Penn State Engineer Russian Issue February 1959 Writing Papers for Readability - J, SO Filden Mechanical Engineuring A. Adams Spring Myths and Miracles New York Times Magazine March 22, 1959 R. Neville Pope John Hrpers, 19 59 William S. Whibe Mac Loish and the 80--ken Major Harpe W J. Wittreoch Visual Pre2ption ancl Personality L . ;cientific finierican April 1959 Brozil Builds a New Capitol - Fortune 1959 - Fortune )4 i ' P. T. White The Inoredible Helicopt3r National Gcographic April 1959 How the 7rest was Won - M. J. Pusey F. D, R. vs, the Supreme Court ILmerican Heritage April 1959 Some Old Fashioned Epitaphs Lmerican Heritage 1959 Robert Frost Master Convrsationalist at 7ork Saturday Review of Litraturrz: March 21, Thorton Tilder The Notation of the Heart American Scholar Spring 1959 Lrchibolci tiacLAsh Interprotition of tho Book of Job Library Journal January 1959 R. DoVinnoy (Wilkes-Barre Contr Faculty Member) - Yanks, Todays' Speech - B. Bittelhum Joey; A 'Mechanical Boy Scientific American March 1959 Soviet Arms and Germany Unity Foreigh Affairs April 1 C. Rossiter Our T , To Groqtast Presidents Americ ,, n T.:3ritage Uebruary 1959 H. H. Smith Pioneers in Petticoats Amc:rican Heritage February 1959 A.pril 6, 1959 Life