The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, September 24, 2010, Image 4

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September 24, 2010 Community
12:45pm @ Outside Reed
Erie Nonprofit Day
Transportation will he provided to volun
teer at two Erie nonprofits: St. Mary's Adult
Day Services, and ExpEßiEnce Children's
9pm @ Bruno's Cafe
Comedian: KT Tatara by LEB, SAF
10pm @ Reed 117
Grown Ups - $1 movie by LEB, SAF
Bpm @ Reed 3 Newsroom
Public Editorial Board Mtg
Beacon meeting. open to public
Bpm @ Reed 114
Public Weekly Meeting
LEB meeting, open to public.
7 , your events on OrgSync or e-mail them to
• to get them on the Behrend Beacon weekly calendar!
I public meetings and events are accepted, space permitting.
Cadets learn, compete at inter-campus kick offto 2010-2011 year
Exciting events continue for Army ROTC
cadets on campus. The annual Orientation
picnic was a great success last Friday, Sep
tember 10. The Pride of PA Battalion
(Behrend, Mercyhurst, and Gannon) met
on the Behrend campus at the Wilson Pic
nic Grove. Cadet Chris Harpster of
Behrend, the Battalion Commander, and
Cadet Brittany Wzontek of Mercyhurst, the
Battalion Command Sergeant Major,
kicked off the event by introducing them
selves for the benefit of the new cadets and
explaining their intent for the fall semester.
Courtesy Libby Pascuzzi. Penn Stale Behrend ROTC Company Executive Officer
Left: Battalion Commander CDT Harpster addresses the battalion as part of instructional training. At the Annual Orientation Picnic, cadets were taught how to create and cross a one-rope bridge and how to carry and post colors.
Right: The Pride of PA Battalion, made up of Behrend. Mercyhurst. and Gannon participated in a friendly tug-of-war competition at the Behrend Fields. as well as a game of dizzy bat.
Scrubs Club works with Habitat
Penn State Behrend's very
own Scrubs Club is continu
ing their partnership with
Habitat for Humanity this se
mester with some upcoming
Amanda Snyder The Behrend Beacon
Students with Scrubs Club have had a long-standing commitment to Habitat for Humanity.
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Voter Registration drive
Get registered to vote! Voting regis
tration forms and absentee ballots
will be provided outside of Brunos all
afternoon by Political Science Society
Bpm @ Reed 114
Public Weekly Meeting
LEB meeting, open to public
Clubs and Organizations:
Penn _State Behtend
( un)pany Executive Otti( er
For those of you who have
not heard, the Scrubs Club is
a club designed for students
interested in health care occu
pations, attending medical
school, or even veterinarian
school. However, anyone is
welcome to join if you have an
In past years, the Scrubs
Club has assisted Habitat for
Humanity in many different
projects; typically once a se
"In the past we have done
siding, plumbing, hung dry
wall, painting, and carpentry,
as well as many other tasks,"
says club President Torin Kar
Along with volunteer work,
the club hopes to raise finds
towards the cause.
'We plan to donat ,100 to
9:ooam @ Outside Nick Building
International Coastal Cleanup
Cleanup of Four Mile Creek and Milcreek Town
ship waterways. Alpha Phi Omega, Greener
Behrend, Resident Service Leaders, The Sample
Center, and The Center for Service. Contact lan
McGinnity at ismloB(ii for more info.
1 Opm @ Reed 117
Grown Ups - $1 movie by LEB, SAF
The cadet chain of command mim
ics the chain of command in the Army. In
ROTC, there are Commissioned Officers as
well as Non-Conunissioned Officers who
are placed in leadership positions in order
to disttibute the work that needs to be done
to run a battalion and also so that when in
formation needs to be put out, it can be dis
seminated through the ranks and reach
every cadet.
Along with demonstrations at the
Orientation picnic of how to construct and
cross a one-rope bridge by the Ranger
Challenge team, and how to carry and post
the colors by the Color Gaurd team, there
was a demonstration consisting of five re
enactors who dressed in soldiers' uniforms
two different local charities in
Erie," states Karsonovich.
