HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN DIRECTIONS: The first five questiens are of the completion type. The last one is e73say question. Do any thirteen. Use your cwn discretion here. Either pen r in UJe your own discretion. Time allotments use Mir own discretion. What is the calorie content of a brussel sprout after five days in the nob s t weeke in pure mineral water s and four months under the open sewer? YES 26 Are you healthy? FIVE 3 Should you sleep at night with yoUr Windows Cpen? AN AMERICAN. IDC NO BELIEVE IN THAT KIND OF .THING. What is the most dreaded disease in America today? CIGARETTE HANGOVER 50 Mhat are the thitteen preliminaft , symptom a St e Vitus Dance? I REFUSE TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION ON THE GROUNDS THAT MY ANSWER MIGHT TEND TO INCRIMINATE THIS IS A STERLING EXAMPLE OF WALL STREET ROBBER BARONS DISTORTING THE OBJECT OF THE PEOPLES GOVERMENT OF AMERICA. 6. What is your purpose in taking this ecurset Ds not like course..." do not believe in healthy bodies. I am aetual4 electrical engineering. Have been in the wrong course. all semester. Adviser got schedules mixed. My name in net Ludlow Slimeheade It is Alfred Slimehea Woulo like to get back in electrical engineering. This is fine course. Are fine course.. I like this course very much. It is the met interesting cours I have ever had. Weuld like to get back in electrical engineering* My name not Ludlow Slimehead• It is Alfred Slimehead. Ito not believe in healthy qiett are menua:ll 111. cltlioasUr ;lea bodiee. 11 dear have tett StAlated tbg3 attaptets ites3o Itregaet VA 110114 not be in your present, 0:100.101a0 te e fiv Ism tor a etpplete lack AsoGtif cea6er, iti the HYQThNE BLUEBOOK FRIDAY SMMW3ER 2 pre••