IIHACRES COLLEGIAN PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, MATHEMATICS, ASTRONOMY, AND NATURAL PHENOMENA... A COMPARATIVE COURSE FOR ALL ENGINEERS AND SCIENCE MAJORS. 17th WEEK EXAMINATION Section One... True and False. If the statement is true, put down a "T." If the statement is false : put down an "S." If you dOn't know, " 1. If an impedance mismatch of several percent is of little consequence so far as power transfer to the antenna is concerned, why is this question being asked? _IL 2. If the valence of potassium nitrate is 302 and the temperature very high, what is the current price of the human body on the open 3. How high is up? 4. Are you cheating on this test? 5. If thermodynamics is what makes thermos bottles practical, and is what makes aero practical, a body of air contained in a thermos a 11Scarab.fl 6. All the professors in the liberal art school aro named "Scarab." 7. You are named "Scarab." 8. You are named "Glotz.t, 9. The student sitting next to you is named "Crone Dueller." 10. Now are you cheating? 11. that is the name of a vital body fluid? 12. that did the last little piggy ery all the vay home? 13. If a condenser-input filter is used to boost the output voltage to 600 under load, what is the load? Thisßluebook 14. That is the natural function of a secant as opposed to the natural function of the student sitting next to you? 15. After 45 years, what is the amount filter 75 yards long and 1 inch thick? Section Two... Completion 3. think Illy professor in this course is The nano of gy textbook isScera at compound interest on a condenser—input r a NICE GUY . LAY 2 1958 of the sun is ,5 market t 5 aerodynamics bottle is called -.Jl. ct -- Brr .P, S 1"J