HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN w ism Well, you all, this lasi week has dlaappeared like the fifth toe of the four coed; bamboo-eating zebra* (Not ex-ac-a tie—aly a zebra, but something more like a sort of prehistoric horse) During this last week I have wittnessed quite a few of my little fans madly dashing hither and yon toward the old homestead to retrieve those— shall I say,kindly— non-passing marks* Surprisingly enough, I passed all of ye ole torturous subjects. How about that? (Eds. note— AMAZINGI) I hear by my underground contacts, namely the Rat Association), that we are to have another dance* Right* Rightl I daro say that I hope the little deal will break the ice before Thanksgiving. How aboyt you all? See ya there guys and dollsl I hope that you were all at the movie on ye ole campus last Monday night* I enjoyed it greatly from my vantage point under the edge of the rug. (Eds. note- That guy who was under the rug with you seemed to enjoy the movie too) It really was very unusual (’Maybe I should say "different") ©f course, it wasn't anything like our good old "Qld-Time"movies, but then "variety is the spice of life" and I just happen to like living a spicy life. Honestly though, I think that it was a good Linda Lovely November 26, 1957 Guess that this little varmit had better creep back into the sewer until the festivities at Thankgiving begin, See ya. Oh yes, one more small detail before I crawl away* For those of you that di dr. understand the "P. 3» M in my .'.asu s;aj .C\& sheet, it happened to refer 'bo John. Allan Bodnar, who at a very tender age was blessed with curly hairs ByeeeeeeeeeeeeSl P.S, Comment on editors note of the last paper. Whose idea was the whole deal? ffmrnmmmmimiffliinmm? Editors Note Congratulations Lin, a recent survey has shown that your column is the most hated one in the paper* To all yon nice people who have been sending us letters about herj DON'T send us any more, they all say the same thing. CHESS TOURNAMENT Although not many students are aware of the fact, there is, even now, a hot battle being waged to determine the 1957 chess champion here at Highaeres* The prize which belongs to the winner is priceless and well worth the fight, but cannot be disclosed at present* If you are an expert at checkers, pin ochle, or fingers, do not apply. Only bona fide chess players are eligible, and if any would like to enter this contest, there is still time* Just give your name to Mrs* K, whom you all know, and who is sponsoring this tournament. Although it promises to be a close and determined contest, we hope there will be no violence or bloodshed as we tensely follow the progress of this championship fight*