The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, March 21, 2003, Image 4

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The Behrend Beacon Friday, March 21, 2003
Anti-war does ; ' 1 ,
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You may have noticed a section on the II A i ,;:fA 1 h -
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front page where some Behrend students y, •t\ t'f,',‘F74- -:' \ 9- -
voiced their opinion on the war with Iraq. :-;.?: '/ i . ..f-2° - •-i-- -- -mss;; ---w-7 i.., i
You would be surprised how hard it was to s l • , *•,W''', x ",,,- 1 -..-o*_,. .. ' i.e .:: 1 t ; .,',%.1,, A
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get people to talk. 4.- \ ,g....-______ ---,,. :1 , *.,/ -:•,:
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Perhaps some were just too shy to have
their picture in the newspaper. But, I
believe it was more than that. When I asked
people if they wanted to tell their opinion,
the most popular response was a paranoid
look over the shoulder, followed by a
hesitant, "I better not."
I have noticed reluctance in this campus,
as well as nation, to speak out against gush.
Sure, there are those "radicals" who won't
shut-up, but many are being guarded with
their comments. They don't want to say
the wrong thing. They don't want to rock
the boat that's floating in an ocean of 50-
foot waves.
Let's get one thing straight. Being
against an American war is not un-
American or unpatriotic. One can love
America, but not agree with everything the
government does.
Since when did living in America mean
that everyone needs to agree? Somewhere
along the line we have forgotten that we
are allowed to debate issues. Issues are
now painted in black and white. We are
told, "If you are not with us, then you are
against us." This is not true.
I, like many, have mixed feelings about
this war. When I watch television coverage
of the war, I am filled with many emotions.
One is pride and support for American
troops. Another is a hope that Saddam will
be taken out. Another is mistrust of the
Bush administration's rhetoric and motives.
It is okay to feel love and hate at the same
time. It is okay to disagree, even with
I also don't think preemptive, preventive
war is the right way. I think Bush's motives
have little to do with freeing the Iraqi
people. I also think this war will do little
to make the United States a safer place to
live. In fact, I think it will make it less
safe. I may be against this war, however,
it has already started. I think it would be a
bad idea to not finish what you start. The
United States bombed Iraq, nothing can
change that. Now the United States needs
The Behrend Beacon will be sponsoring a news and sports writing competition for
events happening at Behrend. First Prize = $lOO Millcreek Mall Gift Certificate;
many other prizes will be awarded!
1 For details, stop by the Beacon office (located in the Reed Bldg.) after March 24th.
to make sure it gets rid of Hussein. These
opinions of mine may he in conflict with
each other. I3ut we live in a far from perfect
world. Under the circumstances. I am
forced to support something I do not agree
Does this make me unpatriotic and un-
American? No. The only un-American
opinion is silence
The United States is built upon the First
Amendment. Free speech and open dialog
are the foundations of freedom. The lack
of speech, both for and against the war. is
more upsetting to me than the war itself.
When people decide to become silent, they
give up their voice in a democracy. The
democracy becomes a dictatorship.
Are people afraid of McCarthy era-like
repercussions by those who speak out'?
There is no reason to he afraid. The only
thing to be afraid of is losing everything
that makes America beautiful.
I love America but I know it is capable
of much more. I love America but hate
this war. Allen Ginsburg once wrote,
"America, when will you he angelic?'
I will keep waiting.
When was the last time you had
$lOO to spend at the mall?
One hell of a beer drinking singing & shoutin good time!!!!
" Give me dirt or give me death"
John Valby outrageous singer and pianist performs
Thursday March 27th at the Kings Rook Club
grab your friends call reserve now!!!
456-6439 3 # Ib( 21 d
Thursday March 27th
2 Great Shows Bpm & 10 pm
Tickets $ 10.00 in Advance
So who is John Valby
John Valby wears a white tuxedo,the grin of an imp,a derby and a black bow tie.
He sings a string of obscenities,complete with bathroom references to genitals an
His audience loves him. They drink beer They stand up and shout "sing f- -ker sing'
giving the whole performance the atmosphere and couth of a frat party.
It all started about 20 years ago when Valby was performing in a Buffalo bar.
His act those days was a mix of rag-time piano tunes and renditions of pop
standards,like the Beatles.
"Well, I did three dirty songs one night and pretty soon the power of dirt
pushed most everthing out. I became a mirror for the audience and the
audience turned out to be 17 times diner than me"he used to bother
him that he'd be on stage,singing something serious and exposing his soul,
while the audience was shouting "sing some dirt."
His biggest audience is amoung college students who learn of Valby by
word of mouth,an underground sort of publicity.
We could go on an on about John Valby,but there is only one way to find
out who Valby truly is go see him perform.
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