The Scrubs Club is also
looking forward to some up
coming events in October. A
speaker from the Philadelphia
College of Osteopathic Medi
cine is expected Oct. 11, at 7
p.m.; location to be deter
On top of this event, the
club is planning a trip to the
Bodies Exhibit in Cleveland,
Ohio sometime in early Octo
For more information on
the Scrubs Club and its up
coming projects and events,
contact club President Torin
Karsonovich at
txk232((/, or the clubs
advisor, Dr. James Warren at
spm @ Reed 114
SGA meeting
Weekly meeting of the Student
Government Association
Senate and Executive Board
Public and public comments
spm @ Reed 114
College Democrats meeting
Weekly meeting, open to public.
9pm @ Reed 117
Toy Story 3
$1 movie sponsored by LEB, SAF
of the time period they were describing.
The demonstrators allowed cadets to han
dle the equipment they had displayed on
tables as well as pass around rifles from
After demonstrations and chow,
cadets marched in cadence to the Behrend
fields where friendly school rivalry was
played out in games of tug-of-war and a
few rounds of dizzy bat.
The night ended with an award
ceremony to recognize certain cadets for
excellence in their academics and to con
gratulate cadets on their completion of the
Leadership Development and Assessment
Course (LDAC), the 33 day capstone ROTC
leadership evaluation at Fort Lewis WA,
What's up this week:
On Monday, a few member's of University Faculty Senate came to visit Behrend.
About 20 students met with them and talked about various things such as, ex
panding majors at Behrend, expanding certificates and options for students and
evaluating the general education requirements and what qualifies. During the
weekly SGA meeting we passed several appeals to the budget and announced that
we will be having speakers at approximately every other SGA meeting.
What's coming up
There will be Student Forum on Wednesday September 29th open to all stu
dents. This will be an opportunity for students to communicate with the Senate
and voice their opinions. Academic Affairs
committee is looking into expanding majors
at Behrend, with emphasis on adding an Ed
ucation certificate
Important dates to remember:
SGA Elections will be held September
28th and September 29th, all students are
encouraged to vote. At next week's SGA
meeting Tracy Halmi will be our guest
speaker, she is the chair of faculty council
and will be answering questions regarding
academics. The next SAF and SGA budget
deadlines are October sth and 6th respec
s:3opm @ Smith Chapel
Protestant worship
7:3opm @ Smith Chapel
Roman Catholic services
9pm @ Reed 117
11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Get registered to vote! Voting reg
istration forms and absentee ballots
will be provided outside of Brunos
all afternoon. Sponsored by Political
Science Society. If you would like to
participate, contact Adam Fracassi
at a15.5589«i psu.eclu.
&Mt Vatteritingn IX:j 1 4 to 'IOU
A look at what is going on and what is
coming up from the voice of the Penn
State Behrend student body
Stephen Burger, president, srbsl2s
Hannah White, vice-president, hwfsool
Briana Newstrom, secretary, banso27
Jeff Tseng, treasurer, jat3s7
Ken Miller, SGA faculty advisor, kqm3
Toy Story 3
$1 movie sponsored by LEB, SAF
Voter Registration drive
Get on the calendar!
The Beacon is glad to display any
events from any organization. Sub
missions are due the Wednesday by
5:00 p.m. for publication in that
week's issue.
To submit an item for the calendar,
send an e-mail with information or
attachments to editor@
While you should include all possi
ble information, submissions may be
edited due to space constraints.
Please contact the Beacon for spe
cial requests.
8:00-9:00 p.m. @ Reed 11
Adam Ace
Comedian sponsored by LEB, S •
10pm @ Reed 117
Toy Story 3
$1 movie sponsored by LEB, SA
summer of 2010. Cadets who attended spe
cial schools this past summer such as Air
borne and Air Assault, were given a chance
Ur briefly speak about their experiences
and encourage other cadets to check out
opportunities available to them through
Upcoming events in ROTC consist
of cadets competing in the Ranger Chal
lenge competition at Camp Smith, NY, the
Fall Field Training Exercise (FTX) 1-3 OCT
at the Key Stone Training Area near
Geneva, PA, and the Water Combat Sur
vival Test at the PSB Junker Center pool on
20 OCT.