FRIDAY STUDENT COUNCIL MEETS Your student council held a meeting Friday, Oct. 31, 1958 and took care of seve— ral matters which were at hand. A special meeting was mentioned for a later date to take up a budget matter and special pressing affair which must be clean— ed up before progressing much further. The council voted funds to pay for the "Sadie Hawkins" Dance along with funds to send the five chosen &embers and Mr. Ma*tern to Hershey to attend the Junior College Conference as is done every year. They will attend this function Nov. 7'th and Hith and probably will give an account of what was learned to this paper upon their r return. A financial set of rules was acted upon and a copy will E , Well, there it is. Besides be forthcoming to all depen- Everyone n round here seems the obvious intellectual dent organi*ations in the ito know what he is doing. .values, it serves economic near future. Any derivations fttlhat v'e need is a little purposes s well. Black from these rules will be the iorganiv-d confusion. Now, ;jerseys are the cheap - :st responsibility of the advisors;we still have a chance to ;things imaginable, and look of the separate organizations. bring this &lout, but time ;very attractive dressed up ;is running out fast. with a colorful black scarf The campus now officially has t a "Dance Band," The group iWe have all heard of the t. So let's hear some U has been recognized as an 'Beat Generation, Bats for us ioned voices on this sub , extra- curricular activity a short, Well to be pro- ject, and perhaps we can of the campus and may look operly beat, you must be- ; confiscate i cellar in the forward to being well received ;long to a small group. new Ctudent Union Building by the Student Body in general4However, at the last count,;********** - km ,(- ** 1 ; - *** 4888 '' 'the membership was rising SKINS THEY LOVE TO TOUCH?, :rapidly, so that soon this :exclusive group may deter- *Elephant: "Though mother aorate in quality rom over 4 raay be short on arms !population, and will pro- :her skin is full ;bably have to get a char- LOf warmth and charms Ater as a national organ- And ~other' touch a.zation, like the Mickey !on baby's skin ilouse Club. s&,dears the heart that beats within. !********, -*************** The House Rules Committee reported that thay spent a lot of time and energy c cleaning up "MC" hall and council wishes that the students using this butluling would appreciate their efforts and help keep it clean. HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN ;Incidentally, we would appreciate it if the !person who "borrowed" our stop-watches would please return them, as they are needed for the ;basket—ball games. If we want to get in, whilc the Beats are still boPt, we must quickly organizo a Highacres Chapter. We woul not, of course encourage pseudo-intellectuals, in tellectuals,; non -intellco - It_is,4 shame and a tuals or c56-intellectualsl digrkde to our ig This is strictly for the stUdent body that all 1 genuine Beats. To qualify the decks of cards were as a Beatnik, a few things ruined (shaved and marked) lam necessary a clear, and also the chess and !direct pronunciation of the ,cthecker sets. It is your words "beat", "man", and 4 money; if you want to "cool", with a few pronouns 'waste it go ahead* adverbs etc for variety. P P A black jersey will also be required together with i a hopeless, desolate look. The safest policy for mem ibers to follmy would be 'not to express too many ideas on anything, but to t gather with a --Ty eye out ifor innovations and just t let everything remain cm / fortable beat. Other financial matters were discussed and acted upon at this meeting, but they came under the ;general run of business i.and are& t worth talking about at this time. CONFUSION ANYONE? b ont. NOVEMBER CONFUSION, CONT. by MO