Friday, February 23, 2007 Across 1. He had wooden teeth 4. "I did not have sexual rela- Lions with that woman." 6. Two Presidents bear this last name; they both took office after another President was assassinated. 7. Once got stuck in a bathtub 9. He was the first V. Pres. to take office after the Pres. died while in office. 11. The second V. Pres. to take office after death of the Pres. 13. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." 14. He ended the Korean War and launched the space race. 15. First Pres. with English not being his first language. ast 17. Again, two Pres. share this name; our 2nd and 6th 21. Only Pres. to serve two non-consecutive terms. 24. He oversaw the issuance of the first postage stamps 25. Died a little over halfway through his term from a heart attack 27. Led the Union in the Civil War 28. He was in office when the Department of Energy and the Department of Education were formed 29. Only Pres. to have resigned from office 30. Was another Pres. to be elected after successor died in office. 31. He's on the nickel A l_ j 32. While in office, he acquired Florida 33. Known as the "Father of the Bill of Rights." Down 1. Oversaw the creation of the Federal Trade Commission 2. Was welcomed into office by the Great Depression 3. Also assassinated in office; only served for six months and 15 days. 5. Died from gastroenteritis while in office 6. His nickname was "Old Hickory." 7. Succeeded FDR 8. Took over when Nixon resigned. 10. Oldest person to ever be The Behrend Beacon I elected as President 12. Again, two Pres. share this last name; one had polio 16. Not to seem too repetitive, but this father and son team share last names. 18. He is consistently consid- ered one of the two or three worst presidents 19. Was assassinated by an anarchist 20. His term was sandwiched between 21 Across' 22. Abolished slavery 23. Has been deemed "The Father of Civil Service." 24. Also known as one of the worst presidents 26. He was the first Pres. to visit the West Coast while in office.