I The Behrend Beacon ohk . 41144' op ive o t e wee •• • By Brad Kovalcik staff writer For those of you planning on traveling to sunny destinations next week, be thankful. The only flights left for spring break are to some pretty interesting locations. But if you are really need to get away here is the list of the... Top 5 Worst Spring Break Destinations 5. Hibbing, Minnesota - Read the name one more time. 'nuf said. 4. Anywhere, North Korea - If your spring break is all about partying, think again about a trip here. 3. Kuzcek, Kazakhstan - Though it looked gorgeous on film, I'm not sure how much I'd like to see the hometown of Borat in person. 2. Baghdad, Iraq - Probably not the most popular of destinations, but I know a way to get a free trip. 1. Erie, Pennsylvania - You're here most of the year already, so I won't go into detail. This week in stupidity By Liz Cybulski staff writer I hope you've missed me as much as I missed sharing my witty little noth ings with you all. Hopefully, this week's article will make up for my absence from last week's paper. So here you go. a few witty paragraphs for you to enjoy just as much as your chicken wrap. Intramural swimming held a contest last night for "The 5 Worst Swimmers." Contestants were judged on stroke quality, time, and other miscellaneous things. Now, technically, would some one who couldn't swim who jumped into the pool and almost drowned, win the contest? I mean, I can't think of anyone who could swim worse than someone who can't even swim at all. Midterms are upon us once again everyone. It's the age old college tradi ' tion of sticking it to the student body before the university cuts us loose for a week of vacation shenanigans. However, my favorite part of midterm season is this experience on exam day. You waltz into class, confident, because like a good student should. you've studied. The professor passes out the exam and you peruse the questions. You then realize that no matter what, this exam is going to screw you. Then, oh then. you look around the room and real ize everyone else has the same "Oh S—t!" look on their face as you. It's nice not feeling alone! I understand that many of you are disappointed that St. Patrick's Day falls during Spring Break this year. I, too, feel your pain. I'm sad I won't he able to attend class in Irish spirits...if you know ; what I mean. However, may I take this opportuni ty to enlighten you to the fact that another tine hol iday known as Cinco de Mayo falls on the last Saturday of the semester this year. Moral of the story we lose one holiday, but gain another. Use • this opportunity wisely, you festive college stu ;dents. It's about time I mention another classroom eti quette peeve of mine. People who waste class time :asking questions that are clearly answered in the syllabus. Hi, you, person of colossal annoyance, .but we all sat through Syllabus Day (aka the first , day of class) where the professor read off his or her syllabus and answered questions. If you weren't paying attention then, or need something cleared up. please use other methods, such as email or the professor's office hours, to ask the question you shouldn't have to ask. Here's a humorous (or sad depending on your point of view► current event point of interest. Larry Seidlin. the judge that ruled over the Anna Nicole Smith case in which custody of her body was given to her five month old daughter, is the same judge that presided over the "hanging chad" fiasco in Florida in the 2000 presidential election. Who knew one judge could have a hand in two his torically stupid decisions? Last but not least I'll round this article out with some sports news. For the third time in a row the Baseball Hall of Fame will not be inducting any one. Why? Because the veterans committee is voting in such a fashion where no candidate on the ballot receives 7.5rh of the votes, the mark they need to he inducted. What makes this situation worse is that voting for inductees into the Hall of Fame only happens every other year for players, and every four years for managers, umpires, and the like. Something tells me that the BCS is not going to be the only voting/ranking program get ting a revamp soon. HUMOR I humi,„• n Russia. page umors you Procrastinators club holds first meeting Al/ who show 00 kit Aci.l ow t (/111) By Jerry Pohl have been doing when I filled out and turned in assistant humor editor those papers. I didn't get around to doing any thing eke. Doesn't that count for anything?" After eight semesters of waiting to turn in the The club was committed to voting Layter out of proper paperwork, the Behrend Procrastinators office alter sitting around for awhile and just Club has finally been recognized by the universi- hanging out. After several hours of tossing cards ty as an official student into a hat. Layter pointed out that by organization. This has caused showing up for the meeting to oust some problems for members her. they had all failed to procrastinate of the club, and for its former as much as she. and thus had no right president. who turned in the to punish her. paperwork. This logic was inarguable. and after "I had nothing to do one thinking it over, throwing pencils into day," said May B. Layter. for- the ceiling, tossing a ball against a mer club president. "I was wall. and staring into space for really bored, and there was awhile. all those in attendance decid nothing to eat, and my TV ed that they were kicked out of the was broken, and my computer club for failure to adhere to its mis too. and my phone, and I saw the paperwork to start the club and after thinking about it for a few hours. I filled it None of this would have been a problem except that mere months after she filled out those forms. she had them in her pocket while pletelv nonparticipatory in student activities are walking by the RUB Desk. Reaching into her considered members of the Procrastinators Club. pocket for gum she found the forms and decided it is the largest club at Behrend. There is current to turn them in since she was standing there any- Iv a leadership vacuum in the club due to the fact way. According to the constitution of the club, by that anyone who takes on any responsibility or doing this and founding the club, she was exiled contributes to the club is banned from the club by from it. default. "Thew were extenuating circumstances" The current frontrunner for the club's presiden- Lavter said as she pled her case to the members. cy is Leah Zey, who has popular support due to "I was going to put it off, I really was. And in my her expert thumb twiddling, and her campaign defense there were many other things I should promise that, "What? Oh yeah, remind me later." "In my defense, there were many other things I should have been doing..." Friday, March 2, 2007 4, s, f •"'" tatenient This left the club memberless, :except for those who remained inac tive by not showing up, though sources indicate that they meant to do so, and were totally going to, and will probably get to it eventually. Since all students who are com-