HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN FENCING CLUB MEMBERSEIP CAMPAIGN Students have been asking more and more abaut the rencing Club. This interesting organization, the second newest An the campus (the newest being the Belle—Littres); has not been exceedingly active this semester. However, with the coming of spring a renewed interest in the club is expected, and Jack Sotack, senior instructor, along with the cadet officers < of the A.F.R.O.T.C. id opening a campaign for new mvmbere. All persons interested in learning this romantic sport are r..q requested to visit Squadron Headquarters and fill out membership blanks (it doesn(t hurt a bit), An additional incentive, on the part of the A.F.R.O.T.C. cadets, for joining is the fact that merits (those things that counter—act demerits) are given for altiv-. membership. Now lets all hurry down tb Sq. Hdq. and sign up before the quoto 's filled and the drive is closed. * * * * * * * * r r 4., 4 * * * * * * * * * ANOTHER RESEARCH BUREAU FIRST The HIGHACRES Research Bureau, an affiliate of the COLLEGIAN, is, as you know, always searching for better and easier ways to do everything through all methods, including dishonest ones. Being a privately financed organization, it does not often come into the eye of the general publie. However, recent enperiments are sure to give this association its due credit. These experiments are, in one sense, revolutionary. On the other hand, in another sense, they really aren't, in fact they're boring. Unfortunately, the results of these experiments are not available to the general public at this time, althOugh they are being discussed on every street earner, however, the information is available to al ctilOvnikc and faculty members Cleared through th.cs Student Council sub—eommittee on the investigation of sUbversives and ratholes, headed by that brillant,professor of home economics., Mr. K.Q.Bishop. We think MAY 2 1958 this information is worth the trouble of betng cleared, but we arenit sure, for none of us up here were cleared. ********* * * * * y* * * ART EXHIBIT WILL BE DISPLAYED HERE An exhibit of paintings by the members of the Art and Art Education faculties at the Main CamPliz will open next week at the Hazleton Art League galleries* Co...sponsered by the Hazleton Art League and us, the exhibit will open at a private preview from 2 to 4pm Sunday, a 4th. The exhibit will open for public viewing from 7 to 9pm Monday, Maysth, through Friday, May9th, and from 2 to 4pm Saturday, May 10th, Refreshments will be served at the private viewing. The exhibit will consist of about 20 paintings in both oils and water. This exhibit has been shown through• - out the states Recent exhibitions hav been held at the Ogontz campus, at the Unitarian Church in Pittsburgh, and at the ahriodtAmpus. ArrarTements for the exhibit have been made by a joint committee comprised of members of the Art Le4g . : and our 'faculty. Mrs Riohard Bigelt:w of the Art League and Professor P:J:" D. Peightal are .o.—shairmen of the committee* Assisting with arrangements are the College Arts Society with John Be: student president ) and A t Gordon VOL:;c faculty advisor ) and our Library committee, with Professor Peightal as chairman. ***Bl DON'T GIVE UPII., 'i- , 4***WkWf 4 'A-*******3A - 3ii; -