I The Behrend Beacon A farewell greeting letter from the editor By Jeremy korwek Humor Editor That is right folks. another year another Humor Page and it has been upgraded. With two new addi tions. famous people' You read me right: Internet celebrities have allowed our little paper to reprint some of their great work. But I will get to them in a minute. first off let me tell yOll a little about myself. I am Jeremy Korwek. and I will he your Humor editor for the next tw o semesters. Anyways, I have always been a fan of the Humor Page, and a fan of the Beacon. Why. you might ask, well because this is college and college is a time for you to express yourself. What better way to do that then through a newspaper. one of the most protected sources of information in the United States. Anyways. now on to the presents that I brought. those famous people I talked about earlier. We have from the sunm, state of Florida Adam Koford. otherwise known as "Ape Lad." He is the DON'T FORGET TO VALIDATE YOUR PARKING I am narcissistic enough to believe my words are worth your time You're probably going to hate me for making you read my stories, for forcing you to vicariously live through my characters - -- and experiencing my world-views -- but that's okay, because I'm Just vain enough to believe you' n be a better person for it I think I can teach you a few things - show you something you haven't seen before, take you places you've never imagined possible. Take note of my philosophy. my pet peeves. my nuanced observations of life and death, right and *rang. rich and iSoor, up and don*. tikrik and white, etc Jump into my storm of conflicts here we ore. small town mentality in a big city breaking rules we never learned, writing in the margins of a page with no text, maple tree laughter in orange October -- calamities of timelessness -- oh yes, some of it is sod, parts guilt and regret but fuck. am I smiling Inside Of Bees and Buzkashi By Bryce Sayers Greetings, readers! Let me be one of the first to say hello and welcome to 2008, a year that, like many years before it shall begin with winter and blossom into spring. Spring is a time when snow stops falling and flowers bloom. This is because the temperature is above the freezing point of water, so when April comes around we can expect rain. As the old nursery rhyme goes - April showers bring May flowers," and what do May flowers bring? June bees! Yes, bees: fuzzy insects that live in colonies ranging from five to one thousand workers, soldiers, drones, a queen bee and the princess bees. What is a queen bee, you ask? Queen bees start their lives as princess bees that fly out of the hive and get married to drones. After the wedding the drones put babies in the princess's tummy and die because they lived only for copulation. The spirit of this ritual has been replicated faithfully in human society as the "hon eymoon," Why is it called this? Because honey comes from bees and pees come from the moon, of course! After the honeymoon the queen builds a nest and starts laying eggs. These eggs will hatch into the rest of the colony and will be told lies about their father. Can you imagine how many people would be in a colony? The truth is you can imagine! Go to a foot ball stadium; try to do this when a game is going on. Imagine that every one in that stadium is alive because HUMOR artist behind the comic "The-Laugh-Out-Loud- Cats" which will he a regular on the Humor page. The other new addition is that of "DON'T FOR GET TO VALIDATE YOUR PARKING, - a comic coming straight out of Hollywood. The screen writer Mike Le brings DFTVYP to us, he has worked with some big names, like Wes Anderson and Owen Wilson. Mike Le is also the Vice President of HQ Pictures. Now just because we have some big names on the page that does not mean you can slack off. The humor page cannot exist on two comics alone. It needs a well balanced diet of satire and parody as well. So all of you aspiring creative writers, or engineers who have a funny side, show it off. You heard me send in your funny stories drawings, doo dles, pictures, or tales. You never know you may end up being the next famoas person on the Humor page. •~ TAP I TAP ■ \ - p....:-.....4 r l: -- ' _... f • \ i - 1 i TAP r , rti TAP IITAP , Enr.47.• rt 17: r an: •vo ii tR of your acts of carnal sin. Now demand beer from the people around you and when they question your authority you can retort, "Because I am your mother. I brought you into this world, and so help you God I can take you out!" If you are rewarded with free beer served by way of kiss es then congratulations, you are the queen bee of the foot ball rectangle! Now, we all know that bees do not live in football stadiums, except for those who build their nests under the bleachers or in place of the football, but did you know bees do not produce beer either? This is because they are devout teetotalers and have renounced the alcohol indus try forever. In its stead they make honey from the pollen of flowers. The bees responsible for gathering and pro cessing pollen are called "workers," Did you know that worker bees are female, but do not get married to drones like princesses do? This is because they prefer kisses from other lady bees to the company of male drones so they fight their guilt by working really hard for the good of the queen. The next time someone says you are "busy like a bee," they are saying you would be an excellent lesbian. It is a compliment! And now some FAQ U B's (Frequently Asked Questions for Understanding Bees). Q: Why do bees have black and yellow stripes? A: Bees wear stripes in a horizontal pattern to accentuate their figures. In bee society the curvy, or The people who can count will get it Mike Le -I. 6%x Kitteh ! Struggle with me and I -- RING RING RING RING RING CM3I7MI HELLO' I "rubenesque" appearance is prized, especially among the workers. Q: Why do bees die after they sting? A: Bees are sincere pacifists but are prone to anger and acts of violence in dire moments. When they sting another living creature they are overcome with remorse and commit hari-bee-kari. Q: I am being harassed by creatures that look like bees but show obvious disdain to their tenets of nonviolence, why? A: You are likely a victim of hornets, dishonor able Martian invaders who mimic and sometimes outright terrorize bees. You cannot rely on moral argu ments to placate hornets, only swift and mighty fists will end the encounter in your favor. I hope my laborious documentation on these marvelous creatures has imparted scintillating informa tion. Best wishes for spring and vote "no" on hornets in the upcoming election. Friday, January 18, 2008 Adam "Ape Lad" Koford \ _ MEI 1111 • • f 1 .Nr 1 _:~. I.lYY"eft Yrt wt.vv* S:ok :-net