~~~`S~s~~_~ x~~r~ COTALDO SPEAKS The Cadets from West Point chalked up their second decisive victory of the season by way of a 26-0 trouncing of Fenn State, Coach Rod Blaik ing, one of tho best ArmY teams of re'" cent years, stuck to his new Bazooka formation and really made it pay off. In Coach Blaik's new formation the end is so far from the tackle that he doesn't even come in for the huddles. Pete Dawkins was the offensive star for Amy ' as he garnered two TX's. Bob Anderson and Bob Carpenter also scored with the latterls coming on a 55 y...ard pass play from quarterback Ted Caldwell., Carpenter is the fam ous end in the new formation. Although the score is rather one-sided, it is not a true indication of State's ability. This can be explained by Army's exceptional team and their very unorthodoxical forMation. * * *,*.*.4l.*.*.*.*,*.* * *.*.*.*.* • * * * ROUTS MARALE TE kcivitqa;44kM. Before a homecoming crowd of 22,800, the NittanY Lions ran roughshod over the Marquette Hilltoppers. Bruce Gilmore, who was plagued by injuries all last season, opened the scoring for State on a 10 yard burst. He also closed the scoring in the 4th quarter on a 1 yard leap. Richie Lucas continued to be one of Statels op men as he scored on a 49 yard pass play and on a 1 yard jump, following the recovery of a fumble. Richie Lucas , who started it all, ended it in the third quarter on an off Dave Kasperran also continued to shine tackle play for the final T.D. for State. He scorod on a pass play following an interception. Don Jonas kicked too extra points and Penn Stalets scoria was rounded out two more were made by the passing of g a by Jim Kerr, who scored on a 44 yard j. cks to Jonas, dash following an interception. FRIDAY OCTO State ma de good 3 of 6 extra point attempts. Two wore kicks to bon Jones, and once Lucas ran over for the two points. The lone score for Marquette came in the third period when Pete Hall went over from the one. He tacked on the 2 other points on a keeper from the three. State rambled off 284 yards rushing, whereas Marquette had the amazing fir+ ure of 23. The latter was almost the equivalent of Penn State's first downs which were 19. PENN STATE CLUBS BOSTON UNWERSITY A bruising ground Attack plus a t.ght 'RBS defense were just too much for the boys from B.U. With Richie Lucas mixing up his plays neatly, the Lions went 69 yards in 14 plays with the opening kickof4 l4 icbozak diving over from the two. State showed that the first drive vas no fluke, going 80 yards in 16 plays for a second T.D. Lukas clicaxed this one by going over from the one. The top thrill of the afternoon was cane when Payne Berfield, a trnnsfer from Miami of Florida, intercepted a pass and ran 98 yards for a score. The Nittany Lions rerent t th9PCINOIYet however, a few plays later dick Hoak scored on a 36 yard right end sweep. Fool • - A.-**.**********Mf - Wg - kif* our cars for the winter months