HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN THE FABLE OF MR* FUNK Although Mr* Funk* author of the above mockery of correct grammar, makes his living by writing, it is not advisable to go along with every thing he has to say in his article. I agree with Mr* Funk that, in speaking, there are times when conversational grammar is preferred over formal grammar. However, vulgate (illiterate and slangy) grammar, such as '■nui't" and double negatives, are never proferred® Words, like clothing, must bo appropriate. A green bow tie does not go with a full dress suit, nor is a tuxedo appropriate on a golf course* Choose your grammatical forms according to the situation at hand. You’re not being a snob if you use correct grammar wnen you’re speaking to the garbage collector, but you would be labeled as quite a bumpkin if you used ’’ain't" and double negatives when speaking to a college professor. I don’t wish to disagree with Mr* Funk’s writing, but I certainly can’t agree with him that volgate grammer may, in some situation, be considered good grammar. In the American TT eekly Mr* Funk was referred to as an"expert", however, he miserably flunked an eighth-grade grammar test which he himself prepared* If that’3 the way experts are graded, it seems that I may be considered to be an expert too* Incidentally, Mr# Funk is also the author of "It Pays To Increase Your Word Power" for Readerb Digest* One more item which Mr* Funk bvei’.ght up in his article is that he is of the opinion that all the old textbooks, along with the words correct and incorrect should be thrown out" the window# I believe that,lf Mr# Funk practiced what he preaches, he would not have become the recognized author that he ia today# Personally, I don't have anything against old man Funk, I just want to know who’s J the guy that invented "who and whom!' by Gene Tihansky W ; ' AVI ( \ y \ s J j \ dimi) It Ha ve I T' T 7 Vow I \y ! Heard] fp I , Thc Go Latest GOSSIP INCORPORATED By Bee”"and Jay Well, here we are <*—— finally. It was pretty rough, but we made it. We’ve had plenty of time to try and dig up slander, so adjust your contact lenses and see the results. First of all we want to wish our new major of R.0.1.C., Bob Parsons, a lot of luck with his herd of airmen. (He’ll need itj) Fe realize that all the birdmen are sadt'ly disappointed because they can wear their uniforms only once a week- —-—but that's the breaks of the game. By now I guess you all know that this column is under new management. The reason for this is that due to difficul ties beyond her control "Linda" decided to bug out to the Campus while the "bugging" was good. In other words, she was told to get out of town. The absence of some other people who "chickened" out and. went to the Campus, has also been noticed. (Especially by a certain fewl) "' e hear by way of the grapevine that a certain drummer around school -has been seen lately with a blond majorette from H.H.S. Also in the romance department, there seems to be something developing between a certain miss from Coaldale and a guy from Stroudsburg. Feb. 28, 1958