The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, October 07, 2005, Image 1

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    Friday, October 7, 2005
Communication honor society renewed at Behrend
By Colleen Applebaugh
contributing writer/cma
Lambda Pi Eta is the official Communication Studies honor
society of the National Communication Association (NCA). The
society was founded in 1985 at the University of Arkansas and
became a part ol the NCA in 1988. Lambda Pi Eta was first recog
nized as the official honor society of the NCA in July 1995.
Although there arc many goals of the honor society, Lambda Pi
Eta prides itself on four primarily. First, Lambda Pi Eta intends to
recognize, lostcr and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in
Communication Studies. After all, this is an academic honors
organization, setting its very foundation on the principles of aca
demic excellence. The second objective is to stimulate interest in
the field ol communication. The significance and relevance com-
Behrend Briefs
Those who wish to nominate one of their fellow student leaders for inclusion
in “Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges” must
do so by Friday. October 14. Any juniors, seniors, and graduate students nomi
nated will be considered by the Scholarship and Awards Committee, but those
with a GPA of 2.5 or higher will be given preferential consideration. Anyone
with questions should call the office at x 6171.
The Penn State Bchrend Annual All Majors Career Fair will be held
Wednesday, Oetober 12, front 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Junker Center. Student
pre-registration is reeommended but not required for attendance. Contact infor
mation and downloadable registration forms are available on the Penn State Erie
website. Anyone with questions may email
The Student Government Association is in support of their Academic Affairs
Committee creating an onlilnc database that will assist students with the pur-
chasing of text books online. SGA would also like the faculty of Penn State Erie
to participate in and support the textbook datebase starting with the Spring 2006
Police and Safety
Janitorial reported damage was down in the bottom of the stair tower. Found a
hole in the wall outside the elevator ground floor well cheek tape see report.
Resident from the apartments had his laptop stolen overnight during their huge
Complainant, a member of visiting soccer team, was injured during the match
PSU athletic trainers were on scene. Media 99 and Brookside VFD personnel
were dispatched. He was transported to St. Vincent Hospital via ambulance.
pimp mw biwib
munications has to all disciplines of study is unknown to many
scholars; therefore, the organization attempts to make that connec
tion. To promote and encourage professional development among
Communications majors is another purpose of the group. College
is a place of education and development; it is in practical uses that
students fulfill their experiences within their subjects. Lastly.
Lambda Pi Eta explores options for graduate education in commu
nication studies and post educational opportunities in a profession-
al setting.
Like other organizations. Lambda Pi Eta has eligibility require
ments in order to obtain membership. In order to become a mem
ber, students must have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 3.0
for all courses taken, and at least a 3.25 GPA for all
Communication Studies courses. Along with GPA requirements
interested students must have completed the equivalent of 12
Darrell Spencer brought his legs with him
The sport of boxing, a boxer named Tommy Rooke
who has a wife (whom he divorced already), a lawyer
who is an alcoholic... .If these items intrigue you, then
Darrell Spencer is a writer that you should read more
from. Last night October 6, at 6:00 p in. in the Smith
Chapel, Darrell Spencer read a story that involved all of
those items listed above.
Darrell Spencer is the author of several well-known
books. They include “Caution: Men in Trees," “One
Mile Past Dangerous Curve." "Bring Your Legs With
You” and “Our Secret’s Out: Stories." Originally from
Las Vegas, Nevada Darrell Spencer is now a Stocker
Professor in creative writing at Ohio University, teach
ing seven courses. He has a Ph.D. from the University
of Utah.
Spencer's writing is mostly fiction. His most well
known piece is “Our Secret’s Out: Stories." As Dr. Tom
Noyes introduced Darrell Spencer, he said that
Spencer’s work can often "knock you for a loop." This
means that his writing is of a different caliber. He is
serious when he has to be, but adds some clever twists
to his work. There is a bit of humor, which is often dry
or sarcastic, depending on which piece you decide to
The piece that was read last night was called "The
Sweet Science." which was published in the book
“Bring Your With You." It was about a retired
boxer. Tommy Rooke, who is now in the roofing busi-
r i
By Maureen Koffler
staff wrilcr/mkkso22(<? !
semester eredit-hours in Communication Studies and currently he
enrolled as a student in good standing, as determined by the insti
tution's policies. Therefore, not just Communications majors arc
entitled to join, hut minors are also accepted.
Lambda Pi Eta, the Omicron chapter, has recently been reestab
lished here at Behrcnd. In the spring semester of 2005. the
Omicron chapter inducted its founding members. This elite group
of Communication scholars is planning activities in the near
future, to be a mix of social, academic and community service
Other sources on the society can be found at the NCA website: For more information concerning
admittance into Lambda Pi Eta, the Omicron chapter, please con
tact chapter president. Colleen Applebaugh, at
or chapter adviser Mrs. Cathy Mestcr at
ness. The excerpt of the story was seen through the eyes
of one of his friends. This man is never actually given a
name. He is a well-known lawyer in Las Vegas, where
this story takes place. He describes every little detail
about Tommy Rooke’s life, especially about his wife.
This story, as quoted from Las Vegas Weekly, is “a
creepy little yarn about a guy scamming on Tommy's
ex-wife.” The character telling the story was is an alco
holic. He vividly describes every drink that he fixes. He
even fixed drinks for himself while in front of Tommy's
ex-wife Jane, while she was standing there with her
baby boy. He just barged right into her kitchen and
started concocting different drinks. This man spends a
lot of time discussing his friends, Rick, Leo and
Tommy. Rick’s real name was Frederick, but would get
really mad at people if they called him by his real name.
Little clever items, such as this, enthrall and draw the
audience further into the story.
As the story progresses, the lawyer tends to get more
and more drunk, often times forgetting what is reality
and what is not. He would constantly go after Tommy’s
wife. He would call her house and ask her what her
baby’s name was. She told him what it was and he said
a nasty comment to her, which caused her to hang up
the phone. I will not reveal any more of this story, in
ease there are any people out there that would wish to
read further into it. Darrell Spencer's work is very well
versed and displays great talent. Hopefully, Penn State
EVie can get him back to read more of his published
The Behrend Beacon I