pinion For those of you new to Behrend, welcome, and for those returning, welcome back. With a new year comes a new Beacon, and we hope that you have enjoyed what you've seen and read in the newspaper so far. This year, the Beacon plans to compete for national and state awards with its writing, design, photography, website, and even business operations. Over the past few years, we have set the basis for this effort by changing the structure, staff, and even the technology that the newspaper works with. One thing we need, though, is you. Maybe you are consid ering a career in physics, or electrical engineering, or polit ical science, but we still need you. This year, with the award winning "School Pages" of the Textbook prices pulverize bank accounts BRANDON BOYD opinion editor Most students don't see text books as being worth any more than the paper they are printed on. Unfortunately for students, colleges around the country see their textbooks as valuable as the forest that the trees used to make the paper come from. And, of course, the college wins, as the freshmen will soon learn. It's why we pay $l5O for something that becomes a pa perweight after our classes are done. As if the debt that rises past our eyeballs isn't enough, col leges (not just Penn State Behrend) have the audacity to have us shell out hundreds of Favre makes right decision in returning BRANDON BOYD opinion editor The man who seems old enough to have been a Viking is back playing for the Vikings. Brett Favre announced Thursday that he would be re turning for his 20th season in the National Football League. Favre, at 40, is old enough to be a grandfather. Scratch that. He is a grandfather. Favre has let word leak about his aches and pains for years now. If it's not his shoulder, it's his ankle. If it's not his ankle, it's his ego. "There is nothing on me that's 100 percent," he said dur ing his press conference. While he still may not be at 100 percent, I am 100 percent sure that I love watching Brett Favre. Sure, he may be seen as a prima donna, but he's just so fun to watch. Plus, it would be hard to see Letter from the Editor Behrend Beacon, we plan to in clude as many students from as many backgrounds as possible. Want something only a handful of engineering students in the nation have on their resume? Be an engineering reporter, and cover news that matters to you. We are also hiring ad sales men and saleswomen for those that want to supplement their income by commission on ad vertising accounts in the paper. We are looking for students majoring in marketing that are interested in figuring out ways to spread the news around campus. We are looking for web designers and web content creators to design web pack ages, artists to create graphic design packages for the news paper, even opinionated politi cal nuts to send in columns. Those positions are impor- G. . dollars on top of our tuition. Even I don't have a pair that big. When your class is done, you make an attempt to sell the book back. Then, and only then, do you see how the bookstore actually feels about the book they sold you in the beginning of the year. Hand them the book and see what number comes up. I dare you. You'll think they forgot a Pay $5O; get $5 when you're done. You would think you in fected the book with the HINI virus. Plus, for those who do more partying than breathing, there's no way their book has been touched. Their books can still his career end on a pass com pleted to the other team. "I owe it to this organization to give it one more try," Favre said. He owes it to fans like me, too. Although his hair is gray, there is a childish wonder about Favre, almost as though he is frolicking about the foot ball field. He makes football fun for me. Some may argue that the drama surrounding his decision is more trouble than it's worth. During the summer months, when Favre ponders his deci sion, the NFL Network be comes Favre Network. ESPN becomes BFPN. It can be a pain, but it's a pain that just feels right. His teammates, who have Favre's decision looming over them yearly as they enter train ing camp, even agree with me. "Brett Favre for President!!" Vikings wide receiver Bernard Berrian tweeted. tant, but by far the most impor tant role that must be played is that of the student not involved in the creation of the newspa per. Let us know what you think of our operations. My e mail is listed below, and on this page of the newspaper you can find the contact information of any of our editors. If you think something's crap, tell us. Hell, if you think we did a good job once in a while, you can toss that out there, too. More importantly, if you have information on a campus event with which you are involved, please do not hesitate to drop a line. We will cover nearly any thing that we hear about, given even only a day or two of ahead notice, but it's tough to cover the things we don't know are occurring. If you are interested in get- be classified as brand new. This leaves students with a choice. Get ripped off by the bookstore year after year, or do something about it. I'm not say ing to abandon our bookstore; I am saying to shop smartly. There are plenty of other op tions for students. Rental sites such as are an op tion. However, I recommend buy ing used books. It may be too late for the freshmen this semester, but it deserves noting for the future. Even our bookstore sells used books. When students see the difference in price between new and used books, they scoop them up. It's like choos ing between an XBOX 360 and a Playstation 1. It's a no brainer. You'll want to buy your used Please? Just president? He gets more coverage than Barack Obama! His return is great for every one involved. He will sell mer chandise. He will garner attention. And, maybe, he will lead the Minnesota Vikings to the Super Bowl. While the Super Bowl practi cally sells itself, Favre and his superstar teammates such as running back Adrian Peterson will add to the glamour of the finale of the NFL season. I'm really not seeing any drawbacks to Brett Favre's re turn. Of course, Favre's backups, Tarvaris Jackson and Sage Rosenfels, likely aren't dancing in the streets at the recent news. • Vikings fans likely are, though, as those two bums won't be starting for at least an other year. And maybe fans that are reaching their breaking point on all news Favre are seeing the ting involved with student media, there