I The Behrend Beacon No disassemble By Jerry Pohl humor editor jhp 1 53 OP psu.edu Look out America! Our American future here in America is not guaran teed. America's technology is threat ening America from within our very American society. America can no longer allow American progress to continue unchecked. That's not our America, that's barely Canada. The technological advancements our American freedom gives us the liberty to pursue in America arc going too far, too far away from what America stands for. When un- American Americans go too far, it's up to the American government to step in and keep America from becoming un- American. Science has given us plenty of good things: printers, television, bombs, but science can also go too far. Science has gotten plenty of things wrong: Apollo 13, evolution, calculus, and we have to stop these scientists before they nearly kill us all again. America was founded on the princi ples of Americanism: life, liberty, and manifest destiny. The first and most American of those American princi ples is life; some Americans are for getting that. The problem at hand is, of course, robots. Scientists keep making robots. They keep making them smarter and more deadly, despite the warnings of movies like The Terminator, The Matrix and Short Circuit 2. If we don't do some thing about it. we could all find our selves facing a T-1000, an Agent Smith, or a Johnny Five. Isaac Newton wrote the three laws of robotics: 1. Crush 2. Kill 3. Destroy. Yet scientists foolishly pursue a pro robot agenda, even teaching classes on building and operating robots in our BE>s,CON Libra (September 23 - October 23) You are drawn to the spiritual this week, but your financial limita tions (lack of money) are becoming obvious. Prayer groups and AA meetings are a good idea; however, if you are invited to "invest" in a "support group," "church" or perhaps a "spiritual warfare and deliverance center," you might consider holding off until your finances are more in order. Scorpio (October 23 - November 22) You can do nothing to mend broken family ties now, but don't be afraid to blur the edges of what is real and enjoy a fantasized moment of joy. Imagine this is the week you've finally shown your grandma how to cruise the information super-highway. Imagine you've convinced her to upgrade her sewing machine to a model, that is programmable via USB connection to her personal comput er. She could upload terrific patterns and then plaster them all over your pillowcases, underwear and bed sheets. Your grandma could put a dinosaur on the seat of your tighty-whiteys. Then you'd be cool. Yeah. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 22) Your home and office ought to fall in line for you this week. You'll wonder if everyone's been abducted and replaced: they will look to you for positive guidance and directions. Josh M., your girlfriend is not being faithful to you. Capricorn (December 21 - January 20) Don't let relationship issues cloud your judgment. Oh wait; you're a scary -cat who replaces your social life with your professional life. Just tty to let go and have a good time, because there's nothing you can do about the lollercoaster of super-fun whose up-slope you are probably already riding. You're going to need a massage after this stressful week, but you deserve it, because you're normally so busineSselib (stuck-uP). Aquarhia (Jamutry 20 - February 18) public schools The robots have already planned out how the world will be after they take over. This post-apocalyptic world is depicted most horrifically in Pixar's Robots. In this film, the robots live in peace after completely killing all humans and almost any thing non-mechanical. The robots arc even trating our society, putting robotic role models on TV for our children to see. Shows like Battle Bots and characters like Bender lull our people into a false sense of security. "I'd prefer to die in some type of apocalypse, - said Rob Otnik. COMM 0.5. "Robot type would he nice, or maybe zombies. - Talk like this shows that the American people are far too complacent, just as the robots desire. "But what would own would he sur- viving and living in some cool post-apocalyptic world, - said Otnik. "Because I may not being doing great now, hut after the apoca lypse I'm fairly sure I'll he some sort of hero, maybe with powers, you know, from the radiation." Though comic hooks have taught us that radiation gives people powers and doesn't, in fact, kill them as science lobbyists would have you believe. will the superpowers we get he enough to allow us to vanquish the robots? "Law of averages, it has to give someone powers... said Dr. Cesar Tropical, professor of physics at Penn State Erie. "Something in that person's DNA. the radiation unleashes the true I MAO r r- Our new automaton overloards demand obedience. Even those crudely constructed of legos are intimidating. Prepare to he assimilated potential of them, or whatever, it's all good. Didn't you see X-men?" Some students already have plans for after the robot apocalypse. "It'll be me, some other heroes, a few villains, and some babes, - said Meg Aman. COMM 11. "I'm currently taking applications for a sidekick." Still other students continue to live in denial of our nearly certain future and claim other fates are in store. "One of those totalitarian regime futures might he nice." said Ann Droid COMM 03. "I could he an underground freedom fighter that the Random ram blings: Japan By Michelle Vera Suroviec photography editor mis 121 psu.edu Japan is not a planet. It's a country. It still takes the mail two weeks to get there though. Their snow is different. that's why we don't ski there. They have the bullet train, and it goes really fast. Sometimes it goes so fast it falls off the tracks. I had a friend who went to Japan. Everyone in Japan wanted to have sex with her because she was an American, even though she wasn't that pretty. When she came back she made us all watch Sumo wrestling tapes. They're not really interesting. They