I The Behrend Beacon Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press: or . " the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. - The First Ammendment to the U.S. Constitution We're the man now, dog ! By Chris Hvizdak Opinion Editor Relic' is a scarce commodit\ these days. There arc plenty ()I reasons \\ ll\ it's tough to hold stock in one's lc11 0 \), ratan. community. faith or government. Scandal, corruption, ignorance: take your pick. I suppose it's easy to blindly support such things if von don't ask questions or look too deep. hut v hen it comes down to it most things in this world are rotten or geared toward the betterment of the ICw and definitely not you. So it came as a shock this weekend when I quite unexpectadth experienced full fledged belief in a coninumio, You see, I was downtown when a man approached me and asked if I had accepted Jesus Christ as my per... no - that was n't how it happened. In actuality. I returned home late Saturday from a night on the town with my special lady and noticed an instant mes sage from a friend. That fateful IM read "THE WAR HAS BEGUN. - Assuming that some dire geopolitical circumstance had erupted in an international military conflict of which I was then unaware, I launched Fire Fox to check the news. Of course, even war isn't as important as the humor wehsite "You're the man now dog.com'' (hereafter referred to as YTMND) so I went there first and discovered that the war of which my friend had messaged wasn't between clashing nation states, but rather militant interact communities The situation that unfolded hefOre 111 V es was truly story book in nature. A coalition of honorable and willing web com munities (good guys), finally out raged with the extensi\c trans gressions of a reviled rogue web com munity (bad guy), had hand ed together for a full scale assault on the evil doer. "What's this yon might ask. Here's the deal : Members of YTMND, along with members of a half dozen other web communities that provide forums for members to share their original humor, retaliated via internet attacks against eßaumsworld, a wehsite which is notorious for posting humor content without the permission of The Behrend Beacon Published Weekly by the students of Penn Stale Eric %ssistaiii Managing talitoi sI) Beacon Penn State Erie, The Behrend College Contact the Beacon at: First Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Telephone: (814) 898-6488 Union Building Fax: (814) 898-6019 Station Road, Erie, PA 16563 Submission Guidelines The Beacon welcomes readers to share their views on this page. and commentary pieces can be submitted by email to opinion(q)psu.edu or directly to the Beacon office, located in the Reed Lettet , Letters should be limited to 350 words and commentaries should be limited to 70) words. The more concise the submission, the less we will be forced to edit it for space concerns and the more likely we are to run the suhrnission. All submissions must include the writer's year in school, major and name as The Beacon does not publish anonymous letters. Deadline for any submission is 5 p.m. Tuesday afternoon for inclusion in the Friday issue. All submissions are considered, but because of space limitations, sonic may not be published. All submissions must include consent to be edited before they can be edited for publication. Have a "Thumbs Up" or "Thumbs Down" ? 41 \ A ; .... ~,,..,_..... 9 ....... ) ..... it II IN ... .... -.1. 1 NIP Send Suggestions to opinion@psu.edu "It was on this day that truth conquered prof- iteering that my heart grew three sizes." Annie Sevin, Editor in Chief Rob Frank, Managing Editor Courtney Kaplin. Advertising Manager Randy Martell. Public Relations Manager Kim Young. Adviser c‘%s Eclitor .leimilci Patrick Vsrcll,ici Sports Editor Chi'. I alma Opinion Editor 11‘i/kl,ik .artoonist /ark Merit/ Photography Editor Michelle Vela Sur i\ 'et: OPINION its authors, and reaping mil lions a year in advertising. \ - intlC (Sec cbaumsworldsucks.com.) It iti tiflportant to note that the originator of the YININ I ) community staunchly opposed these Internet attacks and crit icited them as a "vulgar dis play of power. - hich they most certainly were. I. myself, did not participate in the offensive and find the likely repercussions of such behavior to far outweigh the potential gains. What's done is done, however. Despite the inherent vulgarity of the attacks, they . were effective. The action that touched off this war was the unauthorited posting of a Lindsay Lohan graphic that originated at YTMND on the Minim web site. The Internet attacks resulted in the eßaum website being sporadically inaccessi ble and eventually cßaum removed the Lindsay Lohan graphic that had so enraged the greater internet humor COMMIInitV and everyone rejoiced in Ye!, VICtOIV this is all pettN, foolish. childish lunacy. Mere could he signifi cant legal reprisals against the ineinhers of YININD and the other communities \kilo partici pated in the attacks. It a ‘ery. Cr\ lone shot. hut these sites could C\ en he ~huff dWA 11 I lowevcr. it ?.