Paige Miles, Editorial Page Editor r The Behrend Beacon cckll ol Penn Stott' Eric. The Helnvitrl College News Editor Erin McCarty Assistant News Editor Jen Henderson Sports Editor Scott Soltis Assistant Sports Editor Lauren Packer Editorial Page Editor Paige Miles Beacon Features Editor Karl Benacci "A newspaper by the Staff Photographers students for the students" Jeff Hankey Heather Myers The Beacon is published weekly by the students of Penn State Erie, the Behrend College; First Floor, The J. Elmer Reed Union Building, Station Road, Erie, PA 16563. The Beacon can be reached by calling (814) 898-6488 or (814) 898-6019 (FAX). ISSN 1071-9288. Let's listen to France Why is everyone giving France a hard time? The French are just trying to do what is right for the world. I think we should give France a chance and listen to their advice. If the French want to give Saddam more time to disarm then so be it. If France does not want the U.S. to act unilaterally in defending it self against Iraqi and terrorist aggres sion, then let's not. France is right! The U.S., as a sovereign nation and the world's superpower, has no business protecting itself against a dictator who's sworn mission in life is to destroy America. When all the evidence is weighed and the facts are examined, France's stand will prevail. French judgment and in tellect is just superior to America's. We simply cannot rebut many of France's good points. What would the world do if individual countries tried to remove totalitarian governments and liberate in nocent people? The world would be a crazy and dangerous place. What would the world do if nations moved to eliminate threats of nuclear, biological, and chemical attacks? World order would be out of control! Thank God for France and its attempt to help the United States rationalize ac tion against the Kurd butcher, Saddam Hussein. Without French opposition, Show your parents that you actually did something in college. Send a letter to the editor! Behrcoll2 Include your name, major, and semester standing. Editor-in-Chief Kevin Fallon Managing Editors Rebecca Weindorf Robert Wynne ~` 1 ~~ Professional Publication Mgr. Dave Richards Advisor Cathy Roan The Beacon encourages letters to the editor. Letters should include the address, phone number, semester standing, and major of the writer. Writers can mail letters to Letters must be received no later than 5 p.m. Monday for inclusion in President Bush might do something ridiculous like carry on a war against terrorism! The global community should rally with France and let the French gov- Lets not forget to give France its kudos for WWI. Good thing the French Army didn't let the Brits and Americans hold them back, or else Germany would have ran roughshod over Europe. And there we have it, France's resume of greatness. That is enough for this humble editorialist to Look, here's how it is follow French leadership. Oh wheezers geezers, I almost forgot WWII. Some- Guy Reschenthaler times I just get on such a kick talking about my favorite nation France that I lose my self in France's glory. WWII—The French crushed the Nazis. The French Army held the Germans back for years with the mighty Maginot line. And then they didn't take German occu pation lying down. They formed the Vichy Regime and really shoved it in Hitler's face. Gotta love French will power. Maybe all the other nations of the world ernment direct international affairs. France is such a world power and an economic powerhouse, that I see no other choice. If Earth is a "global vil lage." I'd nominate Chirac] for mayor. That is how strongly I hack the French. Besides always having an enlight- Everyone else is doing it Yeah, everyone has his or her opinion about the war with Iraq. Most do not make sense, though. I hear people discussing politics (or trying) and saying, "Yeah, the economy is had, what we need is a war," or "All we're going to do is kill innocent civilians if we go to war!" These are typical bandwagon phrases, one-liners that people use to try to look half-way intelligent. I hear futile attempts at critical analyses of the American government. "If Clinton was still in office, none of this would be happening," is another popular bandwagon phrase. The problem is, this small talk spreads like wildfire - ignorance becomes unleashed. I'm going to explain a few things, some about the war and some about where you should get your information from. Hell, if everyone else can offer an opinion, then why can't 1? First, one of the most important things to understand about Iraq is that its citizens do not enjoy even the simple freedoms that people in the United States and elsewhere do. There is no regard for 44144100 " human rights, the government can harass, kill, and/or torture anyone it chooses. Iraqi citizens know what Saddam wants them 1, to know, which is very little. I like to think of Iraq as a fishbowl ik s of people who don't really know the danger of