throw rice most of the time. But they never eat it. China has rice too. By John Bigus, anonymous psychic If you don't start fixing up your home this week, it'll never get done. Put down your books, and step away from your nurturing, intro spective outlook; get to work. Don't stop, because you won't want to finish if you do. Sleep? Bah! Are you a girly-man, or a girly-girl? Pift. Let me bench-press you, girly-person. You are not impressed? I will toss you over my shoulder like a continental soldier, puny Aquarius. Don't you dare think about relaxing or enjoying a minute of your time this week. Why are you still reading the newspaper? Pisces (February 18 - March 20) Your romantic energies are pretty high this week; however, they're high in the way Butterfingers Smith is energetic when he goes for the lateral pass. Don't fumble, Instead, pretend you are a suave secret agent infiltrating an enemy complex to steal a sample of a toxic biological agent while being hunted by spherical death robots as you rappel from office window to office window and your frus tration ought to blow over soon. Aries (March 20 April 20) Your extended family has been on your mind recently, but you should ignore those rnlrlings and pay more attention to dusting your living area. Have you checked above the doorway? Did you miss behind the television? Timmy has cancer and Mary has started meth, but that really is not relevant. Use a static-brush to get around your window blinds. Never forget your bookcase. And always, always use a slightly moist washcloth when cleaning the edges of your computer monitor. Taurus (April May 21) If you feel over-confident and super-human this week, trust that your amazing accomplishments won't impress anyone. Your per sonality, sense of pride and physical health are being pumped full of Pluto's energy this week; you may be accused of selfishness, but those people are only revealing their jealousy. Parade in your most showy clothes, and wash and vacuum your:vehicle before going out this week—you're at the top of the food chain. Yon might consider The we , )le irlm count will 'el if HOKOSCOPES D r \ government tried to kill hut the thing they thought would kill me only made me stronger, also I'll have a ray run." "Maybe the earth is destroyed. but there's early space colonies," said Dave Hal, ENGL 05. "Every day. life is a struggle. and at first I'm just trying to get by. probably in retail, hut then I have to stand up for something. I rally some people around me and we'll take on some guy who's getting rich off the squalor somehow. So I kick that guy in the shins and then get a trophy." These futures sound much more pleasant than years of slavery at the Facebook Profile of the Week Following "Old Navy's" co-opting of his unique style. Waldo went deep into seclusion and was unfound for nearly a decade. After a peri od of intense psychotherapy. Waldo was able to regain his self-image and walk the streets among the many "copycat, striped shirt wearing, infidels" as he referred to them in his dark period. Waldo then made a dire error when, in an attempt to enrich his marketable skillset beyond the ability to become somewhat lost in crowd settings, he enrolled at Penn State and promptly had a relapse due to the overwhelming num ber of trendy "Old Navy" wearing students. Waldo has recently begun a psychotropic drug regime to allow him to return for the fall semester, but he remains rather twitchy. http://psu.facebook.com/profile.phrid=93o6737 Editor's note: Facebook.coin Profile of the Week is a showcase of creative profiles from the websit Facehook.com. This is not affiliated with the creators, owners or opperators of the site. adding "mighty" before your name. Wouldn't you love to be Mighty Joe? Gemini (May - June 21) Your intellectual energies are burning hot, and you will be support ed by everyone except authority figures this week. Damn those authority figures. They're plotting against you. Just because you daydream while driving, walking, cooking, planning, typing and working, they think they can kick you out and throw you away. There's only one solution: steal their pants, If they have no pants, they have no power over you. Change is your master—make it theirs! Introduce those despicable pansies to a real life-altering dilemma. Take them down a notch. Cancer (June 21 - July 21) The world hates you. Your aspirations are shoddy and unrealistic. Your accumulatpd failures are representative of , a lack of discipline and consistent bad decision& The only solution is illegal and unpublisttable. This week isn't recognizable as even a scuff on the boot of your coal-mining shoes. Leo (July 22 - August 23) Do.not worry about your homework this week. Rest your weary eyes and your aching limbs. Enjoy yourself, and have fun this week. Your social life is ten guilli tinges more important than any transitory "class." Your future dh delicious, warm cookies and tasty ice cream. Becoming fat is a myth ---eat your fill. Sleep your days away, and watch the clouds pass you by. vino (August 23 - September 23) Your health might take you away from home this week. Police pro• . tcction could turn out lucky for you, especially right now. Also, studying alone may increase your health s risks. This week will be dramatic and exciting, and the source of greatchange on your jour ney. If that's not your thing, maybe you should go back to bed and take the rest of the week Oft Friday, October 21, 2005 hands of cruel robotic masters. which is what awaits us all. The only way to avoid that and enjoy an alternate apoc alypse is to let our representatives in Congress know that the scientists must he stopped. Science itself isn't had: we'll need genetic enhancements to fight the robots and possibly aliens when the time comes, hut building robots is nothing hut short-sighted. No real American would hand over our future to his own morbid scientific curiosity. As always. if you support robots. you're kind of a terrorist. By Chris Hvizdak opinion editor cehlB6 p s u d u , ,