C.C. reader. ([Middletown, Pa.]) 1973-1982, November 08, 1973, Image 2

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Ck *7he 'pace
We at the Reader: those students who have been working hard in
the Constitutional Revisions Committee; and those club presidents
that have also been working hard to make this school become
something - are fed-up. Fed-up with the lack of interest in its
students. Sick of carrying the load of others. We wonder how loud
and how long we have to shout. How blue in the face we have to get
before students take notice and an interest in what our organizations
have to offer.
On Thursday, October 27th, the Student Government
Association held its annual Junior Senatorial Elections. Included on
the ballot was a Constitutional Revisions Referendum which, had it
been passed, would have given S.G.A. a viable and responsible
constitution. A majority vote from a twenty-five percent response of
the student body was all that was needed to make the revisions law.
(Twenty-five percent is approximately four hundred students.) Only
ten percent voted on Thursday and consequently the constitution
was not passed.
S.G.A. cannot hope to accomplish anything this year without a
workable constitution. So, now, it is necessary for S.G.A. to present
the student body with another referendum. Only this time they are
resorting to grade school tactics - holding hands. Should that upset
people here at Captiol, then consider our position. We, the hard
working individuals, are attempting, as best we can, to give the
necessary channels for students' voices to be heard. Whether it be on
parking fees and fines or the school calandar, or graduation, we're
giving the students that chance to speak out. It's obvious that no one
cares, but we do and we refuse to be brought down by your apathy!
If we want to take an interest in this school then don't keep us from
doing it! Take you apathy to another school.
Maybe S.G.A. should hold its meetings in a cemetery where there
would be just as much response as here. Maybe S.G.A. should give
up and turn the whole school into a mausoleum. There's no law that
says we have to have a newspaper or a yearbook or dances or movies
or plays. That's all up yo you, the student body. We at the Reader
only want to know who ties your shoes and who holds your hands
when you go to the bathroom.
Need Money
James D. South, Director of
Student Affairs, has announced
the following short-term loan
fund procedures which have
been approved by the
1. Loans may be made by any
Capitol Campus student in need
of temporary financial
2. Loans are to be made
without interest or other
3. Loans are to be approved
by the Director of Students
Affairs or his designated
4. Loans will normally not
exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00).
However, loans may be granted
to any student by the Director
of Student Affairs or his
representative to a maximum of
fifty dollars ($50.) Loans to
one hundred dollars in amount
may be made upon approval of
The Capitol Campus Reader
The C.C. Reader is published by the students of
the Pennsylvania State University at Capitol Campus,
Middletown, Pa., and is printed by the West Shore
Times during the Fall, Winter and Spring Terms.
Opinions expressed by the editors and staff are not
necessarily those of the University Administration,
Faculty or Students.
Co-Editors Frank DeSantis & Charlie Holeczy
Staff Jim Bollinger, Doug Gibboney
[ W anda Burkholder, Mary Ann Kascak,
Mike Nonnemacher, Sam Randazzo,
All graduate and under-graduate students.
Page 2
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the Director of Student Affairs
and the Capitol Campus
Administrative Officer.
5. Loans may be made by the
Director of Students Affairs or
his representative for a period
not to exceed three weeks.
Longer periods of time not to
exceed six weeks may be made
with the approval of The Capitol
Campus Administrative Officer.
6. Procedures established for
Commonwealth Campuses
Emergency Loan Funds will be
followed in administering this
7. In cases where students do
not repay on the stated date, the
Finance Office will notify the
student that his note is overdue.
Failure to make payment within
ten days will result in the
Finance Office placing a
registration or graduation
“hold” on the student’s records.
** * *
The Students’ Voice
Letters to the Editor
Are you the type of
individual that does nothing and
takes credit for everything that
is done right?
Are you the type of
individual that does nothing and
the first to complain about
everything that goes wrong?
If you are in either or both
categories stated above, you are
probably a student that did not
vote, does not care about your
school, fellow students or
The past election was a good
indication that this school has
the distinction of having about
89% of the student body
consisting of this type of the
above student.
Your Student Government
Association consists of a few
dedicated students that
participate in representing the
whole student body. Without
team work by the Assoc, and
full cooperation by the student
body, the goals of the students
will never be met.
The main issue confronting
the SGA is the constitutional
revision. For those that are not
aware that the present
constitution was adopted
illegally by the prior
administration. The prior
administration put the present
constitution in effect last fall
without 25% of the students
voting which is a direct violation
of Article XIX, Sec. 3 of the
constitution. This error was not
discovered until this
administration reviewed the
constitution. The present SGA
president ruled the invalid
constitution valid, on the grounds
that usage sets precedents, and
the statute of limitations.
