Friday, September 19, 2008 The Smithereens new album covers the Beatles By Jeff Kramer contributing writer As I browsed through iTunes for new music, I saw the Smithereens album, B-Sides The Beatles. “That’s curious." I thought, “is that band really ball sy enough to release a Beatles cover album?" I was skeptical as 1 pressed the “buy album" and put ten of my precious dollars down the drain. I transferred all the songs to my iPod Touch, laid on my bed, and pressed play on the first track, “Thank You Girl." Within the first few measures of the song, all my doubts were dis pelled. A couple new ones [doubts] cropped up, but I was satisfied. The Smithereens are an aver age New Jersey band with a CONTRIBUTED PHOTO The members of the Smithereens doing the cliche "we pose against a hrickwall." Heroes makes its season three debut September 22 By Neil J. Peters assistant college life editor njpsoB3 6? As each day passes, the moment all of America has been waiting for looms closer. It’s an event so monumental, so spec tacular that Lord Voldemort would wet himself. It’s the beginning of an era of awesome Monday nights. I’m talking about the season primer of the NBC hit Heroes. the greatest TV show of all time. Some readers may disagree with this view, but one cannot deny the impact the show has had on television programming history. You may remember back in 2005, when NBC was in a bit of a pickle; they were abot to go under. Competition was steep back then, or in the “Big ‘O5" as 1 like to call it. NBC was being steamrolled by the competition, (i.e. Grey's Anatomy , Lost. Smallville and House). With only game shows like Deal or No Deal and a slew of reality shows, death for the network Kristen Bell and Hayden Panettiere co-star in NBC's Heroes. Pat Dinizio. guitarist Jim Babjak, drummer Dennis Diken, and bassist Mike Mesaros formed the group in 1980. After some circulation of a single from the 1986 album. Especially for You. the group was confronted by Rolling Stone magazine for being too much into the mod scene/British inva sion. The article claimed they were too akin to the Beatles, an influence they proudly wear on their sleeves. In the early 19905. the Smithereens were a ;,fight influ ence to Kurt Cobain when he was writing Nevermind. Since then, the group had been fairly uneventful until 2006, when Mesaros left the band and was replaced by Severo “The Thrilla” Jornacion. This brings us to their latest album, B-Sides seemed imminent. But then a champion rose from the gloom. On Sept 25. 2005. Heroes received more viewers than any other NBC show in five years, with an average of 14 million viewers a night. It was a season filled with 25 episodes of awe some that saved NBC from imminent doom. Critics raved over the incredible mix of comic book action and OC drama. However, most good things must come to an end. With a second season, plagued by the 2006-2007 Writers Strike, the show kind of lost its way. Between fuedal Japan and some random place in Mexico, most fans got rather impatient. Now, a beacon of hope shines though the haze. With a full staff of writers and no problems in sight, this season can’t do anything but reclaim its title as the best show on TV. Granted, it is rather boastful to claim that Heroes is better than other hit shows such as Grey’s Anatomy or CSI. But please before you gum up my GOOGLE IMAGES As I [sort of] mentioned previ ously, I’m pretty cynical when it comes to bands who aren’t the Beatles trying to be the Beatles. Usually it’s just some indie hip ster with his buds playing “Come Together” in the garage. Hell, that’s what Across the Universe was—a collection of low grade covers. The Smithereens’ B-Sides The Beatles captures the Beatles’ sound quite well. Jornacion doesn’t neglect his bass guitar, as is most common with Jersey bands like the Smithereens. The George Harrison bass lines are fully intact, especially in “Cry for a Shadow.” DiNizio’s throaty croon is shocking to hear in lieu of John Lennon, but as the album progressed, I grew accus tomed to and even fond of it. There were a few songs where the vocals could have used some more emotion, though —“I'll Get You,” for one. The Smithereens do a fantas tic job covering Beatles songs. In fact, they do too good of a job. If this album’s aim were to get the band booked for wed dings as a cover band, it would do a great job. But they’re not a Beatles cover band, they were an inspiration for Nirvana. These covers give you no reason not to listen to the original Beatles tracks. Even Ringo’s simplistic drum beats are emulated. The album offers little creativity, no matter how tight the recording and sound are. inbox with all of the hate mail. Please, allow me to submit this rebuttal In the case of Gres's Anatomy. I must ask one ques tion: are you female? If the answer is “yes." then please con tinue going about your business. If you answered “no”; then I’m going to have to ask you to please turn in your manhood into the Behrend Beacon Office. Yes, Grey's Anatomy is very popular among women, but only for the exact same reason Heroes is a better show than CSI for men. Can you guess why? No? I’ll give you a hint: It involves the opposite sex. It is a well-documented fact that Patrick Dempsy is the main weakness for all women between the ages of twelve and dead. If you don’t believe me, try this experiment. Simply walk into Dobbins and say the nickname, Dr. McDreamy. Every woman within earshot