their leader, and 4 don't really know that we're trying to help them. The problem r'• is, they're not allowed to know. Many times we forget that the - • ' Iraqi population is virtually brainwashed. We, on the other hand, Chew on this live in a land where any and all information is available for us to Rob Wynne know, where all points of a matter can be considered, and dissent does not equal death. Second, to elaborate on the first point, Saddam kills his own people. For example, during the Gulf War, the U.S. was accused of shooting at bunkers that housed civilians and refugees. What many don't realize is that Saddam ordered to have some of his military buildings set up as shelters; military targets as far as the U.S. was concerned, propaganda points as far as Saddam was concerned. He wanted to portray the U.S. as murderers, but used his own people to complete the task. This is who we are going up against. Yes, there are many rulers like him, but he is the worst. Many Americans are worried that too many Iraqi citizens will be killed in Advertising Manager Christine Kleck Calendar Page Editor Erinn Hansen A&E Editor Daniel J. Stasiewski Associate Editor Mike Butala Healthy Living Editor Courtney Straub Distribution Manager Scott Soltis that week's issue , . Friday, March 21, 2003 One out of 60 sunny days As man) avid Beacon readers know, sunshine is not one of Erie's strong points. I still say if I could go back in time, I would have applied to some southern state and majored in surfing with a minor in bong rips. But finally spring is coming to embrace Erie County with clammy hands and a 40 percent chance of snow throughout the week. Instead of enjoying a rare sunny- day Erie experiences, I am bound by invisible chains inside a computer lab being a slave to a moder type of castration, the tip of the skin beit brain, staring blankly at screen staring baci wondering who's the one controlling whi I used to blame the horrible weather the horrible town for feeling miserable and with a town as crappy at Erie and the weather being so bad as to only receive 60 days of sunshine per year, it was a pretty safe bet. But now it's a sunny day and there's an indoor water park off of 1-90 so now what's my excuse? It would be really easy to point the finger at people and say, "Hey man, you're the reason I feel bad!" Or get in some girl's face and say, "You're the rea son my life sucks!" That is easy to do. But I look around and I'm not sure anyone is having a good life For example, I was at the bar a few Thursdays ago and heard something about a war going. Now I have a few friends overseas fighting and I checked with their families and they're not happy and I know a few people who don't that the war period; go figure. Now we can blame Saddam Hussein, Afghani terrorists and yes, even Erie weather for feeling like crap, but I don't think that's the problem. I was driving up Nagle Road, windows down, blasting EMF and saw a boy wearing glasses, jumping in mud puddles, having the time of this life and thought about the last time I ened view of global politics, France has a great military record and a splendid his tory of common sense. For starters, France gave a 14-year old girl control of its mili tary. Now that was a smart move. France slaughtered its monarchy and half of its civilians during the French Revolution in pursuit of a democratic form of govern ment. Man, were they successful. Napo leon did a great job as dictator and leader of a free France. Yep, from a king to an emperor, France made a move in the right direction. 1.. Mike Butala should nickname France, "Fierce France." I can just hear it in the UN, "Would the distinguished ambassador from "Fierce" France please raise and address the humble globe as we all lis ten to the voice of reason from "Fierce" France on what to do?" That is like mu sic to my ears. Today, we should look upon France for leadership and sound advice. With out it the United States could go and do something very selfish like liberate Iraq. The U.S. might make a blunder and bring greater rights to Iraqi women, peace of mind to Iraq's neighboring na tions, give Kurds and other minority groups in Iraq freedom. God forbid we do such a noble and courageous thing! Without Fierce France, George Bush may go nuts and try to protect Ameri can citizens from Saddam Hussein: even worse, the U.S. may try to create a demo cratic government in the Middle East. How foolish! I sleep so soundly at night knowing that France is doing the right thing. Look, here's how it is; enough of this nonsense, Marie Antoinette had it right when she said, "Let them eat cake," be cause the French are a bunch of cake eaters. France is one of the most blun dering nations of all time. I cannot wait till we invade Iraq and find that Saddam the war; but I say there are too many being killed even without war. Third, there is one major enemy in this war terror. What the United Nations and many people