Friday, September 12, 2008 Revolutionary game evolutionary art Bv Kvan Koser oris I’ililor CtlllO I IIM" pslU’tlll Create. Fvolve. Cxplore. Share. From the creator of I hr Sims, Will Wright brings \ou Spore. Featuring a simple \et diverse drag-and-drop creation tool. Spore grants you the oppor tunity to create sour o\\ n spee ics from scratch. You'll take vour creation through five stages, from a straightforward cell floating m the primordial soup-esque "talc pool" phase anil onto land n evolve, form tribes, dominate the landscape: and fiunlb. m take of galaxy. What makes this such a m>. alive outlet for art Ms i-. quit, possibly the best perk ul ti k game: the abil ity to share your creations online. You can download user content and vise versa. even to take someone else's hard work for a You start the game as a mere cell with eyes, a mouth, a fla gella and your choice of being a carnivore or an herbivore Quite simpi the cell phase is , n „ Cilt Ol' he spu\ul [is i:11;'u <]■ lake lo ill. -! i The fact that xou'rc a --mall fish in a hie pond is port nixed verv well, with much lat eat species swimming out ot Incus in the background to gixe die illusion that you're too small t. be seen. Exentuallx. as tui gn m in si/e and advance sour etc ation with extra pints, you'll notice other creatures running to escape from your attention while others will dart in vour direction to eat you To make any chances to xour creation, and thus "e\ol\c. you have to find a mate. Sound waves will point the wax to a suitable candidate and thereat tei you'll haxe access to the Spore Creator application. Here, the player can spend l)N.\ points, gained by eating and completing challenges, to add unlocked parts to your creature. After the cell phase, you enter the creature phase, which is basically a three-dimensional version of the same thing except now-' you haxe a nest. \\ lien you die. that is where you're reborn. As an herbivore, you can only eat the plant life, and you're tasked with befriending as many species as possible. As a enrni vorc. you simply kill and eat the spoils. The omnixore is the dil ficult choice, as you re tasked with doing either ol the alore mentioned things. Artistic, creative or ambitious? E-mail Evan Koser at It'-. V . Hll clloiee io kill Ol befriend. c.i! mcai 'M aai !i uH 111.' nil.'. lll.'ll M.'Ullk'lll I >iume earli speed beli'icnd can musaei eMia pails to add I" \oui me,mire W hile il U ould liar e hecn iikc I" see a more fleshed •ml \ arnini <>l I Ins m the li'ihal iini ( i\ i 1 1 /.ita m phases, all -a ih come iiiiloeked -o the work is ih'lk' In Vi Hi I Ik imimo ,1. vmi i uiU'l iniuh in In in - ■-! ~ n. n i i!\p| n\|)Oi k’lk' > i'til i'-'.il• I, .iihi inn, l: i' UK .in*' ■ mini■ >ivs i ivnhaikics i> i i n.! !.i'' : M ii,ninl \\ l! 1 1 !I in piuxci ..a lullx i. !w ax . a ‘ccima ol heme ■ n-.lied .in.! .id: up! h i eiituided to i;,i i x i hi . Hii'i: ,i . et 'action I he I ic.anie o.iee is a pi ime sample im this because, ill i adci 'o ".mu ill. hi l l l \ souehl tile I I)\ \ in 'nits. \. hi hax c to cal. kill oi Ivi i leih I: iinloi lunate ix. as a eaiu'i.nic. the onlx thine to do is kill, e it. kili. icpeal and thus the ph.i'L comes to an abrupt end bach I)\ \ point allied liiilhci s xour exohilion arx progiess and once the bar is lull there s little else to do to pul ol I adx am me. Til ba I and ( i\ 1 1 1 /a 1 1 oi i staees icpuirc xoll lo make peace oi x\at ejiiicklx Ivloic the opposi tion Ivcoincs 100 siione atul w ipes xou out. and all too ollen lltex ’ll lv the ones ins adine first 1 liese stares arc siniplx a cjties lion ol how i.jtiickly you can make peace w uli or destroy your neighbors Idle Spiiia Creator tool is where Spore truix shines You're gixen an innumerable amount ol options. \\ lule the lx pcs ol mouths xi .a can use are limited to xour diet, xou can choose between a number of dif ferent leg. arm and other bodx structures as the creator tuxes Write for the ARTS page of The Behrcmi Beacon \on the option of resi/ing and repositioning everything down to e\er\ joint in the appendages. .Aside I'mni this, the option of at least 30 \er\ different hands and leet are available, as well as sets \ ■ 'll ilnlnnl or of eves. ears, noses, antennae, antlers, horns, spikes and armor, ami ain thing else aesthetie you eould imagine. It's your goal as the artist to deeide what looks eood and what doesn't. siiioi pans It's apparent that the develop ers ol Spore knew how to begin, with its Pae-man-esque cell phase, and how it the game would end. The problem must have been eonnecting the dots fluentlv. Thai Spore cannot fit o !i ml loi 1 u'l i :>i i!,: j,-i ;i >t \. l ll !! ,■ 'A 111 k' encompasses the Real-lime Straleev. the loner Aetion- ( i>\ l Kim 11 I) I’llOK) i!! d'lsl ihc iktllit' I Like' l nlortunatelx. for a game that boasts crealixe developmental Irccdom. it seems a shame that S/iori glosses oxer such cultural aspects as religion, politics and m. tmics lorcc die lex el legal standings