upon ent-ring the Suß, you will find ta; your left a small room which is quite popular with the students. The Hi-Fi room is used by many students to listen to Jazz or ju.tt to relax. Directly across the hall from the Hi-Fi room is a counsel room. The cafeteria is the main attract 4 ion to many students and teachers. For many of us, all that is needed to pmcure a nice platter is fifty cents, nevertheless, there is quite a selection of other fine foods, "Hi; Mr. Kidd; Is the school store open?" This is a phrase heard quite often by our congenial Mr, Kidd who is manager of the SUB. He is in charge of the school store located to the right of the cafeteria on the main floor. On the lover fl9Rr of the SUB are a telephone booth, the rest rooms, the lounge(Lion's Den), and the ping pong room, Many students can be found in the lounge either studying or amusing themselves. When walking though you will find students watching tele vision, conversing ) or playing cards or chess. Would you like a gaMe of ping pong :. 2r a candy bar or cigarettes? All these can be found in the large ping pong room. I hope you have enjoyed our tour through the SUB and thanks for coming along. P.S. Occasionally, dances are held in the SUB on weekends. Many new SUB activities are now in the process of being formed. The SUB.is also used in the evening by such groups e m s -the Sorority and the Highacres 11.911ce.Band.___ __ _ i: 'IN L: T ~S 1 NOG.! 1i ii i . z VoTtli „diiiS.,: _ )114 nl.fp :V .4 ( liP oil ( "?..._,,— 714t:SE. DAYS (-- 4 J.,- t.4.e- OM, r:/41f?!..'y 047 kg. ably . ./ . )11 . 51,2 - t o r N 7r, 773 ' 4 *. 4; • s.‘ j‘"*Wil*fer i COLLEGE ?RTS SOCIETY ORGANIZES The Penn State College Arts Society formed again this year at the Hazleton Campus. At its first meeting it selected officers to represent the club: President, Bob Sweeney; Vice-•president, Daniel Doughtery; and Secretary- Treasurer, Barbara Ann Letchko, Future plans include the booking of four films: Hamlet s Arlatahan, c v Monsieur Vincent, and The Bicycle Thief. All are invited to attend. Following the pattern of previous years, no admission will be charged. Dates on which the films are to be held will be posted. The filmnalponen will be shown on November 23rd. COWO TT Ct; 0 itUS The community chorus of the Hezleton C-mpus .- 1.11 hold its next meeting on Tiiesd-y, November 10. Fe- mambers are still invited to join. EIGHT DONORS NEEDED FOR BLOODMOBILE ON NOVEMBER 23RD * * * * * * * * Mrs c , Kostenbeder 'Ashes to inform the students that eight more donors are needed to assure the Hazleton Campus in the blood assurance program this year. Those desiring to donate blood should see Mrs. K in her office to sign up for the bloodmobile on November 23rd. UNICEF THANKS HIGHACRE STUDENTS FOR DONATIONS THAT ?`;ERE GIVEN OVER THE HALLOFEEN HOLIDAY. S ()VA , D TNI AVt< A ill 7 41 . 1 '1n '4 4 v... ' 1 4 7 4 " 4 rt. raßr's Ars r re#o7 I'm or to y oir g i RO4 ti A .t.l.' rt4r: IMPoLtiii Rc 49 8 "1 r . ' ? QM r 4. y o el . onrlie. .i j,:4- 0 . 77 tAi i ~,, v j 1 k 0 it :, . , , 1 -,,• r - .s ? :