are limitless op portunities on our expanded staff. We have spots kept open particularly for freshmen, and no experience is required. Some positions are by applica tion only, such as editor posi tions - we encourage you to contact us and get more infor mation. Getting involved is the best way to make the most out of your college experience, and we want you to jump right in. Connor Sattely is the editor-in chief of the Behrend Beacon. He can be reached at editor@ or can be found in Reed 3, the Beacon office, on the bottom floor of the Reed Union Building down the hall from the RUB Desk. T r A irr , r f . r O4l GIVAPWW6taIt6I3 rsookt books in advance somewhere online. Amazon is a good place, as they will buy your books back for store credit. Give the books a week or so to arrive. Of course, it provides little leeway for dropping a class later, but with the money you saved you can buy another used book for the class you just added. If preferred, you can keep swiping that credit card to buy expensive pieces of paper bound together. It's your choice. Then again, the choices you've made likely include tak ing big bucks out of your tiny bank account to pay for your books. The writing is on the wall Or, rather, in the books. drawbacks, but they just don't get it. They just don't understand the mystique of the returning Viking. Plus, they might as well keep Brett Favre around anyway. Favre will pass his attention hogging torch to Tim Tebow just as soon as Favre retires, which Le says is this year. "I can promise you this: not that I have ever set out as a goal to play 20 years, it's 20 years and I'm done," he said in his press conference. Sure, Brett. I believe you. You say that every year. And every year I hope you're lying. So whether you retire at the end of this season or not, thanks for lying to me the past few years, Brett. I've enjoyed your play, and I'll certainly enjoy it this year. And I'd certainly be alright if your latest statement about re tiring after 20 seasons was a lie. Welcome to Behrend BRANDON BOYD piniun I .( /)1(11 It's a new year for Penn State Behrend. If Paul Revere was on cam pus, he might yell out a phrase similar to the one attributed to him: "The freshmen are coming, the freshmen are coming!" A little late, Paul - they're al ready here. Maybe, then, we should quote someone a little bit more modern. In the words of Friends goof ball Joey Tribbiani: How you doin'? Hopefully, the answer to that question is a positive one. Behrend is a very welcoming college and it has a lot of things going for it. The beginning of the college experience, however, isn't al ways as welcoming. Maybe you're homesick. Maybe you're lonely. Maybe you don't want to do any work (that doesn't change). I think it's a good time to tell my story of how I ended up at Penn State Behrend. I'm here now, but I never envisioned my self here. The story starts with me as a senior in high school. I was ac cepted to P,enn State University Park and made the four hour trek to visit a few times. I was sucked into the aura of what is Penn State. As the time for college ar rived, I was anxious and nerv ous, as I'm sure all freshmen are. I got to State College, and HAVE AN OPINION YOU'RE JUST DYING TO EXPRESS? IF SO, WRITE FOR THE OPINION/EDITORIAL SECTION! E - MAIL US AT: PSBOPINION@YAHOO .COM Want to respond to an article you read in this edition of the Behread Beacofil E-mail us at PsisPilkilloYAotem and you may see yourself featured in our "Letters to the Editor" section. Keep submissions under 300 words. Advice for freshmen ANISSA CHAMBERS contributing writer Boom! It's here! Can you feel it? Can you smell it? It's Penn State pride bursting through the walls! Never thought it would come this quickly, huh? We all did the Facebook countdowns as eager freshmen to start at "The #1 party school in America," got all the essentials to create a lux urious dorm and even made friends prior to moving so we wouldn't be alone. Get ready to crack-down now, as classes start Monday. I don't think any of us expected it to be so close, especially not those of us who moved in early to start training at Dobbins or Bruno's, and we surely didn't expect to have to hike every where we went. Do you and your roommate a favor and break the awkward ness! You have to live with this person you know nothing BEHREND BEACON August 19, 2010 unpacked my stuff. By this time, I wasn't just nervous. On the inside, I was in hysterics. The reality hit me, and I real ized something: I wasn't ready for this. I didn't stay at University Park for long - in fact, if you're reading this and you've been on campus for a few days, you beat me. Congratulations. If you're from Erie or anywhere close to Behrend, though, you don't count. Sorry. There are a few lessons that can be learned from my story. First, Behrend is a solid school. Sure, it's a branch cam pus, but you're getting a Penn State education with the posi tive qualities of a smaller school. It's a lesson I had to learn. I overlooked Behrend for the glitz and glamour of University Park. We don't have Beaver Sta dium or a Creamery, but our dining halls do catch on fire. That's pretty cool. If the situation at Behrend isn't working out for you, don't be afraid to make a change. If you've given it some solid time and aren't happy here, it's un derstandable. Don't grin and Behr(end) it. It's really not worth it. Still, I think there's some thing for everyone at Behrend. It's a pretty cool experience, and that's coming from some one who wrote off Penn State Erie. Enjoy the ride, freshmen. You'll learn a lot this year, and not just in the classroom. Sure, their style may not fit yours, and you may not even have the same background, but if you at least try to become friends it'll be easier to live with one another. On that note , there are a lot of other things you're going to need, too. You need a car. You need money. You need a television. You need an Ethernet cord. (This is something someone could have happily told me be fore I registered my laptop.) You need some form of music. (Silence isn't that golden in Erie.) Last, but not least, invest in some snacks...really. While fun is, well, fun, please do not forget the goal in which you invested thousands of dollars in: your degree! Leave here with something besides a hangover and debt. Sleep after you've done what you had to do, study before par tying, and study after! You'll need it.