6 I The Behrend Beacon Beer healthier than milk bottle (12.2 ti.oz) alories 99 :kilesos se , ; • , , q . .. LOdil/lVf 5 IT , . O- Q cl Bud Select Upon reviewing the health information for Budweiser Select and skim milk, Bud Select is in fact healthier. The only categories where milk dominates beer is in potassium and calcium. Bud select has no fat, no cholestoral, and one-fourth the carbohydrates as skim milk. The calcium will be made up with the slice of pizza you will eat later in the night. If too much of either drink is consumed it will result in vomitting. Remember to always drink responsibly. E R In Edinboro this week, a Hamburglar costume was stolen during a promotional event. The suit was valued at $lB,OOO. The culprit has not been apprehended yet so here is a list of possible sus pects. Ted Kennedy- If the Hamburgler doesn't steal the burgers, Teddy will. Wendy- We're not quite sure how to get this burger princess cornered. Anna Nicole Smith- Only the Hamburgler and Trimspa could keep her from eating burgers.... Oh yea, and death. Grimace- His face always turned purple from being pissed that the Hamburgler stole the burg ers. Now, it's payback time. Ronald McDonald- Guilty by association. Sendyour applications now!!! „Become the Beacon's next Jerry Willing to read 60 years of Beacon archives? Have time to sit around the office telling people how great the paper used to be? Feel like interviewing decades old staff members so you can act like you worked with them? Then you're pompous enough to fill Jerry's shoes. By Anony By Chris Lafuria editor in chief cup .;,8.6 oz) Calories 91 .379) 6 il . • 0 ,/ I'l,l 2' : 311:• 0') 73' 2 7 0 2 7 < i:9 0 n 111MTAIMMIE )us Alcoholic ing drunk George W. Bush- We haven't blamed him enough for things. Big Bird- He/She (not sure what) is trying to build up some Sesame Street cred. Angelina Jolie- The costume wasn't stolen; Jolie and hubby Brad adopted him and named him "Cambodian baby 6.- The Behrend Beacon staff- It was a slow news week and we needed something to get readers' attention Michael Jackson- The kids were getting sick of his Peter Pan and Tinkie-Winkie costumes, so Mikey decided to spice it up with a Thriller of a costume. Bursar's office- Robbers are always less fierce if dressed like a fast food icon. That way. Behrend students won't lose their loyalty. If you have any knowledge as to the where abouts of these suspects please contact someone who cares. HUMOR Fhe page that makes the res of the paper look more legit A new shade of Black By Ben Raymond humor editor So what is he like in person? That he, is Mr. Lewis Black, who shook the crowd as well as his fingers and cheeks in the Junker Center last Saturday. A sold-out crowd of 2,000 found out quickly why this tour and his hook share the title Nothing's Sacred. From Christians to Jews. from Mormons to Politicians, as well as television commercials the 60-year-old Black hit everyone with his angry brand of humor. With such an explosive on stage personality, many people wonder how he has not run into health problems. The truth about Lewis Black is that offstage he is an intelligent, soft spoken, very normal man. minus the toui bus and regular guest appearances on The Daily Show. In an interview following his performance, Black talked about some new projects he has been working on and what keeps him going. The thing which keeps him motivated to keep doings shows is as simple as. "A hunch of people really showing up. and just... getting what you are doing and just having a great audience." Lewis would pause casually to take a drag from his cigarette, but when asked how he con tinues to come up with new material, especially for politicians, he spoke very clearly and said with a slight shake of the cheeks, "It's really just like sometimes I feel... We're fucked. They make it too easy. - This was Lewis' second trip to Erie. While he spent most of the time relaxing in his hotel room before the show, he was still able to pick up on Year of the irritable By Liz Cybulski staff writer The saddest time of the year has arrived my friends this is my last article of the year. Before we hurl ourselves into the last of my sarcastic offerings, I'm going to say a few non-sarcastic things. I want to thank everyone who's written kudos to me over the past semester. I never had any plans to make my article a weekly one, but the reactions were always so positive I just kept it going. So