THE HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN HEALTH Nt;WS continued The Bloodmobile has received excellent volunteer response from Highacres* The quota is within striking distance* However, anyone else who wishes to contribute may do so by contacting the nurse* Asian Flu* If we observe the best rules of health and outlaw fear, the disease is not fatal to those who take care of themselves even if they meet the germ# The facilities and co-operation of faculty and health service are available to help all they can to preserve and protect your health in this emergency# R»o*T*6. NEWS Drill Team The members of the drill team began their daily meets on Monday, Sept, 23* These meets will continue every dayj however, in the future they will meet three times a week* The primary .purpose of the drill team is to develop stamina and perseverance*. The drill team is commanded by the capable Major Roy Rubfight* The drill team with all its initiative and spirit put on an exhibition for the students of St* Joseph*s School in Hazleton* They displayed their tactics in Tamaqua*s 125th Anniversary Parade. The drill team is looking forward to-the H&zleton Mummers Parade on Oct* 19th* CAMPUS SPIRIT, IHBHE ART THOU? Stanley M, Zdep The "effervescence** of campus life seems, so far, to be quite limited here at the Highacres Campus c The question then arises as to why a situation should exist**!':? it dee to lack of Interest on the part of the students? Or is it because the Highacres'' activities facilities are inadequate? A survey conducted by the Collegian reveals that it is a oomb-i nation of both factors. Perhaps our greatest disadvantage is that Ilipha-re'oe offers only a two-year arrangement..- Ma.ay of our students intend to further their education a,t either the main campus or some other institution* Therefore, they seem to be with-holding their exhuberance until after their transfer» This definitely is an Improper attitude a s two years of "college life" are not being utilized to the utmost* These years which are now before us are far too short. The time to act is now before we become "alumni," Also responsible for the present lethargic condition are the frosh who have not yet developed any appreciable loyalty to the school, and the sopho mores who are either unable c# unwill ing to display the proper spirit* The students thenselves, go on to state tha t what we really lack is rivalry both within and outside the institution. Rivalry, In its highestppoportions, can be created through athletics. Suggestions here range from baseball through the rifle activities* Others a re counting on the Collegian to bear the brunt of spirit promoting by publishing articles designed to instill enthusiasm and respect for the school a nd to point out Its advantages* Our final factor in this situation is t time itself# Time will tell wether our a ttitude is to improve, become worse or continue on Its hapless way*