David Van Ormer A new member of Highacres' chemis try staff, Mr. David G. Van Ormer, hails from State College, Pa. After graduat ing from State College High School, where he participated in the school band and in class plays, he continued his formal education at P. S. U. in his hometown. Mr. Van Ormer received his B. S. degree in secondary education and is now working towards his Misters in Chemistry. His impressive background in chemistry includes preparing orgcnitt intermediates and doing petroleum re search at University Park. He is doing electrolytic research now. Mr. Van Ormer has taken up residence in Hazleton for this his first year in the teaching profession. He has served two years in the Armed Forces. His ad vice to students is that they take ad vantage of small college atmosphere, for there is a great difference in store for those advancing to the huge Main Campus. Willicra F. Whitby Mr. William Whitby, a new part time instructor in engineering came to us from Uniontown, Pa. Ho was graduated from Uniontown High School, where he enjoyed swimming and the distinction of the Senior Class Presidency. Having graduated from P.S.U. in 1 48 with a B.S. in architecture, he continued studies at Georgia Tech in the field of special ized engineering. In addition to his teaching duties he is affiliated with a local architec tural firm. Adolph Selzer Mr. A. Selzer, a member of the Physics Department at Highacres was born in Stanislivov, Poland. As a young boy he moved to Vienna--in which country he spent 21 years. During that David C. Amidon Mr. Amidon, new addition to the History Department here at Highacres, was born in Mont Clair, New Jersey in 1935. He moved to Lititz, Pa. at the age of eight. According to Mr. Amidon, teaching has been a tradition in his family for three generations. Mr. Amidon states that he loves history and loves to teach it. The subject of his thesis reflects this attitude. It was: "The Progressive Movement in Pennsylvania from 1912-1916." His favorite field, however, is recent American political and intellectual his tory. Mr. Amidon and his lovely wife live in the Benjamin Apartments in Conyngham. They are the proud parents of a 3-month °lc', baby boy: David Walker Amidon. He and his wife both attended Juniata College and both were history majors. MrQ Amidon was a graduate assistant at Penn State. He also studied under the distin guished European historian, Herbert Heaton of the University of Minnesota. Mr. Amidon was formerly affiliated with Local #7OB International Member of Hod Carriers, Builders, and Common Labor ers of America. He also was an ice cream peddler but left this work because he was eating more than he was selling. This is his first semester of full time teaching and he enjoys it very much. He likes this campus and finds its inhab itants most congenial. He believes that a sense of humor in life is imperitive he certainly possesses one. Selzer Interview Cont. time he received a degree in electrical engineering. Mr. Selzer then emigrated tp Israel. He spent 22 years working there in an educational capacity. During his stcys in those countries Mr. Selzer attained an immpecable fluency in the Hebrew, German and French languages Mr. Selzer states that he is very pleased with the Hazleton Campus.