Friday, September 28. 2007 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. - The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution The Behrend Beacon Published weekly by the students of Penn State Belli-end beacon chn,t,,,,h, LaFuria. Editor in Chief Mike Sharkey. Co-editor in Chief Patrick Wchster. Managing Editor nn. Advertising Manager Kim Young. Adviser News Editor Head Copy Editor Smith Janet Niedenherger Sports Editors Photography Editor Mel.achlan Humor Editor Mati \\;in , nker Mike Sharkey Student Life Editors Entertainment Editors Seen Mu,kn Evan Kuser P Gall4cr Connor Sanely Cop Editors Opinion Editor lennil~r.lunm;i Chris Brown Raehel Bee\ es Assistant Student Life Editor Mau Schawenhauer Penn State Erie, The Behrend College First Floor. The .1. Elmer Reed Union Building Station Road. Erie, PA 16563 Contact the Beacon at: Telephone: (814) S9B-6488 Fay: i 814) S9B-6019 Have an opinion? Want to see something changed on campus? Share it with the rest of the student body. The Behrend Beacon is always accepting articles for submission. E-mail Chris LaFuria at if you are interested in writing. Point-Counterpoint: The Case for Dark Beer By Ryan Gallag,het student file edit°, fpgs,oo4(,l,q,cd,, Dark beer: Gatorade. Light lice,: water. What a comparison. Water quenches the thirst. but in such a plain, boring fashion. V, hile Gatorade quenches with an explosion of Has or. This i s sslis I lose a dark, rich ale. It doesn't taste like watered-down piss. I can sip on a dark beer for an hour and it will still be delicious to the Scn last drop. something only achieved with a dark rich ale or lager. The majority of time I come across someone choking down a Natural Light just to Oct drunk. I wonder why people cant do this Na. ith a Guinness, or a Yueng,ling. I mean. honesty. when someone tells me the best way to enjoy the beer is through a bong, I know that flavor isn't the ntllllher on e priority of this brewery. However, the majority of college students still tend to prefer light beers to dark. Whether this is because all students care about is getting hammered. or the . N . , simply ha\ en't week ed enough culture. I don't know. But I find it strange. When I turned 21. I was eager to explore all the \ ariittions of beer and see what kinds I liked. It didn't take lone to realize that dark was the \\ ax to go. It's like choosing Coke over Diet just tastes better. Another beer that often cues Os erlooked to col lege kids all over is Guinness. Noss Guinness does n't taste like your typical beer. In fact, no ale tastes like your typical beer. Then all have their own dis tinctive, signature taste that makes them unforget table. Guinness just has a taste es en more obscure than most. When tasting a Guinness for the first time, try not to anticipate its taste based on other beers you've tried, because it vv ill he nothing like it. It has a rich, creamy Irish taste to it. and is s Lir\ eas to drink due to the lack of carbonation. It doesn't even have to he cold tor you to enjoy a dark. creams Submission Guidelines The Beacon welcomes readers to share their views on this page. Letters and commentary pieces can be submitted by email to or directly to the Beacon office, located in the Reed Building. Letters should be limited to 350 words and commentaries should be limited to 700 words. The more concise the submission, the less we will be forced to edit it for space concerns and the more likely we are to run the submission. All submissions must include the writer's year in school, major and name as The Beacon does not publish anonymous letters. Deadline for any submission is 5 p.m. Tuesday afternoon for inclu sion in the Friday issue. All submissions are considered, but because of space limitations, some may not be published. The Behrend Beacon reserves the right to edit any submissions Guiness draught either, but it doesn't help to add a refreshing shot of Jameson. Two other beers at the top of my recommendation list is the Pennsylvania native Yuengling Lager (old est brewery in America) and New Castle Brown Ale. Yuengling Lager is always a fine choice. Its dark, amber color illustrates the flavor and forces you to push the cold, bubbly liquid to your lips and enjoy every aspect of it sliding down your throat. New Castle has a thicker, flatter tex- tuft! and is more of an acquire hut still delicious taste. Whether you are trying relax, or just enjoy a tasty buz; give a dark lager a try if yi normally drink light beer. Nik may find it intriguing and mak. ing you want to drink more The Behrend Beacon does not condone underage or unsafe drinking. Please enjoy your alcohol responsibly - Do not drink and drive. Didn't this happen already? speech at the UN he said, "The decisions by the United States and France are not important." Congress is doing its part to back the United States into an invasion or at the least an attack. Few news agencies Fall 2007 is beginning to look eerily similar to the Fall of picked up on the story, but the Senate approved an amend -2002 when the Bush Administration began to make its case meat to a routine budget authorization bill. The amend to invade Iraq, only this time Iran is in the crosshairs. Over ment expresses the Senate's support for "the prudent and the past few months the United States and our European calibrated use of all instruments of United States national Allies have placed a number of economic sanctions on Iran power in Iraq, including diplomatic, economic, intelligence, to