1 0 BEHREND BEACON October 23, 2009 www.thebehrendbeacon.com Op OUR VOICE: Majority opinion of the Behrend Beacon editorial board Student organizations must be public Last week, the Beacon pub lished an article lIFC President Mancini Removed from Office' regarding a club dealing in closed-doors meetings. This has been an unfortunate trend this year; more and more clubs are closing the doors to their meetings to not only the Bea con, but to the public as well. This raises several unfortu nate results. First, freedom of information is not available to students. Students deserve to know what is going on within organizations - especially those in charge of governing others. We agree that some meetings of organizations (such as a meet- MY VOICE NFL A game in the NFL is violent and in-your-face. Unless you're a quarterback. Unfortunately, professional football has devolved from a game where the quarterbacks used to not only get hit but even punt and play defense. Now, thanks to a knee injury to Tom Brady, the quarterback is nearly as safe as the kicker or punter. "The Brady Rule," which states that "a defensive player on the ground may no longer lunge or dive at a quarterback's lower legs." took effect this year after Brady missed his en tire 'OB-'O9 season due to a (per fectly legal) hit from the Kansas City Chief's Bernard Pollard. Pollard was pushed from behind while ~, j ~. ~~ ..: Y. vex. ~ ~~;;°. ~•. ~' "AND HiliKAYalcAL KINCIDIAI lii W cre DID `IT `UtaiIIEVIZIMOTIE ND THE EDITOR'S BLURB Keeping friends during college chaos The college experience can place a lot of pressure on an in dividual. With all the assign ments and exams, it is easy for some things to slip though the cracks. Sadly, in most cases, a friendship is usually the first thing to go. All relationships require maintenance, and this is where most people falter. 1 might have a friend for whom I care very deeply and I might drop everything I'm doing to help her. However, if she does not 4701 College Drive, Erie PA 16563 Room 10H THE BEHREND BEACON Executive Board Editor-in-Chief: Business Manager Connor Sattely Bethany Long edstorpsu edu bjlso37@psu.edu Managing Editor: Faculty Advisor: Christine Newby Kim Young censos6@psu edu kjylo@psu edu Web Editor: Marcus Yeagley miysol2" psu edu ing of the Student Government Association's executive board) be private; personal matters and executive decisions that are made within officers are ob viously something that clubs may not want publicized. However, large meetings that involve a majority of the organ ization should by all rights be open to the public. Obviously, this increases the probability of introducing public feedback - no matter how inane or point less it may seem - to a club's functioning. Additionally, hold ing meetings in a public setting adds to the base legitimacy of a club, because it shows trans quarterbacks need to man up injuring Brady's knee. What upsets me about this rule is the fact that the change was made after Brady was in jured. Am I suggesting that the NFL created the rule because Brady got hurt? Yes, that's exactly what I'm suggesting. There is no doubt that the quarterback position is one of the most exciting in the game. Quarterbacks have made the game more exciting and inter esting to watch. Injuries hap pen. They are unpredictable and part of the sport. Everyone hates to see a player miss his entire season, but is it neces sary for the NFL to implement a new rule because their golden boy suffered a torn ACL? What would reciprocate these favors, then I'm not going to continue doing as many things for her. Eventu ally, if she keeps neglecting me, then I will simply go somewhere else for attention. A one sided rela tionship will lead to ostracism, but for some reason, the forsaken friends never seem to under- News Editors: Mike 0 Wehrer Inrwso94psu edu Ally Orlando ac 05051 c?Ppsu edu Culture Editor: Evan Koser emksllo@psu.edu parency and accountability. There are always issues within a club that must be han dled privately, and the Beacon has always and will always re spect that. We want to afford every club and organization the privacy they deserve, but we also have a duty to educate stu dents regarding events on-cam pus. As always, the Beacon invites any and all students to attend its weekly editorial board meet ings. We have a portion of our meetings which are open for public comment, and we invite any readers to come and give feedback - both good and bad. happen if someone fell on the Oakland Raiders quarterback JaMarcus Russell's knee and sidelined him for a season? I'm willing to bet noth ing would happen, considering Russell is currently one of the worst quarter backs in the league. Former NFL quarterback Vinny Testaverde went down in 1999 with a torn ACL. No tears were shed. There wasn't a new rule named after him the following season. Brady has already received a penalty call in his favor for his new rule this season. Terrell Suggs of the Baltimore Ravens ing Brady and fell at of the "untouchable tck" brushing his legs. imediately turned to •ee, asking for a call. guess what happened The Fates looked indly upon the poor Jaby Brady and gave 'ollard a 15-yard •oughing the passer )enalty when Brady stand why they've been