I The Behrend Beacon Behrend Jazz Ensemble features a variety of students By Chris LaFuria editor-in-chief =MMI ocated in a cluttered room down a stuffy hallway is a room full of During the class period, the students study the music of many past musicians that are rarely seen but frequently heard. Inside, a handful jazz musicians such as John "Dizzy" Gillespie and Horace Silver. of Behrend students huddle around the conductor who cues each and Simultaneously, they pay tribute to and express the genius of these every move. The sound of the players warming up is rough on the influential musicians. One of the numbers the ensemble plays is "Lir ears, with the trumpets play- Darlin' - by Neal Hefti. Every component ing one note and the do of the song is practiced down to the very mer finding his rhythm. E last note. Each member joins together to just as the conductor, mi be in sync with the rest of the group. professor Dr. Gary Viebri From the opening brushes on the drums raises his hand, everyoni to the trumpet solo by Sperdute, each set to explore the complt aspect is meticulously organized and ties of jazz. practiced until it fits. Sperdute, who is in Every Tuesday his second year with the ensemble, has Thursday, students from been playing the trumpet since he was in across Behrend's curricu: fourth grade. gather to play different se. Although the class is only one credit, he Lions from the jazz archil says it's still worth to stay involved. "It Rohan Romanna, drumn gives me a chance to keep playing my and percussionist, is horn," he said. "It's good to keep active." Business Management Chris LaFuna/THE BEHREND BEACON Viebranz has been involved with the major. Jason Nowacinski, This is Dr. Viebranz's 9th year as a professor at Behrend. ensemble for nine years. He says that the bassist, is a History and students make teaching the class easy Anthropology major. Mike because of their motivation to perform. "I Sperdute, trumpeter, is studying Math Education. However, when the think the best part is that the people there want to play," he said. "To students gather in the music room, they transform into jazz musicians.• be in it for the sake of playing music is the purest form of motivation." ach and every one has the same purpose. "Because I love music," Aside from conducting the band, Viebranz also joins in on the Romanna, "I get to express myself in ways that words cannot." music. During one practice, he aided the musicians by joining in on The Behrend jazz ensemble expands farther than the walls of the trumpet. He leads the numbers by accompanying with the piano. "Top Five TV Neighbors" By Andy MeLathlan Mr. - "Doug" 5; Paul Pfeiffer - "The Wonder Years" Wilson - "Home Improvement", 2. Ned Flanders - Cosmo Kramer - "Seinfeld" had S *elberg that n as 'iA7N,4'. “Top Five Thi....c, • ” ~,,„,,,,,,,„ with --j-v,t . .........„..c..:, „.4.:5.... '' -:.,......, do ~,...,.,,„,,,k..„,„„,..,...„. ,_ 1 ,W*.'l3AxitN'''''YPk.;:' thing to-- some to rz,inacriier Ryan L. t‘'i "LI 4°lb :Act"4.:`:.,P,',- 1'•(..-1': By RYa s•Transformers kl. A'4 , " t , : , 1 : ' : ' l '''-,. 1,. e .„1 ..... ": '„.•4! , ?..,, , ,,,.1 ~,,,...4....„..,, . • v 4 4 , Qrs.d' P';:a oil can DiFrov.-7A ' trh Me I f C w_ . ...„.,,...,, 4. 1.4...:,'....,..7% . .h s . ~„ jone 3 /a . au r med Roge ~ . . .. . 5 s ,‘ 7 who Fra ......„,,,„ ..., . he Fu . 1. k to Bac ... A Quick Look: inside new films.. Ryan P. Gallagher sir ,--.. "The Simpsons" PriLEI frri Li [ classroom. In September, the group played Parents and Family Day on campus. They also have a performance scheduled for December in Bruno's. 30 Days of Night Director: David Slade The latest vampire thriller attacks theaters today with Josh Hartnett and Melissa George starring as husband/wife in a small Alaskan town. In this lonely village, the sun habitually disappears for one month each year, how ever, this isn't your typical sundown. Blood-thirsty vampires are prowling about and Hartnett and George are the only hope for survival. This may not be your normal horror-thriller flick, however, the vampires make it deathly intrigueing. While the film stands out uniquely with its creepy, nightmarish trailers, the portrayal of vampires is always a difficult job. The success of this film is going to be dependant upon that aspect, in addition to fine acting. All too often we see terrible acting in horror flicks which brings the overall quality of the film to a minimum. If the horror genre is your pickle and chips then check it out. If not, you're on your own. Release date: Today Who was your favorite Mighty Duck?? A. Fulton Reed B. Jesse Hall C. Charlie Conway D. Dave Karp E. Lester Averman F. Connie Moreau G. Adam Banks *e-mail responses to rpgsoo4@psu.edu or srmsoB2@psu.edu -ni-ni rll The ensemble plays a variety of songs from Latin music to heavy swing. They even throw in some contemporary off-the-wall numbers. "We like to mix it up and keep a wide variety," Viebranz said. Last year, during the ensemble's sessions, they played theme songs from such popular hits as Chicago, The Ineredibles and Family Guy. This year, in December, the jazz ensemble will showcase the numbers that they have prepared during their twice-a-week sessions. Whether the students are there for the credit, the friends or the expe rience, everyone there is a musician. Each member comprises an ensemble of different musicians from different majors coming togeth er for the ultimate form of artistic expression. Nowacinski enjoys being a part of the ensemble. The part he enjoys most is, "just being a part of it," he said. "I'm here to expand my musicianship. It's inter esting to watch it develop and grow." Chris I.akiriaf BEHREND BEACON Students of the jazz ensemble during rehearsel. American Gangster Director: Ridley Scott The mafia is dominating the big screen once again as Ridley Scott delivers his newest crime/drama with more organanized crime and drug trafficking than Scorsese himself would know what to do with. The plot is fairly simple, featuring Frank Lucas (Denzel Washington)as a driver working his way to the head of the inner city's organized crime, where he eventually finds himself trafficking drugs through the coffins of American soldiers who were victims of the Vietnam War. Russel Crowe plays his counterpart- a typical street cop trying to bring the entire ring down. The film's plot does not play a crucial role to this latest Goodfellas-type movie, but what will hopefully set this piece of work apart from every other mafia flick is Scott's remarkable directing skills. In addition to the potentially breathtaking cinematography that his films are known for, this film will stand out among others in a way that can only be portrayed by Scott. Release date: Nov. 2, 2007 Friday, October 19, 2007