October 8, 1956 CHORUS TN REHEARSALS EERIE It was received in the past with en thusiasm by appreciative audiences in both Fottsvllie and Hazleton. Tf you appreciate good music ( or would like to learn to appreciate It ) and if you want to belong to a group, like to sing, or like to meet new and interest ing people-1n other words, have FUN-- then contact Miss Garbrick. Better hurry, however,' for membership to the chorus will be closed in one more week. **** * * * * 1 - :j Id c_i i \ FULL-TIME LIBRARI;IN One of the most welcome additions to the everchanging scene at Htghacres is Yrs. Ferry, our first full-tine librar ian. During previous semesters, Professor Garbrick, along with a full schedule of classes, mamagod to keep our library open and functioning. However, the job became so gargantuan, that it became impossible for Professor Garbrick to handle both library work and classes. Now we have Mrs. Ferry to undertake such arduous problems as revising the inadequate card catalogue, taking com plete inventory, and devising some meth od of indexing the stacks and stacks of magazines on the third floor. IGHAC RES C OLLEGTAN However, Yrs. Ferryts excellent back ground will undoubtedly be an assi.stanc to her. A graduate of Kutztown Teacher College, Mrs. Ferry received her B.S. a Vuhlenterg College, and has studied Library Science at Temple University. Besides her academic qualifications she has the advantage of having a pleasant personality, so that no one resents an occasional reminder from her that the library should be a quiet place. This list of general rules and service that follow should help the student ge the most from the library. The library will be open every day fro 8145 to 4:45. Books may be withdrawn for a period of two weeks, and may be renewed for two more weeks if the book Is not reserved ;Lll books should be put on charge desk when returned. Reference Books may not be taken from library. Books on the Reserve Book shelves may taken out at 4:30, hut must he return& the next morning at 8:45. Magazines may be taken out only for special assignments, and individuals must siEn for them. fine of 2¢ a day will be charged for over-due books. KOMEDY Lyla Berish Heard from a A.F.R.O.T.C. cadet lIT am at attention, sir. Tt's my uni— form that's at ease.” PROFESSOR-- one who talks in other LTBRARY cont►d Page 4