11: . 6 JWIIMIMMg_e)A IicGTIP,GA-NT Perhaps you have noticed a new face in the Ic;ol'storeo For the benefit of these rho the bookstore and ask eagerly if . .buir books have come in yet, the cone,en— fll young man rho says no is kr. keGurgan. kcOurgan, a rocent 1958 graduate of State, will be in charge of the new Ltu , 3ent union when it is co&pleted. After graduatinb fro= North Cntholio High in Pittsburg, Lr. LoGurgan entered the harine Corp. He spent 1.4 months in the Far East Command rhere he held the posi.. tion of staff sergeant. Later he entered Penn State vhero he majored in Hotel Administration. kr. ivicCeurgan resides Fit 332 rest Spruce St. in Hazleton rith his lAfe Carmen and his two sons Dennis, q ; ed 20 months, end kiichliol, 6 weeks. ********* * * * * * * * * * FrIGHACRi3S NEWEST GAME Frisby.That's the name of the game that the sophomore boys are olnying these days If you wondered what the boys are throw%- around lately that is shnped like a fly.- lag saucer,it's called a nfrisby* • While attending their summer course at the campus this year, they were introduc— ed to this fascinating college game. For these whO havennOt seen the game yet, it is played in the garden inside the stone wall. J ou are welcome to watch at any time Lessons will be given on the firbt Tues— day after the last MOndaY in October. MO NAILER DANCE CANCELLED I know all you observant people noticed its announcement of a dance to be held in the YWCA tonight. Well, those 0,01, .tarzy, confused "tlf, Namers" have done it ,gafx. They were laughing so hard they dE-1 - I.ded not to hold their dance this week. lt 15111 be head Oct. 3 instead. Frances rerpshaw FRIDAY SEPT The Night Train Comes Thundorlusly. A tumultuous rclt— and steel .trEcks Break the darkness. The Black is pierced, Filled with smoke, Cut end shattered. The Night Train rumbles The Night Train Rumbles 0n..... 111211213 * * * ASSIST. &.ART EDITOR J * ASSOCIATE EDITOR.... N * TYPIST... •. . ... " * REPORTERS.. F. WERPSHA * ADVISER. P ***ii-5,4-iHBHi*********ii-k***iB ir s ..`""fer HOw M rE GoiNC, to GA RUSSIA, SYaiNG MAN IF kilo youQ. tOk.3cPlitoov THIS