HIGRACRT.S CO COLLEGE MS The college arts society is not a particularly active group here. Their major contribution to college life is their program of classic films which is presented each season. Since we now have a Student Union at our disposal, the College Arts Society may become pore active in college life this season. Professor . Gordon viileox is advisor to this group. * ******** * * * * * * * * * * * This group is tied to the ROTC program in many ways, even though you need not be a member of the troop to join it (=AY girls do). Unfortunately, we think this club has had it , We can find no one to give instructions in this fine old art. If there are air former Service men or foreign college flUnk-outs Who have been trained in this sport, make yourself available to the ROTC boys and save this club. *********** * * * * * * * * * * _7lr9 Every girl who attends this institution joins the sorority. They sponsor the annual May Day pagent and dance, and generally make life more bearable here. Mrs. Bodenstein is the well-liked advisor to the girls. *********** * * * * * * * * * * This organisation is composed of hearty young men oho efejtor getting up at the crack of dawn and tramping all over the wet and muddy drill field. The unit appoare in local parades and carrion the name of our campus to fame, sometimes. Percales do not generally join this unit. Intereeted bOye will be courted into the group by the officers and their cohorts. *********** * * * * * * * * * * This Informal organisation meets regular] at Rossi's. The members are g i eWatlar a jovial carefree lot, tosecmisented. M.,.,,,T.,... Gr. ..1... ..r (ILIA; Most flunk-outs ore menhor4 , o this ******* * * * * * * GREETINGS PROM la p KOSTOS ON BEHALF OF THE CAMPUS FACULTY AND STAFF, I WISH TO EXTEND A WARM VELCOME NOT ONLY TO TAB SOPHOMORES, BUT ESPECIALLY TO THE BEGINNING FRESHMEN. YOU ARE HERE TO HEX IN YOUR POST-HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION* THE vicuur AND STAFF WILL DO TAR UTMOST TO HELP YOU ACHIEVE THIS GOAL. IT WILL CALL ?O1 SERIOUS EFFORT ON YOUR PART, BUT WE BELIEVE THAT YOU ARE CAPABLE AND WILL SUCCEED. la, * * * * * * 17E ALL SINCERELY HOPE THAT THIS WILL BE THE SCANNING OF A or RE* 11ARDING neratarcrs. ********** * * * * * * -X- * FIGHT! FIGHT I FIGHT I. FIGH DON'T GIVE UPI . I DON'T GIVE UPI.;! FIGHT I FIGHT! FIGHT! FIG FIGHT 1 FIGHT' STAFF... * COEDITORS* Tom Maxwell * - F.E. Sullivan * MOW-- The Capable * Protein:tor Andrew Kafka SWAN TT :4; EDIT ON BEST WISHES, FRANK C . KOSTOS