THE HIGHACRES COLLEGIAN WELCOME TO AAEON HERSCHFELD Frances Werpshaw Our new Mathematics instructor is assis tant professor Aaron Herschfeld, who has replaced Mr. Mott, the previous teacher of Math. Mr. Herschfeld was born in Austria- Hungary at Lemberg, which is now called Lvov. He sailed from Europe t$ New York on the Nieuw- Amsterdam at the ear ly age of one and a half#Having been educated in New Yorfc, Mr. Herschfeld now holds a Bachelor 6f Science degree from the College of the City of New a nd a Master «f Arts degree from Colum bia University. In 1956, he participat ed in the Summer Institute at the Univer sity of Michigan as a National Science Foundation Fellow. At present, he is hoping to do some reading and research toward a Ph.D. in Mathematics at New York University* Mr* Herschfeld came to the Penn State system from Canisius College, Buffalo, New York, where he held an assistant professorship in Mathematics. Before this he taught Mathematics and theoret ical mechanics at the Polytechnic In stitute of Brooklyn. He also served two years as an mathematician"' with the Control Instru ment Company of Brooklyn* For eleven years he was a actuarial mathematician in the Office of the Actuary, United States Social Security Administration, Washington, D.C* He is a member of the American Mathemat ical Society, the Mathematical Associat ion of America, and the Amateur Astrono mers Association. In Mr. Hersehfeld»s opinion, the Hazle ton Penn State Center is a unique*type hilltop college* He believes that the clean air and cool breezes should stim ulate students to do some high-powered thinking. He immensely enjoys the pan oramic view of Conyngham Valley, and finds the faculty and students very con# genial* The College Cummunity Chorus has been reorganized for another year. The faculty advisor and leader of the chorus is Miss Pearl Gar bricky the members who are., students; ace several faculty members, and sevens.:. private citizens from the surrounding communities. The majority of the mem bers are from the Hazleton region, with a few people from as far away as Coaldale and Tamaqua. The faculty members, beside Miss Garbrick, are Mr* McKinstry, Mrsi Bodenstein, Mrs. Elizabeth Esher, wife of Mir. Esher of otr faculty. The chorus rehearsals are held every Tuesday evening, at 7*30 p*m* At present, the chorus is just pract icing} however, a Christmas program is planned* The time* place, and other related details are to be announced later. Good luck to the entire chorus, and best wishes for thOir Christmas program* This year a new club is being organized. Mr* George Bishop has initiated a move for a golf club* Until the present, there have been no meetings, but the faculty advisor, Mr. Mattern, has been chosen, and a meeting will be held soon. The Theta Sigma Pi sorority has announ ced the planning of its first annual hayrides* The hayride will be held in the first week of November. Arthur Lingousky The students of Highacres are to be congratulated on their excellent re sponse in having X-rays taken. Approx imately 99% turned out, and Mrs. K. is very gratified with the results. CLUB NEWS John Bodnar HEALTH NOTES Continued