The Highacres collegian. (Hazleton, PA) 1956-????, December 19, 1958, Image 6

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Once---A long time ago---about three
months age---I enjoyed the interesting,
but wallet killing, pastimes of discology
and hi fidelititus. I c'elleected, bought,
'acied, and stole records. I lived and
tithed for sound and music. I thought
it was the very essence of life. MY
collection of ultra—hi—fi African bird
calls was unequaled in North—Eastern
Pennsylvania. I had the only recording
in existence of a student (unidentified)
beating his brains out on the steps of
ad Main after flunking three blue books
in as many hours. I had everything ever
composed by Beethoven, Bach, Mozart,
Chopin, The Russian Five, Eric Walker,
',Richard Melicronio. Maybe I didn't
:lave anything else, but at least I had
6' ouncl o
Actually, I didntt need anything else.
With my stares unit with twin 100 watt
amps, German pre—amps, balanced Swedish
speakers, ultra—professional turntable,
and Danish modern blonde double bail •
•eflex cabinets, I was sitting on top
of the world. No one could touch me.
I was the original cool boy. There was
just me, the machine, and the records.
I was really confidant that I truly
appreciated music.
Then, heaven forbid, I took Music 5.
Three days a week I get up at 7:45 so
I can get to an 8:45 Music `appreciation
Class. This really starts things off
great. The second big stopper comes when
I see the size of the c1a55...40 people
irLa class room big enough for only 25.
As a wal—known local boy, G. V 7. recently
obscrtred, at the end of a lecture, this
place is like a gym after a basketball
Now, to top the heap, did you ever Verdi,
or Wagner, or Mozart, or (God Forbid)
Beethovan at 8:45 in the morning. There
isn't any better way to spend an evening
than with these follows and a girl (They
don't crowd a guy's style one bit).
However, gettingback to the subject
by Tone Deaf
8:45 in the morning is no time for
music...any kind of music...but
especially long-hair music. That's
like drinking scotch at 8:45 in the
morning. I don't have anything against
scotch. In fact, I think it grog t..
in the evening...but not at 8:45 in the
17011, as I said, I once liked music.
I once liked sound. I once liked the
world. No more.
Christmas Recess... Friday, Dec. 19,
4155 PM to Monday, Jan. 5, C:45 AM
Parnassus Initiation... Thursdayp Jan.B
Community Concert (Zeitlin)...Saturday s
Jan. 10
Fall Semester Classes Jan. 14,
4:55 PM
Final Exams Beginit,,Jan. 15
Entrance Exams.,o4,Jan. 17, 900 AM
Final Exams End...Jan* 22
Fall Semester Ends... Jan. 23
Spring Semester Registration Begins...
A crow lifts its wings E.E,S•
and flies.
It is black,
a spot on the horizon.
Far Off at all turns, E.E.S•
Nothing but a waste,
An eternal plane,
Of everlasting nothing,
Cr.ma3pli 20. 1 195 b