left all alone. This abandonment is not a result of selfishness, but friendships are a two-way street. To prevent a four year sentence of solitude, you need to treat people how you'd like to be treated. Would you like to be hugged when you are upset? Then corn fort a friend when NEIL JAMES ()pinion editor Editorial Board Business Editors: Harmilee Cousin hxcso2o@psu.edu Garrett Carson gmcso2l@psu.edu Science Editor: Brian Carlson bmcso62@psu.edu Opinion Editor: Neil James opinion@psu.edu Sports Editors: Nick Blake npbso4l@psu edu Shawn Annarelli smaslB9@psu.edu We truly want to know what you think. Our meetings are held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesdays in Reed 150, the new conference room next to the Academic and Career Planning Center. Come with suggestions, complaints, or even a note of praise. Connor Sattely for the Behrend Beacon Editorial staff Note: This Tuesday, Oct. 27., we will not hold our meeting due to an edi torial board trip to Austin for the Associated Collegiate Press na tional journalism conference. barely got touched. He didn't even fall down. Ray Lewis, teammate of Suggs, said it best when he was questioned about the call after the game: NICK BLAKE sports editor contact sport Brady's former teammate Rodney Harrison, who is cur rently working with NBC, also felt the call was unnecessary. "Horrible call, you can't make this call," Harrison said on NBC's Sunday Night Football. "Tom Brady, if you're listening, take off the skirt and put on some slacks. Toughen up." I know it is a worn out com ment, but if the NFL doesn't want their quarterbacks being hit, then put some red flags on their hips and eliminate tack ling all together. they are having a bad day. Per haps you would enjoy a con gratulatory high-five when you do well on a test. I would rec ommend you do this on occa sion just to keep things fresh with a buddy. Keeping a friendship healthy is simple as long as you are car ing and positive. I would also recommend that you not crash their car or light their bed on fire. That will usually put undue strain on any relation ship. So look out for that. Telephone: (814) 898-6488 Fax: (814) 898-6019 Single copies of the Beacon are free and available at newsstands around campus. Additional copies can be purchased with permission of the editor-in-chief for $1.50 each. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the students, faculty or University administration. Opinions ex pressed in columns, cartoons, and letters are not necessarily those of The Behrend Beacon unless otherwise indicated. Any letters intended for publication must be addressed to the editor, be no more than 250 words, and include the Photographer: writer's name and phone number. Letters may be edited for content or length at the editor in chief's discretion. Jon Klein The Behrend Beacon does not publish anonymous letters to the editor. If students want their letters to be pub jekso34@psu.edu fished, they must Include their name. The Behrend Beacon intends for its Opinion page to be a forum for discussion, Engineering Editor: not a screen to hide behind. Occasionally, The Behrend Beacon may request responses to online queries in which re sponders will be identified by their username. Kristin Sliwinski The Behrend Beacon is editorially independent from the Penn State system. The Behrend Beacon operates partially on kass79o@psu.edu Student Activity Fee, and partially on advertising revenue. It is published every Friday during the school year except for Brett Miller before and during scheduled vacations, with exceptions for special issues. The editor-in-chief has the final authority on editorial decisions, including, but not limited to, all columns, editorials, bwmslsl@psu.edu and letters to the editor. Complaints regarding Beacon coverage of school events should be directed to the editor at edi tor', psu.edu. Humanities Editor Adam Spinelli alsssB9@psuedu Photo Editor: Daniel J. Smith djss223@psu.edu Copy Editor: Jeff Kramer jsksl6l@psu.edu "He's a man. They can be hit just like us." As much as I dislike Lewis, I agree completely with his com ments. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Brady is a man and football is a I cannot lie that Penn State University Park is, without a doubt, an amazing place. It of fers a college kid's dream: plentiful gifts of alcohol, tail gates, the opposite sex and overall good times. I will also admit that game day is, hands down, the closest feeling to Heaven anyone can get on this planet. In fact, legend has it, if you look close enough, you can see Joe Paterno being cradled by angels onto the field for all home games. With that said, Happy Valley blesses us all in ways we have never known before and let's be thankful for that. However, as exciting as University Park may be, let us refrain from at tempting any form of "the wave" for the moment, and for God's sake, stop passionately sniffing your season tickets. I would like to remind everyone that Behrend has one beneficial perk that University Park does not: a genuine closeness. Being a branch campus yields a smaller, tight-knit com munity that can prove very beneficial. Having a smaller school opens the door for more inter-connected relationships