fail to understand is that Iraq is loaded with terrorists and money for terrorist organizations and terror doesn't adhere to any U.N. inspection guidelines. or any rules for that matter. This isn't going to be a war between civilized nations, it's going to be a war against an unpredictable regime who moves their deadly weapons on an hourly basis to avoid the United Nations. Cohn Powell announced before the U.N. the proven connections between Al-Qaeda and Hussein, something the Iraqi foreign minister denied and lied about weeks before. Allowing U.N. inspections to continue is just buying Saddam, as well as terrorists, more time. However, those are my opinions opinions based on studying history and political science for the last four years here at Behrend, with a lot of attention devoted to watching and reading the news and I still know very little about global politics. Like I said before, there are many bandwagon talkers out there proclaiming that they know what's going on. But, a good way to begin to understand something is to study it heavily. I urge you to watch lots of news, particularly interviews with government officials, and lots of PBS. There are a number of informative documentaries on this station that interview individuals who work in the upper levels of government that have helped shape foreign policy decision making. Also, news magazines contain lots of information about politics and profiles on important individuals. This is where you will really find the facts. Lastly, regardless of whether or not you approve of this war, it is inevitable. To that extent, we must now back our President, and more so, our troops. The best method for winning this war is going to be providing a united front, and a lot of support for our troops. We saw a tremendous boost in American pride after 9/11 we need to continue this pride for the fathers, mothers, teachers, and all of the friends that have been sent out to wage this confrontation. If our country is not united going into this war, then indeed, everyone will lose. was that happy. I think I was at the bar on a Thursday night bitching about Erie and Erie weather. But there was a time when jumping in puddles amused me. It made me sadder. Sadder to realize that the more naïve I was, the happier I was. How many kids do you know who are clinically depressed? It was esti mated that over 36 percent of all males over 21 have some sort of depression disorder, which was the most common disease in males. In women it was like 24 percent and like fourth most behind PMS and dishwasherhands or something. It depressing looking at these numbers and turning on the television to see that anti-depres sants are available practically4hrough mail-order. If the world is so goddamn depressed, I think something should be done about the world that didn't involve a written subscription by your local doctor. Something like pony rides or ev eryone gets a free kitten because as much fun as getting wasted, wasted off of booze that is, is that it's still a depressant. I used to have a friend that we called "Doc" and we'd tell him. "I have a bruised knee" and he'd say, "Drink 5 bee'rs". He basically remediel our pain by subscrib ing beer and it worked. But alcohol is one of those things that only works if you take it all the time because after the buzz is worn off your back where you started. I'm not advocating the sustaining of alcoholic beverages by any means, I'd he a hypocrite. All I'm saying is this. Quit blam ing other people, places, and things for your life sucking, you control your decisions and the paths you take but Erie does suck on an unrelated note. Butala's column appears every three weeks The Behrend Beacon has violated United Nations policy and France is proven wrong. I cannot wait for us to free the Iraqi people despite France's opposition I'd love to see Colin Powell step up in the UN and say, "How can the United Nations expect France to man up and fight to liberate Iraq when they would not stand up and liberate themselves from Hitler." That would be awesome. My thoughts—the U.S. going to the UN Security Council is just a ploy to give us more time to make sure our spe cial forces have secured Iraqi oil bases, propagandized the military, and rallied opposition to Saddam. I think that all the talk about Iraq may even be a decoy for us storming Iran first, then moving into Iraq or liberating the two nations si multaneously. No matter what the reason, it is too good know who is with us and who is against us. France is definitely not with us and I believe we should slap France with every economic stick we have. If the U.S. does this, France could easily slide into a recession. Their economy is pathetic, their people are a hunch of Nancies, and their political leaders are of an even more spineless lot. When the dust over Baghdad settles, France is go ing to be humiliated and its international credibility and influence will lay in ruin. Page