Page 2 CONGRATULATTONS TO COLLEGE ARTS Having concluded a very successful movie season which included the shcw - ng of a number of excellent pictures, the College Arts Society has discovered a budget surpluso according to current rumors, the Society is considering refunding the money to the SGA General Fund for re— allocation by Council. Tn the opinion of the staff of this paper, such a movement, if made, should be commended by the entire college. Coming at this particular time, it might mean that Council will be able to put some excellent orchestra under contract for Convocation. The Council is considering this move, but early reports say that financial difficulties may hinder it. So you see why we say that if the College Arts Society under (resident Novarnik, decides to aid in this manner, they deserve the thanks of every student at the Center. Vie are looking forward to an excellent Convocation program, since this ocassi on climaxes the Highacres social season. ***** * * * * * To The Editor: As faculty advisor of the College Arts Society, T. wish to correct a statement which was made, through some puzzling inadvertence, in the April 13th issue of The Collegian, namely that a change of film night was being considered: no such change of schedule is being con— sidered, for the quite impersonal reason that Yonday night has been found, in our experience to bring out the best attend— ance and to involve the fewest conflitts with other activities. The fact that attendance this year has bom the fullest and the most sustained in the last few years tends to confirm this judgment; cr3dit for this fact goes to the members of the College Arts Society for their enthusiastic initiative, to the Society's President for her willing assumption of responsibility, and to the faculty for HA ZLE TON COLLEGIAN their cooperation in reminding their classes of coming film datE:s. 4. G. Wilcox Ed. . . e the report we received on this subject was i n connect on with night classo s and mili tart' re serve meetings held on Yond ay nights. ***** * * * * Having finished both tha bowling and basketball seasons, Student Council, through its Sport's Commtttee concluded plans for a softball league. Trophies to the winners of all these ::vents are scheduled for presentation at Convocation. At its Frtclay teeting,:CoUncil ordered 6 balls and 2,ziotres and One mask to sup.!.. pliment the BeftballoquiPment it had purchased earlier. Council also Iv)ard a report by Theresa Bobowski on the May Day Semi. Mr. Wilcox English Tnstruotor ; addresSed the Council on the possibility of transferring a budget surpius from the College Arts Society to the general fund. Mr. Andrew Kafka, of the Highacres faculty ; served as one of the judges at the seven* annual Kings College Debate League which opened on April 11, in the Souliihtrn Division St, Ann's of Hazleton ; took the decision over St. Nicholas, of Barre. The National High School question for 1956 iS2 Resolved- that government subsidles should be granted accOdirg to need for high school graduates who qualify for addibional tralning. St. Gabrielts, of Hazleton, St. Ann's, Nicholas, a';d St Incen -, ;:s of rlymouth, comps. 7so the Soar hern Division. Schools from up-country form the other two div isions-Northern and Central. SOFTPALL TNTRAMURALS ariaDY * * * * # * -g- * * KIiFIU. JUDGE ;i,T KTNGS DEBt.TE - _