to prexenl you I rout truly tlel ining your race. Sirunuer still is that xou can dexien exerxthine about vour creature, but xou can't choose to enslaxe your entire population under a Communist reeime. W hile Spore does indeed lose a heaxy amount of creativity in its Tribal and Civilization phas es. that outlet is regained upon entering the galactic Space phase. Spore just simply doesn't know when to calm down and leaxe the player to his or her oxx n ilex'ices. Forgoing the negativity. Spore is still a \erv interesting and No pm\ ocalive experience other game h;is to offer such an outlet lor creativity. Better still is how the computer brings your bi/arre creation to life. Odd legged beasts have a slight limp or lioir ami you can see your own take on Frankenstein's monster shift weight around with each step. With a few clicks of the mouse and some scrolling on the mouse w heel, the beauty of the creation tool is evident when \our creature "comes to life" on your computer screen ae/i ('()N I RIIU I HI) PHOTO i siuicmeni of truth: rather it Vl\entuiv ami n even hints at a little Role- Has ins: when it conies to e\ol v i n e sour erealure In the earls staees uuir instructions are simply to eat or be eaten. However, the Tribal and Civ i I i/at ion phases more like obstacle slow the name down, as they revolve around economic and domestic die- Pineapple Express lights up audience’s drug awareness Pineapple Express stars James Franco as a pot dealer and Seth Rotten as his loyal buyer. Franco and Rotten's roles arc reversed in this movie from other movies viewers have seen them in. Rogen. who has been in hit movies such as The 40-Year Old Virgin. Knocked Up. and Superhad plays the more responsible smoker with a job as a court process server. Franco, who viewers have seen as the more serious character in films like the three Spider-Man movies and Tristan + Isolde, plays the funny, spaced-out and stoned drug dealer. Saul Silver, trying to make money to put his grand ma in a nursing home. Rogen's character. Dale Denton, witnesses a murder while in his car. He catches a glimpse that involves a female cop. Rosie Pc re/., and the local drug lord brutally slaving another man. At the time he saw the murder, he was smoking the rare weed called Pineapple Express, but threw the joint out his car win dow and sped away when he saw the killing. One of those involved in the murder is able to track him and his dealer. Saul, thanks to the marijuana burning in the joint left. at the crime scene. Things get complicated and eventually the two find themselves in a cra/y adventure fighting for their lives. Although this movie is labeled Food For Thought “One day, someone showed glass of water that was half And he said, ‘ls empty?’ Janet Neff Sample Center for Manners & Civility “As an employee of the NFL or a member club, you are held to a higher standard and expected to conduct yourself in a way that is responsible, promotes the values upon which the league is based and is lawful.” Bv Bonnie Heyman contributing writer AUGUST 2000 C'ONTRIBUTKD PHOTO This comaly-aclion thriller. Pineapple pyprew. is high on laughs. its a "stoner movie" it comes with a heartfelt story and you see the friendship grow from "dealer and pot smoker" to best friends. While Dale and Saul do smoke weed a lot. they manage to figure out a lot about themselves and each other The action in this movie is sometimes a little exaggerated. For example, w hen the character Red. played by Danny Mcßride, gets gavely serious wounds and yet can still drive a car. save his friends and somehow enjoy lunch without seeking medical attention. Another time is when Ed Begley Jr.'s character thinks So I drank the more problem. Alexander Jodorowsky Roger Goodell The Behrend Beacon I hrhso7ot“ SUPERBSD it half full or half that Dale Denton is high at a family dinner, gets out his rifle and starts shooting at him. Then attain, the whole movie starts getting into action after the had guy. Ted Jones (Gary Cole), finds the lit joint out side of his house, smokes it. and can tell what brand of weed it is and who was smok- If there w ere a poll right now whether to legalize marijuana, what side would yam be on? Most who would agree to legaliz- ing it or that have no opinion on the subject would enjoy this movie. Most people that are against the use of drugs and wouldn't ever consider the thought of legalizing pot should not go see this movie. It's really as easy as that. Most of those who have alreadv seen Pineapple Express loved it and hav e seen it multiple times. Other people thought it was a waste of money and time. There is no right or wrong side, but the pattern of movie-goers is that those who don't mind drugs won't mind this movie and vice versa. If this movie sounds like a good one or you are even curious about it. go sec it. If any thing, the movie is a good laugh. If you don't have a car. Pineapple Express will he lea tured in the Reed building later this fall. me a full. water.