The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, November 09, 2010, Image 7

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    restling judgments
I am a big fan of profes
sional wrestling and every
week I look forward to Thurs
day nights on Spike TV for
Total Nonstop Action. What
I don't look forward to is the
amount of people on any giv
en day who feel the need to
stress that professional wres
tling isn't "real."
Most, if not all, wrestling
fans are aware of how "real"
wrestling is. We know that the
fights are choreographed and
the winner is predetermined
but it's still an enjoyable form
of entertainment. Wrestling
companies do not give out all
that information beforehand
and you don't know what to
expect during the show so it
is just as much of a surprise
as finding out the winning
team of a football game.
It really bothers me when
somebody who makes it
an occasion to watch Jer
sey Shore or Teen Morn puts
down my enjoyment of wres
tling because it is fake. Hello!
Wrestling is more real than
any of the horrible reality TV
Was it Time to Legalize?
Editor's Note: This ar
ticle was written before the
citizens of California voted
against Proposition 19. How
ever, the subject is still ex
tremely controversial and
discussion-worthy, with many
vehemently arguing for or
against the proposition. For
this reason, the article will
run in its original context,
though parts were cut for
space constraints.
As general elections
quickly approach, California
voters must face the moun
tain of decisions to make on
the various candidates and
propositions on the Novem
ber ballot. At the moment,
former CEO of eßay Meg
Whitman and former Gover
nor Jerry Brown are vying for
Governor Schwarzenegger's
current position while incum-
After the Party's over
On August sth, 2010, a
main ramp leading in and out
of the San Jose mine, located
in northern Chile, collapsed
leaving thirty-three hard
working husbands, brothers
and fathers trapped 2,300 feet
A threadbare, scribbled
note read "Estamos bien en
el refugio, los 33", meaning,
"we are fine in the shelter,
the 33 of us." The paper was
retrieved using a small probe
lowered into the mine by au
thorities, three weeks follow
ing the collapse. The tragedy
has marked news around the
stall tvr tier
shows on television today.
Wrestling is a sport. It's a
different kind of sport, just
like soccer is different from
basketball which is differ
ent from football. It involves
physical talent, skill, and
stamina just like any other
Sure, it's more like gym
nastics or cheerleading but
it is still a sport. There is an
amount of danger involved
and I don't think it's fair to the
people who wrestle to make it
seem like their job is any less
dangerous than playing any
other professional sport. The
fights have choreography but
that doesn't mean it's totally
safe. You can't really fake get-
bent Senator Barbara Boxer
is running for reelection.
However, one of the hot
test issues of Proposition 19
the legalization of marijua
na for non-medical purposes
under California but not fed
eral law. Prior to 1996, the
possession, cultivation, and
distribution of marijuana was
deemed illegal in California.
Then voters approved Prop
215, allowing marijuana for
medical purposes.
Prop 19 would allow the
use of marijuana for adults
over the age of 21, allow local
governments to regulate and
tax it, prohibit the posses
sion on school grounds, use
in public, or the in presence
of minors, as well as prohibit
the use of it while driving,
and lastly limit employers'
use where job performance is
impaired. Currently, no other
state allows marijuana for
non-medical purposes.
Those in favor of Prop 19
are quick to point out the
failed prohibition of mari
juana and the advantages
of regulating and taxing the
substance. Other than limit
ing its use to those over 21,
another gain from Prop 19
would be the cutting off of
funding to drug cartels that
occur across the California-
Mexican border.
Furthermore, the taxes
imposed on pot would gen
erate approximately $1.2 bil
lion to $1.4 billion per year.
Knowing California has had
trouble balancing its bud
get after the recession, these
numbers play a hefty role on
voters' decisions. On top of
that, the legalization of mari
juana would free up jail beds
for criminals being released
globe as international aid
surged to provide relief for
the thirty three trapped min
ers; though the state of Chile
demonstrated little concern,
while taking advantage of
the ordeal for all they could
extort. Thirty-four miners a
year, on average, have died
in Chilean mining accidents
since the year 2000.
The problem with this lack
of empathy: after the magni
tude of journalists have gone
home, the miners' celebrity
statuses terminate and min
ing authorities and govern
ment agencies melt away,
the miners will need a way to
cope with this sense of aban
.ctati writer
ting hit with a chair. While
the wrestling stage prob
ably makes it so getting body
slammed doesn't hurt too
much if you have a 240-pound
man falling onto your body,
it's going to hurt a little bit.