will whirl around wildly, search ing for the source of her hor mone rush. The same thing happens to young men if you flash a picture of Heroes biggest starlet, Hayden Panettiere. It will seem as though time has stopped inside the aura of the photo- Heroes definitely wins in the sex appeal category for men. Just look at the roster for proof. With such lovely ladies as Hayden Panettiere, Kristen Bell, and Ali Larter in the cast, it is mathematically impossible for it to not be the most awesome show on television. If that’s not enough proof for you, I have another question for you. Have you actually seen the show? The special effects for one episode alone are better that the most of the crappy horror movies that flood the cinemas every week. To make matters better, this season will actually include real super-villains. It’s going to be a wild ride that you do not want to miss! \r i yj Professor holds on to comedic aspirations Joe Faloeeo is not only u pro fessor at Penn Slate Behrend hut also an aspiring stand-lip come dian. Dr. Faloeeo will he per forming this Saturday night at Jr's Last Laugh, a comedy cluh on State Street. Faloeeo will he opening for comedians such its Andy Woodhull and Johy Saad. The admissions fee will he slightly under 13 dollars anil people under the age of 21 arc welcome. The comedy cluh not only offers entertainment hut one ean also purchase food and drink. There will he a show at 6:30 pm and 9:30 pm. An interview with Dr. Faloeeo reveals an edgy man with it humorous background and upbringing. When asked w hy he got into the comedy scene and what age he started at. he replied. “I started doing comedy in my 20’s. It was the 19S()'s: everyone was doing it." Fie started out as follower and grew up to he a leader as a teacher and a comedi an with his own material. His first performance "bombed" he said, but he didn't stop try ing to make people laugh. He used to Yarina Bv Catherine Frisina conlribiitinf> writer cm 1.52440 psu.alu Yarina is a music group that was founded in 1984 in Lcuador and consists of four brothers. They played in Bruno's Cate 'oh Tubi-ltf}’. AceSraiiig to* i)i£ir wthsite. yarina means remem brance in the native Quichua lan guage of the Incas, and they say they are dedicated not only to musical excellence, hut also to Food For Thought “The moment a little boy is con cerned with which is a jay and which is a sparrow, he can no longer see the birds or hear them sing.” —Eric Berne Janet Neff Sample Center for Manners if Civility “To be persuasive, we must believable; must be credible, we must be truth- Bv Bonnie Hevnian try to do political humor in his acts, hut now gets his material from "apolitical observations." Dr. Falocco's icon in comedy is either the late George Carlin or more recently Lewis Black. In Dr. Falocco's "inart" comedy class the students watch DVDs about different concepts and \ tew s of comedv. Lewis Black and George Carlin are both in the DVDs along with other comedians that he shows. How many Zen monks does it take to change a light bulb? Give up? Anytime \ on want to hear that joke or the answer, talk to Dr. Faloeeo. "That's my favorite joke to tell." he says. The answer is two: one to change it and one to not change it. Get it'.’ Anyways. Dr. Faloeeo explained what we should expect from the show Saturdav niaht. "I don't want to exaggerate my contribution at Jr.'s Saturday night." he says. "I'm only doing five minutes, then I'll be introducing the other acts: Joby Saad and Andy Woodhull. They are both estab lished comedians with national brings “Rhythms of Life” to Erie the preservation and sharing of the beauty, courage and survival of the ancestral traditions anil culture of the indigenous peoples of the Andes. They haw trawled throughout Furopc and the Americas and haw won several awards at the ' Nafive American Music Aw ards. Their music invokes a varielv of siring, wind, and percussion instruments that you may not haw heard of before, such as the quena. a traditional bamboo flute to be believable, Edward R. Murrow coiilributiiif! w riter hrhso7()<" ful.” The Behrend Beacon I . reputations, hut I have not seen their work.” This promises to he a good time, ami the audience will get a whole lot of laughs from three different comedians. When asked if he has ever hail a realiv had experience on stage he replied. “Oh. yes." I was almost killed durme the performance of a Theme Park Stunt Show." he continued. That inspired me to go to graduate school. When asked who his favorite comedian to listen lo or watch and he said |Bi 11 MaherJ. because he does the kind of tv pi ca I. political humor I wish I could pull off." In Dr. Faloeeo's class, the stu dents watch and learn ilillerent types of jokes and comedians. He shows video clips and DVDs of comedians doing stand-up and then critiques or laughs hvsteri calls at the performances. Now it is his turn once again to he watched on stage. Come on Saturday, watch him peilorm. and laudi at him. Whether vou are laughing w ith him or til Inin onlv vou will know. with seven holes, anti eharaneo a very small ten-string guitar made of armadillo shell, hut they also play guitars and violin. Yarina feels that can relate to the beauty and magic of their music. Band member .lose Manuel Cachimuel said during their show Tuesdav allernoon that their music is. "both relaxing and entertaining.” One thing is for certain. Yarina bronchi an interesting style of music to Behrend.