This does not solve the problems
for future Student Government
Association, so this SGA has
decided to hold another election
for the sole purpose of
constitutional revisions. If you
are concerned by this present
situation, and would like to see
that your present and future
Student Governments are NOT
hampered by an antiquated,
ambiguous constitution, vote yes
to the revisions and insure a
solid base for a progressive
Bus. Senator
Nick Spengler
** * *
To Whom It May Concern
I hope the “person or
persons” who decided to clear
the bulletin boards will realize
they destroyed a wealth of
information which will not all be
easily replaced. Some articles are
unreplacable. A lot of work goes
into the typing, placing and
keeping up to day the material
put there. This information is
for the students’ benefit. Do
these “juveniles” realize that for
a few moments of “fun” they
have wasted the efforts and trust
of the “secretaries” who do try
to help the students as much as
possible. Why not do something
constructive for a change?
Is/ Louise Frego, Dotty
Broxterman, Jean Billet, Joanne
Burkhart, Jane Kinsey, Ann
Campbell, Doris Hughes, Georgia
Burkett, Betty McCloskey, Rose
Reedy, Betty Wilcox, and Betty
Van Shura.
** * *
The C.C.Reader wants to
thank the Maintenance men who
took the lock from one cabinet
door and put it on the other
cabinet door and gave us a key.
Now if we could only get the
lock on the other door once
again and get another key for
the lock, then we will be very
happy. The efficiency in this
school is simply amazing.
** * *
Don’t Read This
Last year the newspaper was denounced as an “inefficient
news-weekly,” but not one of the persons responsible for that idiotic
criticism were on the staff or ever planned to join it.
This year the paper has new editors, a new format, and a new
staff. We still get the feeling no one is reading it and whether or not
it is still an “inefficient news-weekly,” no news is good news. We
have gotten very little response as to what your opinions are and
therefore have been unable to cater to your needs and interests. At
this point, all we can do is experiment and hope you like it. So, let
us explain some things that may be of importance to you.
Our goal, which is paramount and the underlying thought behind
printing, is to make this newspaper the best this school has ever seen.
A universal goal, but simple enough. We also wish . . . well, let’s put
it this way, without your response, opinions, and interest this paper
is nothing and nowhere.
You, the students of this college, are the staff of our newspaper.
We need you, graduate students as well as under-graduate students.
Let us know what’s going on. Stop down to see us.
This is not another plea for help. It’s an explanation of our
Our reasons for a bi-monthly paper were explained last week, we
feel it is a good move. Maybe, someday, when the staff gets bigger
and the students become more interested, we can go back to a
weekly. Till that time, the paper will only be printed two more times
this year: November 22 and December 6. We will be printing a
schedule for Winter and Spring terms in our December 6th issue.
If you would rather see us print a paper like the Daily Collegian
we’re afraid that it just can’t be done without a larger staff or an
A.P. wire service. Instead, we hope to accomplish something much
different. We want to bring you a paper that is individual, creative,
and unique. A paper that doesn’t try to be like the Daily Collegian
or any other big school newspaper. A paper that is solely a product
of our individuality. None of this can come true without your
support and help.
We are able and willing to print anything that is of interest to
you, but like all organizations we have a few basic rules that must be
followed. It’s not much.
Any articles or letters for publication must be submitted to the
Reader office in WlO4 the Thursday prior to publication. November
15 for the November 22 issue and November 29 for the December 6
issue.) We would greatly appreciate that your submitted works be
typed and double spaced or legibly printed and signed. Please be
aware of out-dated material.
We are also looking for drawings and photographs of any nature
for our front covers.
Noteworthy campus events will receive news or advertising space
in the Reader at no charge. However, these events must benefit the
campus community in general or have full - campus participation
to qualify. Cultural events, the talent show, plays, and others will
qualify at the discretion of the editors. Be sure to include all
pertinent information such as dates, times, events, places, where to
be contracted, etc. I. It would be helpful if these ads were typed .
The same applies to Classified Ads which will still appear in every
Due to the newsprint paper shortage, we are printing only 1500
copies at a time. Five hundred of these copies are distributed by Ms.
Betty Duke (Public Relations), to Junior Colleges in the state. A
substantial amount of those five hundred copies reach HACC.
The others are distributed here at school at the roundtable and in
Layout will take place on Monday evenings and Tuesday
mornings and afternoons. If you’re interested in how it’s done please
feel free to stop by and watch but you can’t read it. The paper is
printed on Wednesday and is then distributed on Thursday.
If you have any questions or answers - just stop by. Ask for
Charlie (944-0506) or Frank (944-3078), we will be glad to help
Hey Look At Us
The Photo Club is having
their first exhibit this year. The
show will start on Monday,
November 12. The pictures will
be in the Gallery Lounge.
The Club is a young one and
none of us are really great
photographers. We need your
response to our work. Most of
the members work in the photo
lab, which is located in the rear
of the Placement building. We
develop and process all our own
film and all our own prints. The
actual chemical process is easy,
but to develop a technique in
November 8,1973
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order to get consistently good
prints is quite a different matter.
The number of variables
involved in printing is what
makes the mystery of
photography. Light is the basic
principle behind every step in
both taking and developing
We hope that everyone will
walk into the Gallery Lounge
and sample our humble works.
Please let us know what you
think. The president is Charlie
and the vice president is Gerry
and we can be reached in the
C.C. Reader Office W-104.
** * *