(u have accepted YTIVINI) into vow heart. as I have, then these events inspire a sense of justice that is soiel absent from contemporary America. Iloy, so'' YTMND allows users to create individual websites. each composed of a picture. a sound file and if they so choose. large type tort SIAM - Stu(lenl Life I•Alitot KI Catendar Edi(of Swhhan Humor Editor Jcrn Pohl (op) Editors Kati Kcic,Ncli RadLicl .luson • •••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • Beacon Thumbs Up 4. A )- - Observing - Beautiful - Outdoor tennis in January. - Free newspapers at various locations on campus. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Put Down the Twinkie! By Michelle Vera Suroviec photography editor inisl 2 I psu.cdu There seems to he a lack of human flesh to go around these days. Back in biblical times, when people lived for a couple hundred years or more, there must have been a bunch of skin in use. Sure, one might fall for the blasphemy of believing that the body is capable of regen erating skin cells, and these cells indeed do not come from a mystical storage device located in the stratosphere, but that would he heresy. Heresy. I say! And we all know, the last time we as a planet experienced such silliness is when someone thought the earth was round, and look what happened to them. They sailed right off the edge of the world. Now hack to our body parts problem where the problem caused by the zombie flesh eaters destroying any possible skin surplus will not he addressed at all, due to complicated nature regenerated corpses bring to the picture. Where are all these parts going'? Based on sci entific facts with no speculation at all, it has been concluded that excess body mass is trans ferred between individuals. Over one said holiday break, one said very attractive Beaconian found themself with an influx of a few pounds whilst another equally special imposed Upon the aforementioned picture. With these simple tools, members have managed to craft sites that brutally cut to the heart of politi cal. economic, social and yes. pop culture issues You might call it an evolution of the political cartoon. To he fair. more often than not, YTMNI) sites are simply funny. Or vulgar. Or disgusting. Any which way they turn out, I find YTNINDs to he the future of communication (interpret that however you like), and at any rate it's a fantastic medium for cutting straight to the truth. another sorely kicking commodity these dais. In so many words, it's a simple formula with immense results. pure and simple. There's very little purity or simplicity in our warped world k gib. -al. !: .1. 4 " , MLK day weather Beacon Thumbs Down - Professors who only provide a syllabus "on ANGEL." - Poor quality textbooks purchased via the Internet. - Lack of dollies for dorm move-in. Beaconian found themself with a loss of the same amount. We as a society can now conclude that whenever a person loses a pound, whether it is from diet, exercise, or a Lindsay Lohan style of bulimia, it directly goes to someone else. This incredible breakthrough that will shock the academic community verifies the patterns of weight gain and loss that are happening across the globe. As the people of the country of America continue to expand in the waist area, we are forced to get our excess pounds from poorer countries. Because of our glutton ous nature, other coun- "We as a society can now conclude that whenever a person loses a pound, whether it is from diet, exer- cise, or a Lindsay Lohan style of bulim ia, it directly goes to someone else." politicians always have hidden agendas, and we may have discovered the biggest scandal of all time, body fat transfers. Friday, January 13, 2006 ZACK MENTZ these days, and for me, YTMND, along with a handful of television programs and other web sites, provide a ray of hope that blazes brightly in the face of insurmountable corruption. So it was on this day that truth conquered profiteering, despite the childishness and vulgarity of this 'internet skirmish,' that my heart grew three sizes. It's fair to say that far too many of the reli gions, communities and persons that make up America have so hopelessly lost the ability or reconcile their ideals with their actions that America itself has become a disgusting joke. What makes YTMND so special is that it is often a disgusting joke - but YTMND whole heartedly accepts that. .. ,der , s ( g! ! 1 i -mv, • ' 1 . •S go' wilb if N• "16 NP tries are starving. This body fat exchange just may be what the creators of NAFTA, a very important free trade agreement, had in mind the whole time. Forget about the eco nomic benefits because