convince them to give up nuclear research. Iran insists it and military instruments." Senator Jimm Webb from is only for peaceful nuclear energy research. Surprisingly, Virginia gave an impassioned speech on the Senate floor Bush has been content with these sanctions but judging during debate, but it ended up passing anyways 76-22. Both from his rhetoric and White House Senator Bob Casey and Arlen Specter press 'leaks,' things could be chang- Iran's actions threaten from Pennsylvania voted for the bill. mg rather quickly. Despite all the rhetoric and . . Take a recent speech Bush gave at the security of nations fronting, Bush has been content with the American Legion in which he said, • taking the diplomatic route and focus "lran's actions threaten the security of everywhere and that is . ing on getting more strict economic nations everywhere and that is whysanctions, but this opportunity may be i the United States is rallying friends why the United States s coming to a close. Germany and other and allies around the world every- rallying friends an d European nations are resisting any where to isolate the regime to impose new sanctions and without their sup economic sanctions. We will confront allies around the world port the likelihood of any new sanc this danger before it is too late." tions being passed is low. Compare that to another speech, this everywhere to isolate the There are a few key differences one from October 2002; "If, however, • between now and 2002 that probably the Iraqi regime persists in its defi- regime mean an attack on Iran's nuclear facil ance, the use of force may become ities probably won't happen. One of unavoidable. Delay, indecision, and - George W. Bush the biggest is Bush's closest advisors. inaction are not options for America, Colin Powell and Donald Rumsfeld are now replaced with because they could lead to massive and sudden horror. Condoleeza Rice and Robert Gates. Vice President Dick Should force be required to bring Saddam to account, the Cheney, a chief proponent and architect of the failure in United States will work with other nations... American Iraq, has lost his clout to shape foreign policy after the con security, the safety of our friends, and the values of our viction of his chief of staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby for country lead us to confront this gathering threat." obstruction of justice and the decidedly pragmatic Rice has However. Bush is not the only one with the fiery rhetoric. now replaced him. Gates has supplanted neoconservative Iranian President, Mahmoud Amadinejhad plays the perfect ideology within the Pentagon and with the US bogged down Saddam. He and Bush continuously try and one-up each in Iraq, there is little chance he would let Bush start anoth other and this past week has been no exception. er military conflict. No one knows what will happen, but Amadinejhad began it by speaking to the student body of for right now it looks like Bush will hold off on an attack Columbia in New York City and then at the opening session and stick to the hollow war rhetoric. of this year's United Nations General Assembly. In his By Chris Brown opinion editor cmhs3 I 3 (o' psusedu ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Beacon Thumbs Up 41 / 4 row° - Warm weather in September - Sarah Silverman - Protesters in Myanmar - Pickles Battle of The Case for Light Beer By Andy McLachlin sports editor asnisoo6o When it comes down to it, you have to choose light beer. Let's face it, we are in college and when we go to the distributor or have someone takes us to the distributor, we are going for a pil- ik I The Behrend Beacon I the Beers sner. It is not because we like the taste. Hell, it could be that you like the taste, but I guess you like licking walls as well. We buy pilsners because it is cheap and they are there for us when we had a rough week and a cigarette would just not cut it. Not to mention, it is college for crying out loud. We need to let loose and most of the time, we will not have more than 10 to 15 bucks in our wallet. To get a solid, dark lager, you are going to have spend at least $2O. With a pilsner, you in get two cases for about the same price and get the results you are looking for. Being 21-years-old, I like to go to an occasional pub when I get some free time. While there, I will order a dark lager because of the taste. I also like to ave one while eating dinner, but other than that, it is all pilsners for me. Also, let's get on to drinking games a it. Can you imagine playing beer pong, atching the opposing team make a shot, toking down at the cup, and seeing tinness in the cup? Now, I love a good tinness like anyone else, but not while m playing a game of beer pong. When 'u are playing in a drinking game, you tnt a light pilsner to let it go down ticker. Been there, tried it, and puked ) the Dobbins that I had for dinner. It is not fair to say that pilsners taste ttter than lagers because it is just itrue, but you will look back ten years •om now and remember the crazy times tat you and your buddies had with that tse of Natti Light or with the keg of ;ystone Light. Pilsners are what start te party, keep the party going, and make to memories that will last forever. By te way, if you can find a lager that is as )pular as Natti Light on this campus, let know. Beacon Thumbs Down fir NIP - Smelly rooms in OBS - Lack of painted cross-walks - Broken A/C in classrooms - Some members of Congress dor "Mb N 6