6 I The Behrend Beacon A look at the world of music, from the obscure to the obscene, the new and the old Coheed and Cambria to release a new album 'oheed and Cambria readies for their new album In 2002. music enthusiasts saw one of the greatest progressive metal hands come onto the scene. With the release of The .S'econd Staix turbine Blade. Cohecd and Cambria flew onto the charts and bless most listeners away. Unfortunately. I wasn't in that group of individuals. I found out about them only two years ago from a friend hack home. Listening to that hand is nothing less than the most amaz ing auditory experience you'll ever have. The first song I heard by them \+. as — Hie Running Free, - and it was on their most recently released album. Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV' No World for romormt. After hearing that song. I thought it couldn't get much better. I quickly realized that the rest of their music is much better than that song. and now it's hardly listened to. The thing about Coheed and Cambria that makes them so interest ing and original to me is that all of their songs follow a storyline. That's what most people don't know about the hand. Every one of their songs follows a science fiction storyline called The Armory Wars. a comic series written by lead singer Claudio Sanchez. That was the starting push the hand needed in order to get their project on the right track. Claudio had been practicing guitar in his spare time between writing the comics and had actually been carrying a side project with his friend Travis Stever called Toxic Parents. The pair tapped into their progressive roots and really hit the studio in 2001 to practice up for their 2002 release, The Second Stage Turbine Blade. With tracks like "Delirium Trigger. - "Devil in Jersey City." and "33. - there wasn't much more to expected from a first album than that. Alter that record, In Keeping Secrets of Silent Earth was released in 2003. and they finally achieved radio play with the single "A Favor House Atlantic. - They began touring and the rest was made in histor ically epic heaven. They released Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV in late 2005 with a quick follow-up album. Good Apollo, Int Burning Star IV: No World for Tomorrow. With those combined albums, Coheed and Cambria has really exploded onto the scene. The most famous of these songs were "Welcome Home. - "The Running Free.'' Feathers." and "No World for Tomorrow." "Welcome Home" was even featured as a hale track for the revolutionary video game Rock Band and was the basis behind their advertising campaign as it was featured in a commercial The v' e been doing an international tour for the last four months and are starting another tour with Triyitun and Slipknot to go across the country. A new album is in discussion and several singles have been rumored. but there hasn't been much released other than remix es of older songs. I lowever. they are going to he releasing a boxed set ()I all or their records called Neverender to he seen soon on the shelves. Look for it. and check Out for yourself what an amazing hand ihese gti comprise NEED HOUSING OVER BREAK? EMAIL THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT: PsBSTUDENTAFFAIRs®GMAIL.COM Ti:) BE PLACED ON NE WINTER HOUSING LIsTsERV. W ANT TO HOST A FELLOW STUDENT OVER WINTER BREAK? EMAIL THE STUDENT GOVERNMENT: PSEISTUDENTAFFAIRSC O IGMAIL.COM TO BE PLACED ON THE CONTACT LIST SUBMITTED TO STUDENTS IN NEED OF HOU SING EMAILS WILL BE SENT OUT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 11 TO STUDENTS IN NEED OF HOUSING WITH A LIST OF STUDENTS. WHO ARE HOSTING STUDENTS OVER BREAK. AF TER THAT IT IS THE STUDENTS IN NEED OF HOUSING RESPONSIBILITY T CONTACT AND NEGOTIATE HOUSING WITH STUDENTS WHO ARE OFFERING HOUSING ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT _~ _ IMMI!I By Nathan Carter vtqfl writer nrc50690 , pmLedu - n^ - .-_, Burn After Reading or burn after watching? Burn After Reading is ti come dy/thriller film released last Septemher starring Brad Pitt. George (looney. and other stars and is playing in Reed 113 next week. beginning Wednesday. Is it worth your valuable dol lar? RottenTomatoes.com. a website that features "depend able. objective resources for cov erage of movies and DVITs. - says yes. The Rotten Tomatoes experts gave the film a 79 per cent and anything ov er 50 per cent is considered good. The consensus. according to RT. is that "the Coen brothers have crafted another clever comedy/thriller with an out landish plot and memorable characters. - The Coen brothers mentioned are Joel and Ethan Coen. who Twilight fails to meet expectations In recent months, news of a Twilight film had put the indus try in a stranglehold. In local venues, tickets for opening night sold out three nights hefore the film was even released. Women of all ages. the majority of view ers, flooded theaters. eagerly , awaiting the sight of everyone's favorite family of vampires. Some dressed up and others had to put all their will power into themselves restraining However. with all of this hype. did the movie live up to the expectations? Sadly. in my opinion the answer is "no. - lye read the entire series from cover to co\ cr. I loved the hooks and was eager ly awaiting Midnight Sun before "It Is Possible" A Behrend Choirs performance Dr. D Jason Bishop Student tickets available at the RUB desk Saturday, December 6 I 8:00 p.m. Sunday, December 7 I 4:00 p.m. Janet Neff Sample Center for Manners 6' Civility "Civility doing anything to or cause harm to a fellow human Financial Executives Assoc. of the l'hilippines both directed the film. Their pre \ ions work includes No Country for Ohl Men, The Big Lebowski, and hirgo The film's plot begins with CIA analyst Agent Cox (John Malkovich ) discovering that he is going to he ousted from his job and reacts by returning home to his cheating wife. his memoirs. and his drinking. Agent Cox's memoirs become misplaced and land in the hands of Linda kitzle (Frances McDormand) and Chad Feldheimer (Brad Pitt), both employees at Hardbodied Fitness Centers. Upon finding the disc. Chad and Linda become deter mined to find out everything about it. As the movie continues. the plot begins to go out of con trol for the two coworkers in a very dark and hilarious way. The aist q'Twilight it was leaked and scraped. Unfortunately, the him left something to he desired. From a story aspect. the film was dead on. It closely followed the story of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart). a 17-year-old girl who moves to Forks. Wash. for a change of scenery. Upon arrival. she is welcomed into a group of friends and begins to assimilate into Forks life. Soon after. she meets her Biology lab partner. Edward Cullen (Robert Paulson). He is attractive and suave, yet mysterious and slight ly odd. Bella falls for Edward after he saves her life, and she subsequently discovers his fami ly's supernatural secret. The Cullens are funny and is the virtue or By Emily Reichert Miff write! ecrso6S p.u.eclu Peter Travers. a reporter for Rolling Stone. states in his review on the movie. "The broth ers have conjured a crazy-quilt comic thriller that takes on our growing national stupidity in the form of a sex farce. The result is wildly funny. hut just as wildly uneven. - This unevenness he speaks of refers to the contrast between No Country For Old Men to this film. Other critics have also pitched in their two cents. J. R. Jones, a reporter for the Chicago Reader. praised the film saying. "After the portentous No Country For Old Men. Joel and Ethan Coen return to their trademark brand of cruel. misanthropic farce, and for dark laughs and hurtling narra tive momentum this spy caper is their best work since Fargo." By Neil J. Peters arts* edilol psusedu bright, with the exception of Rosalie. Edward's sister. The Nomads arc heartless and you can't help but hate James with every fiber of your being. The problems lie not in the story. but in the direction. There were several scenes that were not necessary at all. They just seemed like time that could have been easily put to Netter use. Instead of showing Edward jumping though trees for the third time, why not go into Carlisle's hack-story? The majority of the Cullen's only had what seemed like brief cameos. They hardly brought up Edward's origin, let alone the rest of the family's. In the bock Carlisle, Edward's father, had an intentionally harm being" Friday, December 5, 2008 If you are looking for well chreographed vampiric combat. then Twilight probably is not your hest bet. In a time where super-human films are flooding the theaters, it falls flat on its face in comparison. Granted, no cinematic adapta tion of a hook is going to he per fect. However, The Twilight Saga swept the nation with Harry Potter-like hysteria. Speaking as a man who went to the midnight releases for both phenomena, Edward seemed to generate an even bigger reaction then The Chosen One. So, One would think that Twilight would he given the same treatment of care in its production. Fans can only hope that the film's creators will see such flaws and make the proper adjustments for the sequels to come. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO trait of not Other critics were not so impressed. Tom Long from the Detroit News called it, "A thor oughly disposable comic romp made by a hunch of people who probably should have been work ing on bigger and better things, Burn After Reading is sure to frustrate just about anyone who goes to see it... Despite some opposing views, one thing is for sure, Burn After Reading is perfect for anyone who is looking for a way to unwind and have a good time after a long day of classes. The film will he playing Wednesday and Thursday night at 8 p.m., and Friday and Saturday at 9 p.m. The admission price is one dollar per person. entire chapter devoted to his ori gin. Whereas in the movie, he only had about 15 minutes of face time. Another issue with the film was the ridiculous lack of special effects. In a movie where spe cial effects would have been a no brainer. Stephanie Meyer, demanded they use as little CGI as possible. This means that the movie was filled with out-dated wirework and lame CGI that has worse production value then most pri meti me television shows. Seriously, One Tree Hill has better effects than Twilight did. The fight scene in the end was entertaining, but it had so much more potential. Two vam pires with super speed, strength. and regenerative capabilities could do so much more that toss one another around a room.