Friday, March 24, 2006 SGA election 2006: Divided we sit Soft support and soft drinks The differences between this year's SGA presidential candidates are stark and inconsequential. This was exemplified best at Wednesday's debate. The McGarvey Commons was divided into Soni and Straub supporters. Straub is supported by Justin Curry, who wore a shirt supporting her. Curry lost last year's election. Soni is supported by Zack Mentz, who was disqualified from last year's elec tion, thus not even giving him the opportunity to 105e....0K so nei ther ticket has a great base of support, but this is Behrend and they'll take what they can get. Three of the candidates were Business majors, giving them the ability to do things with student's money that they can't possibly understand or hold them accountable for. Soni was the only Political Science major there. Surely her readings of Machiavelli will give her a distinct advantage in the areas of crushing resistance and having no remorse. As with anything, the best measure of the candidates is in their product placement. Aquafina provided bottled water for the debates. SGA compensated them with no-bid contracts for all of Behrend's water fountains. Soni and Zambanini were both sponsored by MDX (the X is for extreme), with Zambanini drinking the sugar free kind, since sugar is reserved for presidential candidates. Straub and Middlemiss got twice as much funding by "branching out to two companies" (failing to agree on one) with Middlemiss drinking Gatorade and Straub promoting Dr. Pepper. So this election the choice is clear, Mountain Dew [e]Xtreme or Dr. Pepper, Straub or Soni; choose either one of the products bottled by the same company. Violence devastates parking lot At the debate, Straub bravely broke the long silence over the crime problem in the Wilson Picnic Grove parking lot. As she pointed out, it is very poorly lit, which allows the criminal element to thrive there. All students have had to deal with the Wilson Picnic Grove Gang. The constant crimes committed there are only made worse by the fact that people are too afraid to report such incidents to Police and Safety. These crimes include clearing up litter without a permit, aggravated windshield washing, and unauthorized leaf raking. The most glaring problem of all is, of course, the rampant arson. Where Behrend's historic Apathy Prevention building once stood, there is now only the gorge, which was created in the great Wilson Picnic Grove tire of 1984. SGA merges with Matchbox Players At the debate, Zambanini praised the Matchbox Players for their increase in membership through great publicity, recruitment, and events. After complaining that SGA is a "stuffy room" and saying he plans to make meetings more fun, his agenda was clear. Zambanini plans to turn SGA into Improv. SGA meetings will now consist of a warm-up game, free pizza, and the gavel will be replaced by miming. This change will be a lateral move, as Zambanini said, "We're stu dents, we're not a professional government." Biased interview By Jerry Pohl humor editor j hp I 53 (a' I sat down for an interview with the SGA presidential candidates. Meredith Straub respectfully declined to be interviewed, but Deepti Soni was more than will ing to answer my obviously loaded questions. When asked how much money she took from Jack Abermoff, Soni dodged the question saying, "As a Political Science major, I am smart enough not to take any money. Besides, Franklin D. Roosevelt said, 'Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.— When asked the obvious ques tion, "Why do you hate America?" Soni responded, "Well, I don't. I love America but I do hate our Constitutional right to have unfunny humor columns." Once the interviewer stopped crying, Soni was asked which civil liberties were unnecessary. She restated her stance on an important issue, saying, "The lib erty to write humor columns that aren't funny and maybe the right to try to find a parking spot on campus during a blizzard." Reporting on the issues you want to know about, as always, I asked Soni how many of SGA's Sheetz coupons she would give me to vote for her. She answered me with a question, asking, "How many will it take for you to over dose on their cold meatball sand wiches?" I asked Soni if she supported handle important decisions once a the war to liberate the REDC. She month. As she left she said, avoided directly answering the "Don't you know Jerry, it's question by saying, "Once we get Women's History Month? lam a furniture and equipment, it will woman, lam invincible!" automatically be liberated." When asked which faculty member her Vice President will shoot in the face while quail hunt- ing, Soni showed her indecisive ness by not making a choice, instead saying, "He doesn't eat quail." I asked Soni if, upon winning, she would be less evil than during the campaign. She skillfully evad- ed my question yet again, saying, "As Molly Ivins said, 'I believe that ignorance is the root of all evil. And that no one knows the truth." Regardless of who wins, Behrend will soon have a female president. This obviously prompts the question of any candidate, "If you win, do you want to date the Humor Page editor?" Soni coyly answered, "Depends, is there a new Humor Page editor?" The most relevant question I asked Soni was, "If I said you had a beautiful student body, would you hold it against me?" She sug- gestively responded, "Why thank you, I know. Behend's student body is very beautiful. It is diverse, intellectual, and very warm and loving." I asked Soni how she would be able to have the laundry done and dinner on the table every night if she's busy being President. She was already in the process of solving the problem, saying, "I am negotiating with Housing and Food Services right now to take over these chores, plus I can't cook or do laundry anyways." The interview was concluded abruptly after I asked Soni if she would have the Vice President - r - r- Iji\/[ Your money at work, for them One important question raised at the debate was the issue of whether the candidates supported raising the student activity fee. The question itself elicited a barrage of "Oh Snaps" from the audience. Showing that she is strong enough to make a campaign promise to raise taxes, Straub's ticket responded in favor of raising the fee so that there would be more money to give to the students for program ming. The plan is simple: they take student's money, and then give them back a portion of it; it's called generosity. Soni's ticket respond ed that they are in favor of not raising the fee. They have concocted some absurd plan to spend the current funds more efficiently, failing to realize that the cost of tape and red dye for that tape will be pro hibitive. On the subject of finance, Straub thinks Main Campus is generous with the money it gives to Behrend, while Soni feels their generosity is lacking. To let the people decide, here's how it works: Main Campus, or Penn State as it is