•om our Photoßeview, News, Culture and Ins of the Fall 2009 semester are for sale. Also for sale are the photos featured on our Behrend Beacon Flickr account: In a funk: On Dec. 3, the Penn State Behrend Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Quintet performed to a large crowd in Brunos. The student ensembles played selections directed by Dr. Gary Viebranz, Lecturer in Music and Director of Instrumental Ensembles. --, • .4!, no. • • , .. ....... : ~:', . . - '• '40,2., ,-,,,....,!..,:...::: .:\ . ~.., ~ . . ....., :. PICTURE CDS ARE AVAILABLE ON REQUEST TO ORDER PHOTOS... CALL OR EMAIL US AT?• Phone (814) 504-9618 photoeditor@psu.edu • The Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court decisions of 1973 legalized abortion for virtually any reason during all 9 months of pregnancy. Since then there have been over 50,000,000 abortions in the United States. • Many Americans think this policy is too extreme and want to see the number of abortions reduced with more protective laws and better support for women facing difficult pregnancies. • More than 300,000 people gathered in Washington, DC last January on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade to call for these changes. This January, so can you. • Grab a seat on our 26-hour March for Life . Buses will leave Erie at 11 pm, January 21 and return about 1 am, January 23. Seats are $4O. Student sponsorships are currently available. Last January more than 50 Erie-area college students were among our group of 220. Call (814) 882-1333 for reservations or more information. See also . . . www.peopleforlife.org "Change does not roll in on wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle." Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1 6 otoßevieW err• ~ ,;, Bus TRIP This week's sights and scenes caught on camera. Beacon Photography Department Photo Editor and Photocaphy Supervisor Senior Phoingraphers Jon Klein Mike Fultz Daniel J. Smith Junior Photographer; Ashley Bemis Maria Batt litat