thanks for making me rack my brain for idiotic, sometimes offensive, but truthful things to talk about that made you all laugh each week. Alright, now that the pseudo- Hallmark thank-you card portion of the article is over, here you go. The Spring Edition of my own: You Know You Go To Behrend When: You can't yell out "WE ARE..." and expect the correct response from everyone within hearing distance. Let's work on that people, you gotta work to wear that Blue and White. And don't retort to me about tuition earning you the right to wear Blue and White. I make the rules here. So dance, monkey, dance. Street lights turn off when you walk/drive by them, not on. Amazing. Who wants to actually have their path lit while walking around campus at 2 a.m.'?! Not this girl! Snow may close interstates, but it doesn't stop you from going to the bars or apartment parties. My ass may gloriously fall in the snow in front of the Plymouth, in essence making a spectacle of myself, but at least I got there before the Import Special ended. Dedication. Things get a little shaky when the Engineering side and the Humanities side mix in class. It's like the feeling of the area. Black said he really enjoys Pennsylvania, and that it is a great place to be,"but everyone here just seems to bitter about it." With a winter that spans three quarters of the year, who can blame us? There are no signs of slowing down for Lewis Black. He recently finished a pilot for Comedy Central called Root of All Evil. In the show, Black will preside over a courtroom of other comedians in which they debate some of today's most pressing topics like "chick flicks vs. video games - and "Dick Cheney vs. Paris Hilton." Black said "Whether it sees the light of day is anyone's guess. - Lewis also mentioned the pos sibility of a sitcom in the works for the HBO net work. After the show, Lewis traveled to the Penn State York campus for a Sunday performance. Then it was back to New York City, where he was doing work and preparing for his appearance on The Daily Show Wednesday night. On the show, Lewis exposed a mob of celebri ties who tried to make their pleas to clean up the environment on Earth Day. It featured a clip of Matt Damon which started out, "If your house is anything like mine," when Black cut him off and yelled "Stop!" He then continued to mow down the field of celebrities. Somewhere in the back ground, the faint sound of an ice cream truck was heard. The show was expertly planned and held cour tesy of the Concert Committee and a large num ber of student volunteers. So as long as politi cians, celebrities and the world in general keep fucking up, we will have more to look forward to from Lewis Black in the future. when Cubans reach American soil...you know they're allowed to stay, but wonder if and when they're going to go back to where they came from. "Business as Usual" is the most wretched phrase in all of humanity. Our administration doesn't even realize it exists. You've seen Jordan Road double as a luge in the winter. Trucks take gold, SUVs take silver and all the morons who stop going half way up the hill take bronze. The building designer of Kochel was originally a jail house designer. It's totally true. Now recall Gozer lives in the printer in Reed. This is why it never works. Gozer lives in the printer in Reed. That's really why it never works. MISC isn't the keymaster, that's why they can never fix it for good. Dobbins uses an ice-cream scoop to dish out mashed potatoes, but they put a useless spade by the ice cream for students to use. They probably do this for their own sick enjoyment because every one knows the spades do shit. Its like giving a baseball player a hockey stick when he goes up to bat and saying, "Eh, its relatively the same." Nope. Not really. Okay, that's it. I'm done for the semester. Enjoy your finals week. Play some corn hole in the apart ments, pull an all-nighter, congratulate all the sen iors who are leaving and I'll see you all the same time, same place next semester. We Are... Penn State. Friday, April 27, 2007 in your mind what the inside of a jail looks like and what the inside of Kochel looks like. I'm shocked we haven't heard of anyone try ing to Shawshank their way out of there during a horrid class. The Multi-Cultural Council isn't just the organization with the biggest office in Reed if you're an engineer or accounting-related major it is also your groups of professors.