and individual attention in the classroom. On top of that, we still recieve the commendable titles of "Penn State student" for resumes. Thus, we recieve the same education as students at U.P. and we are exempted from having to send smoke I , AAka Fresh scheduling BRANDON BOYD It's that time again: schedul ing. For those of you that are on pace to pass the semester, con gratulations. Fur the others? Maybe schedule a few extra gym classes to boost your GPA. For all Behrend students, schedul ing offers an interesting dilemma: what will I torture myself with next semester? If we are going to work hard in a class, let us at least make it en tertaining. We need to add some pizzazz to a bland list of classes - math, history, and sci ence? Yeah, yeah, I took those in high school. The only thing Penn State does is change the names of them to "quantifica tion, natural sciences and hu manities." • Zombie Survival. We have "humanities" and "quantifica tion," so now we need a "social and behavioral science." In this class, students can study zom bies and their social and behav ioral tendencies. That way, if an attack ever occurs, we will all be ready. It takes real dead ication to pass this class. • Stick Figures and Finger Painting. Let's face it; some of us (myself included) are the same artistically as we were in kindergarten. Why punish us by making us paint a tree that ends up looking like a tele phone pole wearing a big green hat? This class is for those of us that appreciate the simpler things in life. As you begin scheduling your classes, think about what could be. Sure, you could know how to find derivatives and how George Washington became the first president. Or, you could know the essentials, like how to eat a bunch of hot dogs quickly, how to create a successful fan tasy sports team, how to sur vive a zombie attack, and how to draw a mean stick figure. • Fantasy Sports. Here is an Your call. If you put lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig. If the higher-ups of the col lege really want us to succeed in life, why not try introducing these classes? • Competitive Eating. Who doesn't want to try to eat as many hot dogs as they can in ten minutes? What's more American than watching the Nathan's Hot Dog eating con test on July 4th? With this class, the students of Penn State Erie would have the won derful opportunity to train for competitive eating contests around the world. This is our chance to dethrone Joey Chest nut as champion and bring the title to Behrend. 68 hot dogs in ten minutes? I can do it in nine, thanks to this class. LaAkiilA Respect CARA DALLENBACH What a campus, what a home, and what a sanctuary we have in Behrend. Yet, despite the wonders of Behrend, in the back of many students' minds is the prospect of something much more grand and desir able. But wait; before I say it, sound the marching band, roll out the red carpet and cue the baton twirlers. To what do we owe this cordial introduction? Well, it's obvious isn't it? Main campus, of course. 0111 inion excellent opportunity to teach all the sports-loving students some math. On the first day of class, the students each draft a team, depending on what sport is in season. Throughout the year, students calculate how many points their team scores by hand. To get a good grade, you turn in your compilation of the points, and the professor compares it to what is online. If it's on the money, you get an 'A." If you're less accurate than a JaMarcus Russell pass, you fail. staff writer Behrend signals to professors when we have a question in a lecture hall. ME= Some students might com pletely disregard this idea and state, "But you don't under stand, I bleed blue and white. My soul yearns to be at Main!" First, if this is indeed the case, please put down this paper and seek medical assis tance at once. Secondly, I do see the in trigue in going to a large cam pus and being amongst the rowdy and boisterous crowds. However 40,000 students bustling about every day could bring an endless supply of trou ble and distraction. Forgive me for over-exaggerating here, but I would not be surprised if it was acceptable there to chest bump your professor before and after class, or to respond to a philosophy professor's rhetorical question with a "Woohoo! Go State!" I'm simply saying that here at Behrend it is easier to com municate with professors and concentrate on academics. There is always the option to visit Main on weekend excur sions and save yourself from being sucked in by the lure of Main's party atmosphere dur ing the school week. Matching your GPA with your blood alco hol level is not the cleverest of ideas. I know some of you have the continual issue of hearing about a party and within a mat ter of seconds, you are throw ing your retractable pen and paper out the window. Look out, the night is officially young. This is why some indi viduals are simply better off staying put at Behrend. I encourage all students to as sess both schools before mak ing a switch. After all, wherever any of us end up, we are all fellow Penn State stu dents at the end of the day; it's just a matter of whether you would rather crowd surf your way to class or take a leisurely stroll. The decision is yours. IP . I