WINTER FEATURE Jon Frank: No risk, no gain Behrend sophomore Jonathon Frank is tearing up the slopes at Peak n' Peek this winter. The first time sophomore Jon Frank snow boarded was almost his last. A seventh grader, Frank rehted a snowboard to try his hand at it. “I was a big snowboarding fan, and I wanted to try it out,” Frank said. “It was pretty hard, and I fell a lot. I did not get back on a board until my freshman year at Behrend.” His second dance on the slopes produced many of the same results. “1 went to Peak n’ Peek with a borrowed snow board from a friend,” Frank said. “While going down a hill 1 tried to stop, but [ended up] getting the wind knocked out of me. I had a few good bruised ribs.” Another hiatus was an afterthought as Frank was determined to return to the slopes. “After the winter break I was ready for some real snowboarding,” Frank said. “1 took advan tage of the class Behrend has with the Peak. That semester I learned so much.” Frank became so confident in his skills that he invested in them. “My roommate at the time bought a new snow board so I got to use his old one pretty much for free,” Frank said. “I ended up buying it off of him SHAWN ANNARELLI mjnjging editor for pretty cheap, and it’s still the board I use now.” After the purchase he dropped another $l2O on a new pair of bindings to go with the veteran board. Frank’s snowboarding has led him to make his next purchase, a QH££-a-week plus pass at Peak n’ Peek Tuesdays, 'Wednesdays and Thursdays. “I try going twice a week, but with classes it is difficult to go at times,” Frank said. “The pass came with eight weeks of free lessons that I use to learn new spins, doing boxes and rails, and doing jumps.” Frank likes to ride in the park perfecting his stunts, “until I start to feel uneasy about the jumps.” He then heads over to the trails to cool down. Riding is more than just an adrenaline rush for Frank. “Going down the mountain is therapeutic for me," Frank said. “Before the season started I lit erally could not wait. It was like a craving. It’s a way to express yourself.” Frank is coming a long way from his first out ing. He is proud of the bumps he takes. “Snowboarding comes with its inherent risks, but so does walking outside every morning,” he said. “Nothing risked, nothing gained.” i»i'\ <• ir it ■’ *7 % ' * Behrend Beacon February 19, 201 www.thebehrendbeacon.cor »£■ *y i' ffcli '•£•.7:;. "fynr. V 'j* * , •• ~1-L - : ;: sf|§ ; '4i