HIGHACRES DIVERSIFIED EXTRACURRICULAR PROGRAM The Hazleton Campus has a very diver sified activity program, as is witnessed by the many outstanding events sponsered by these organizations. An alphabetical list of the orgalizations follows together with the primary events that they sponser and the name of their respective advisor: Belles Lettres Society....Tlighacres' Reading Festival... Andrew Kafka College Arts Society 4-6 movies during year........A. Gordon—ailcox College-Community Chorus—two yearly c0ncert5...........Pearl Garbrick HUl.acres newspaper.—... ..... .Andrew Kafka Parnassus Society Convocation and selection of—Pearl GarbriOX Most Valua queens Frephan &' Sorhomore g Theta Siaa Pi Sorority.—Dlay Day u ball----Eliz. Bodenstein The Belles Lettres Society encourages creative writing, criticized students' work when submitted and analyzes literary compositions for the purpose of examining writing techniques. Plans for this year include another Reading Festival, a cultural tour, talks by several guest speak ers, and discussions on the merits of poems, essays, novels, and short stories composed by members of the society and by professionals. The College Arts Society's primary cultural role at Highacres serves in bringing to the student body outstanding films, both foreign and domestic, which have probably not been seen by the students. For the future, the society has plans for expanding its activities. The sponsering of artistic recitals and lecture series has been given some thought. The College-Community Chorus presents two concerts yearly. The only requirement for membership is an interest in singing. The group is composed of students t faculty and members of the community. They meet once a week for a praatice session. Interest in journalism finds an outlet in participating on the Collegian staff. If you have ever worked on a high school newspaper or if you just like to type, read copy, run a mimeo machine, draw, write or if you are mechanically inclined--this is for you. The fact that all of last year's staff but two have transferred to the Main Campus has left the paper in dire need of workers. If the paper is going to continue new recruits must be found in the freshman class. If you are interested pleasesign the paper on the bulletin board on the 2nd floor of the Main Building. You will then be notified as to the date of the first orgaii zational and introductory meeting. Parnadsus is Hazleton Campus' honor society. As such Parnassus recognizes students for their scholastic achievements and for active part icipation in organized activities. Students are chosen on the basis of their scholarship averages and total number of activity points. They must have completed one or more semesters of college work, earned a 2.8 average and accumulated four activity points per semester. t ~• - ( 11 ) ) e