The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, April 10, 1959, Image 8

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    .Lt the last re.jlr reeting of the
Parnassus Honor Society of the Hazleton
EaLipus the constitution of that orani
zation was aLiended. Because an honor
society reflects the character of its
school, these changes should be of the
utDost interest to each student.
In brief the amendments have made elioibility for membership open
to students 1) havin. coliplated one or more semesters of colleoe wor,
P.) Navin(a minium a]..l-collet ;e averaeof 2.80 with no e;rade below
aC I 3) participatin actively in at least two activities, and having
at lest 3 activity points b: the end of the second semester, 12 by the
end of the third, and 16 by the edd of the fourth.
Elioibility for plodeship for first se .ester students in open to
those Len a - nd , :zol,en who in the jud.e.ent of the faculty are of : .j ood
character, who have a all-univerity averap of 2.80, who have
no :J;rude below a C, and :,ho participate actively in at least two activ
ities, and. who earn at least 4 activity points.
Furthermore a Parnaus :.dvisory Committee has been instit!lted to
=mine the ac...da - ,:ic record of each candidate for meADership and pledre
shi-0 and to pass jud:,ement on any facult7 veto of a candidate.
Under the )rovisions of the new Parnassus constitution a . ceuber
whose all-university averat:o falls Belo'.:` the I,ini:Lu dverage required
for neLibership or whose activity point: total falls below the required
Llii.,w shall be ;put on probation for one neester. If his averane or
points is act riJed to the . Ainiu::l recuired for enibersl:iip by the end
of that period, the near shall be drod, fror: the . society.
The entire student body of the Hazleton Cal,lpus participated in the
May Day Election, sponsored b: the Theta Si; ma Phi Sororit , on Larch
17, in :.hick sophomore, 01q;a Markus, was selected. May queen. Freshman,
Carolyn ',faskevich,was elected Maid of Hbnor.
Sophomores attendin Miss harhus at the coronation to be held on
SaturOay May 16 will be Z.nna Jean Stebniteky, Marlene Ferrari, Frances
tilerpshav Pauline ';:ushma, Bonnie Schechterlm and Eleanor Svok. Fresh
man attendin the queen will be Bererly Deriiko, Barbara Pace, iv,nn Marie
Colanuecco, Cecelia Tolerico, and Marlene O'Holla. MeLlbers of the hem
lock chain will be LnL;ie -ssi, Can l_ckerman, Nancy fradney, Karen Snyder
Eileen Du an, Celia Kalinouki, Jaccueline Lutz, Carol Ostroff, Adeline
Schuacher, Sally Smith, Catherine Casper, Joan Deßalso, Patricia Filipek
Edl.:ina Roland and Joan Yencho.
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The ColleL:e -rts Society of the Hazleton Carpus held the last , ovie
o± the series of + fla.ed for IcsB-59 on pril 7. The show, Ineruder
La the Dust was well attended and enjoyed by all. Many thanks to this
zroup for the excellent hours of entertainAent they have provided for the
students of Hinhacres.
Olga 1 . -lark - us Naried. May Queen
Collee arts Society
- - 11 -. LN,