Honestly, what's not to en
There is an abundance of
attractive half-naked men
and women, fighting, funny
characters, and even funnier
Maybe if people stopped
looking at professional wres
tling as a fake sport and more
as a form of entertainment,
like a movie or TV show,
there would be more fans of
professional wrestling.
early due to lack of space.
Mothers Against Drunk
Driving (MADD) is a strong
opposition to this measure
making several strong claims.
They claim that the proposi
tion lacks specific standards
for what constitutes as driv
ing under the influence.
Prop 19 would prevent
companies from being able to
take action against a "stoned"
driver prior tQ,4n, accident.
The same goes'for those in
the work place. CBS News
points out that Prop 19 would
allow the possession of up to
one ounce which is "enough
to roll dozens of marijuana
As far as the price of pot
goes, the Rand Drug Policy
Research Center states it
would fall due to elimination
of challenges that stem from
operating in the black market
causing an overall increase in
its use.
Additionally, MADD states
that California would fail to
meet Federal drug-free work
place standards because of
Prop 19, thus disqualifying
themselves for eligibility for
Federal contracts and grants.
Instead, the passing of Prop
19 could lead to costly drug
treatment programs.
Whether Prop 19 is passed
or not, it is undoubtedly a
heated debate among college
students. Overall, I found the
proposition to be very confus
ing. It seems like it would be
very hard to actually enact.
Despite these diverse per
spectives, all agree if Prop 19
passes, marijuana would be
used explosively for the thrill
before the hype dissipates.
For Edison Pena, this is
no problem; the "triathlete"
appeared on the "Late Show
with David Letterman" after
competing in the New York
City Marathon. Pena is a self
proclaimed Elvis fan who al
legedly jogged to his music
while trapped for 69 days
along with the 32 other min
Next on his agenda: a flight
to Graceland for Elvis Pres
ley's annual birthday celebra
tion. While the saga deserves
our utmost compassion and
support, leave it to the Chil
ean government to provide
compensation, not Elvis Pre
sley Enterprises.
,e\ columnist
It's time, Behrend. It's time
we all put on our big kid pants
and address that dark cloud
hovering above our campus.
No, I am not talking about the
oh so joyful Erie weather.
I'm talking about sex here,
Although we may be con
sidered late bloomers in this
category, we're embracing
this rage and jumping on the
sex train like people jump
ing on the Pittsburgh sports
Like it or not, sex is a ma
jor part of the collegiate pe
riod in our lives. Of course,
some students focus more on
this racy act and their per
sonal sexuality than others,
but it is still roaming around
our campus like a dirty, horny
annoys me.
This empty space is
waiting for you.
Join the Beacon today!
Now, this column isn't go
ing to be me blabbing on in
great detail about my own
personal sexual adventures
or calling out the elegant walk
of shames that emerge on Fri
day and Saturday mornings.
Instead, my intentions are to
provide an educational, and
yet entertaining weekly col
umn for you as the student
body to relate to. I am defi
nitely going to get down and
dirty discussing every naugh
ty detail dealing with sex,
relationships, sexual safety,
what women want, what men
want, the good, the strange
and everything in between.
If you are squeamish or con
servative, I'd suggest putting
the blinders on when brows
ing over this section. I'm put
ting my hater shades on and
throwing it all out there.
For example, here are a se
lect few words that have high
chances of appearing in a fu
ture article: twat, penis, anal,
vagina, dick, fuck, orgas
mic, raw, jizz, masturbation,
arousal, penetration, teabag,
schlong, oral, etc.
Now, at this point, I'm
sure there are some of you
out there who are asking one
question: Why? Why do we
need a sex column in the Bea
con? And my answer to you
is quite simple: we are adults
now. Like it or not, sex is hap
pening all around you.
Remember that late night
squealing you heard com
ing from down the hall? That
wasn't a mouse, junior.
How about the repetitive
thud noise against your wall
from the neighbor? Chances
are they weren't nailing a
picture to that wall. That, my
friends, was a couple of your
fellow students having them
selves a good time.
So strap yourselves in, stu
dents, and let's take a ride.
Sex is on the brain, and it
might get a little bumpy.
Photo credits.
(Flit kr Creative Commons)
Garnett -Lorianne DiSabato
Donkey - Rickydavid
Villanueva - coltera
Patient - Here in Van Nuys
Wrestlers- BuyRIC
Marijuana- Zervas