from The Daily Collegian Student Body at Main Campus was .00 Years Old on Feb 6 17, 1959..4. It was 5545 A.L one hundred years ago on February 17, 1859 that 69 teenage students arose to begin the educational program of the Farmerts High School of Pennsylvaniao When these students arrived by stage on February 16, 1859,01 d Main was the first and almost only building they saw. At that time only the west wing and curtain were standing. 'these housed la boratories, class rooms, and living quarters for the students. A rebuilt Old Main on the site of the original building still serves faculty and students as the offi cial headquarters for administra tive activity. Students 100 years ago had a chem class at 6 A.Mol They were also required to do manual labor-- the amount of which helped to de termine their clss standing. One member of the first group of stu dents describes the type of labor asB "loading manure, cleaning stables, chopping wood, picking, loading and hauling stone...." Rooms were furnished as follows; "We have a double cottage bed, four chairs, a nice cherry table, a bureau with a swinging glass to it, "---) / a spittoco, match box, dust pan brush, a fine Closet s a pitcher tumbler to drink out 0f...." There were no toilet accomodations in the building, and the only water supply was a cistern in the north cur— tain area, and a spring at the eot end of the campus. In order to apply for admission to the school, a student had to present evidence of good moral character. Liquor, card playing, and the possession of cards on campus was forbidden. The first graduating class had 11 members. Iheir scholatitic average in present-day terms included 6 "Anis e 3 "Bills, and 2 "Cdvs. The class or iginally had 17 members but 4 left be. 4 cause of illness and 2 withdrew short ly before graduation to join Sherman on his march through Cieorgia• The All University Cabinet heard a report by Steven Ott, chairman of the committee on center—campus integration ) on Feb. 12. Among other things, Mr. Ott said that visiting students from centers and campuses may be able to attend football games and other outdoor events on Campus--possibly at half—price* Students might be able to also attend artist and lecture series events held in the Recreation Building. r/ S 1 '-,--‘ I \.•.. 1/..-/' Kalinowski Center—Campus Report Heard.. ••0 ****** 00° edited