HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN HIGHAC RES THROUGH THE EYES OF K,Q g BISHOP FLAGPOLE SABOTAGED The stars**&-stripes have not been seen flying over HIGHACRES for several months. Informed sources are saying that several AFROTC cadets sabotaged the flagpole;* HIGHACRES GONE TO THE DOGS? Attention administration, a dog placement agency is being run out of the girls lounge. Don't let this thing get out of hand } NO PARKING COMMITTEE Rumors state that there is* at the moment, no parking committee here at HIGHACRES. Hove fun while it lasts all you illegial parsers« BOTANY OR CHEMISTRY ? I'd like to know who the smart guy is who watered the plants in the !i Zoo lab" with f urmaldehyde „■ I know the man must be dedicated to science, but if he had only come to mem I could have told him that plants receive no beneficial affects what-so-ever from furmaldehyde. DO GIRLS BELONG IN CHEM LABS? Hats off to Sandra Rimm for an intern- es ting and educational experiment in the Friday Chem 2B lab. Seriously., we are all thankful that she was not seriously injured. After all, if she were incapaci tated, even temporarily, many of us would fail miserably. Her guiding hand keeps us out of the dark in chemistry and calculus* -jj. i/ K # # 4;- ft ft ft -X- ft ft ft ft ft ft ft VALENTINE TOMFOOLERY Three of our Hazleton Center instructors were not forgotten on February 14th, - St, Valentine’s Day. Attorney Cohn rec eived a lovely card from a "Mr, Tanner", author of the Pennsylvania Business Law textbook used in Commerce 30—31* Prof. Longo received greetings from "Mr. Filene", by John Zisek a Boston merchant who is well known to students of Marketing* As a crowning jester, Mr, Peightal was the recipient of salutations from "Fergy and Mac", conferred nicknames of the authors of a Political Science textbook. Please note - These cards were all postmarked Hazleton, Pa. By a process of deductive reasoning, the villain was narrowed down to a Business Administration Student. However, due to a normal guilty composure, an innocent, but discriminating student was credited with masterminding this brilliant plan* Note to above instructors - Mike Tomai will probably plead the fifth Amendment if questioned, Mike was the sole pro moter of this chef-d’oeuvre. ■» ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft -ft ft NOT FOUND ON ATOMIC CHART from Scranton's CUB’S ROAR Name ? I’omen SyruDol? WOW 1 Seespied Atomic Height! 12D Occurrence»“ Found' wherever man exists, seldom in free state. Physical Properties! Boils at nothing, lnsy~ireeze at anything; melts when properly treated* Chemical Properties* Very active, poe- ssesses great efiinroy lor gold; silver, platinum, precious stonesj violent re action when left alone,; able to absorb great quant ites of expensive food, tur- ns green when placed next a better looking specimen* Uses* Highly ornemental, useful as tonic for low is probably the most powerful reducing agent known* Caution! Highly explosive* Variations! All present-day models are isotopes of origins] Eve. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft A COLLEGE CALENDAR Reglu^/atiojj Matriculation Dissipation Elminiation FEB. 28, 1958