more commonly known, receives fund ing from the state of Pennsylvania in the form of a river full of money. Students at Main Campus run up to the river with buckets, fill them with money, and send the money to satellite campuses like Behrend. Main Campus is generous to allow us to live off its scraps, considering that without its funding, tuition would be $5 billion per semester. The topic of SGA's spending of student money was brought up. Zambanini exposed SGA's secret plan to funnel money from clubs to buy baked goods saying, "We have our hands in everyone else's cookie jar." Middlemiss also revealed a scandal, saying of SGA's relation to students, - We're spending your money." Upon investiga tion, it has been discovered that SGA ransacks the mailroom when they are short on funds. They use the student credit card numbers they get to commit identity theft, as well as taking $lO checks from grandmas. Lack of misinformation cripples platform Both sides considered the debates a success, because this year they at least knew where they were. The same cannot be said of knowing when they were. Due to Soni's frequent trips through time, she has lost the ability to recognize standard periods of time such as years. In addition to having to ask what a year was several times, it was also revealed that she declined an invitation to Harvard so that she could run for president here. She was shocked when it was explained to her that Harvard is a very prestigious college that is hard to get into. Soni also made the statement that, "If the Senate voted on it I would defi nitely decline my stipend." After the debate, she learned the truth that being a college student is expensive and that money can be exchanged for goods and services. The news was even more devas tating when she was told that her stipend was, in fact, equivalent to money. -- - "Is there any way /, ::,- . __. 1 , we can suspend (7.N....• the constitution ,--- -- „,,,, ,\I ) to get quorum?" 0.: • . % • , N.,, ...- ; \ I i.„...._., , ~) \\i . 7 Ken \ 1 Middiemiss Sponsered by: Wl= ffl== By Jerry Pohl humor editor jhp I 53 (aMsu edu Club presidents go mad with power One of Soni's goals is to give more power to student organizations. Clearly, with more power than they already have, the clubs will destroy the campus and create total chaos. The Astronomy club will crash the observatory into the moon, the Biology club will bioengi neer a giant hedgehog named Lavos, and the Physics club will com press the REDC to a singularity. If this agenda goes through, we will all end up seeing the Nittany Lion statue half buried in sand as club officers hark orders from atop saddled staff members. Soni's running mate, Zambanini, plans to balance this by wanting , to know everything clubs and organizations are doing. Under the guise of helping them publicize events, Zambanini will demand total surveillance of all club offices. Soon, all members of clubs will have Telescreens in their dorm rooms. This new proposal will be a boon for Behrend's Wire Tapping club. Throughout the debate, Straub and Middlemiss continually brought up their involvement with THON. This has of course brought accusa tions that they are exploiting kids with cancer for their own benefit: for shame. Soni and Zambanini questioned whether or not Straub and Middlemiss did their own advertising for THON. This has of course brought accusations that they are attacking people who help kids with cancer: for shame. When reached for comment, a random child, helped by THON said, "Why are they having debates and forums when they could be raising money to ease my suffering?" One of the important issues to Soni is that Behrend stop "losing students" to Main Campus. It is unclear how SGA will benefit from holding students back and preventing them from getting true Penn State degrees. A possible explanation for her statements was revealed when she started a "We Are... Penn State" chant in the middle of the debate. Clearly something happened on her last trip to Main Campus. An investigation is currently underway to determine whether she was brainwashed or replaced with a cyborg. If elected, the two plan to hide the truth about this by running SGA meetings from afar using Facebook, and have already founded a group that would allow them to do so. Straub and Middlemiss were so flustered by the lack of funding for their proposed projects that they had to ask for questions to be repeat ed several times. One such proposal was Straub's idea to have a "Rally at the Rotunda in Reed." Just as they did from last year's over priced dance floor, students will undoubtedly benefit from the build ing of a costly rotunda in the Reed Building. Middlemiss was enthu siastic, acting as though his plans had already been implemented. He spoke of the bleachers in the Reed Building. This is actually because Middlemiss is from an alternate universe, where the Reed Building is filled with bleachers for all the well attended events in the McGarvey Commons, Reed 117, Bruno's, and even the bookstore. Elections flawed By Bryce Alexander Sayers staff writer hass(X)4o psu edu The SGA, in response to low voter turnout, has decided to take unusual measures in obtaining election results. Originally the election was going to be resolved by coin toss, but was called off when the penny hit the table on the way to the floor. Following the rejection of the coin toss was a match of rock paper scissors. Unfortunately, it too was can celled when one of the candidates (name not released to protect identity) repeatedly introduced weapons other than the three rec ognized by the Rock Paper Scissors Association (RPSA). When asked about the illegal content, the candidate replied, "They were afraid of my pacifist campaigning. You see, whenever I am engaged in a match of Rock Paper Scissors, I extend the two Je Pohl Petty Quote of the Debate "I hate to be petty about small things like the other ticket." With 0% of precincts reporting, the Humor Page calls the SGA election for Zack Mentz Mud slung lower than ever Candidate sells out your future Budget discourages candidates The Behrend Beacon I 7 fingers like I'm going to attack with scissors, but suddenly turn them toward the sky to turn it into a peace sign, because peace is the most powerful weapon of all." After an agonizing nine-minute closed session, the SGA at last decided on a fullproof method to resolve the election. The candi dates will take the "Which Star Wars Character are You?" quiz. After their identities are revealed, the names of the characters will be entered into Googlefight. The winner of the Googlefight will obtain the presidency. If the quiz names one of the candidates as Boba Fett, they win automatical ly. In the event of a tie, the can didates will be required to write a pilot for a sitcom. Whoever cre ates the show that succeeds in replacing NBC's "Joey" will inevitably quit the race to pursue a career in screenwriting. The runner up will then take the vacancy. —Deepti Soni