HIGHACRES COT IRGIAN I HATE CASANOVA CLOD Wt:ron in't good for nuttin...7oll, nu - :tin much ~ :nrqty. By dtt, I men nutin so/id...like r good huntin dcwg whet youse c... 4 hunt bolds wit. You can oet boids...or sell dem...but what does wirarnen give you? tell youse... nutin; nuttin wit o big N yet,..nittin dei; is sept trouble; dat's trouble wit e big T too. Some peoples soya I is predijuiced LgAnst wimmen...or sumpin like dot... but they is wrong.. .dead wrong, I tint predijuicod rgrinst nuttin...l oven likes English tree (3), rn drt BonutifUl New Student Union Building, rn de Zool. 10), rn communists rn even believers. Like I says, I ain't►. predijuiced vgPinst nuttin...lt's just drt I knows wimmen inside rn out rnd I hates every bit of dem. Dey is rotten ell de wry trn. Dey c-nit even pl , n hryi-ridos, or put lip-stick on strright, or put eye brow pencil on straight, or put on ten-dey press on nails straight, or keep their hair straight, or drink liquor strrigo or auttin like drt. Not only is dey rotten, but dey is also stupid tpo. pa most stupid guy in de hole woild (inclwin McAdoo) could give 60% of his intellect, .to de sharpest goil in du hole weild, an he would still be ten times sharper tgq. she epuld ever be. Dot's cause his intellect is so much superior den anyting wit e female tag on it, and potatoe chips and talk about cars the weather sports the nation old times end new times I remember WIMMEN FRIDAY ,___NOVEN Yech s Like I soy, wimmen is for nuttin. Incidentally, like, if any vin't fixed up wit a date f Bell en wants to go pretty up to da Collegian Office big Clod. I ain't bin able up a Boil yet. I wonder 'th SUNDAY VISIT I remember Shirt sleeves and back-porch and summer Sunday afternoons, Fried chicken and a cigarette and talk about the weather sports the nation old times and new times And the warm lazy sun filling the late autumn grass. I remember evening tired, happy voices of grandchildren Night in the kitchen around the table Beer F •E•SULL