Joe comes from Hazleton...has a sense of umor that will always be remembered.... Popular with both sexes...ability to get along with people assures Joe success... His future holds a position at Dupont as a draftsman. Johnny can always be found in the drawing r00m....He often repeats the expression, "If you say 50..." John's pet peeve is Bob Oleyar's laugh. Friendly, good-natured in Chorus, Fencing, Photography, and R.O.T.C....rates music tops and hopes to graduate from Penn State Campus as a music teacher...predicts death from eating too much. Best disposition at Highacres...member of Theta Sigma Pi Sorority, and the College Arts Society Irish is a native of Summit Hill...future. plans include medical technologist at Lancaster General... She includes skating, photography, and embroidery as hobbies. A quiet lad from Hazleton Heights...very interested in hunting and swimming. He may often be heard asking, "What are you going to do when the well runs dry?" Larry's pet peeve is beer in cans... Lots of luck, Larryl Friendly miss...truly fulfilled office of president of the Theta. Sigma Pi Sorority...member of Parnassus Honor Society...excells in all studies... plans to be medical technologist at the Hazleton State Hospital... Mar y's favorite expression is, "I'm snowedJ" Tommy's main gripe is studying.. .maybe that is because he is a family man... Tom has accepted a job offer from Bobwick and Wilcox, Scranton... "You'd better believe itl",is a characteristic statement from Tommy. John Lukca "Johnny" Richard A. Maggio "Richie" Veronica Eleanor Mantz "Irish" Lawrence Martini "Larry" Mary Monica Merker "Monica" Thomas J. Mlasgar " Tom"