The Behrend beacon. (Erie, Pa.) 1998-current, March 21, 2003, Image 3

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of the week
by Jen Henderson,
assistant news editor
'I think zve should attack Iraq in order to
prevent a trasedy &lore it happens. We
may not knots if Saddam has weapons of
MaSs destruction mail those weapons
start landinx in other ,ountries
L)omitui Gaetano
Alet eroloxy, 04
the team. They practically maxed out
their credit cards to get through the first
season. Expenses included travel for
games and uniforms. But money has
not stopped determined women around
the country to live out their dream of
playing brute-force football. The play
ers also hold full-time jobs and have
.to make time for practice. The ages of
the women in the league range from
19 to 47 and the average size of the
players is 5-foot-6 and 181 pounds.
Most of them grew up playing foot
ball with the guys in the backyard, or
playing on their varsity high school
team. When they dreamed of playing
pro football, they were patted on the
head and sent to the sidelines. Now
they wear helmets on their heads and
make touchdowns. Gilbert and
Marken will tell their stor of how
Dancers battle Capital and cancer
Behrend Dance Team members, from left: (front row) Laine McCullen, Erin
DeLora (captain), Jenelle Johnson (captain), Megan Zuschlag, Jessica
Grimes; (second row) Shaunna Vanhonk, Amanda Samko, Jill Fullerton,
Tara Pavan, Katie Helmuth; (third row) Meryl Sustarsic, Chrissy O'Rourke,
Jami Pearson, Emily Szewczyowski.
Soup for the Soul speaker Kuntz relates her life to the four seasons
by Courtney Straub
health page editor
Once again Soup for the Soul is hold
ing its weekly sessions. This semester
the topic is Personal Stories of Christ
in Our Daily Lives.
Soup for the Soul is held every
Thursday from noon to 12:50 p.m. in
the Smith Chapel living room. For the
next four weeks, someone from Penn
State Behrend will speak about Christ
in their daily life.
"People enjoy sharing and listening
to their peers. This is a way for the
Christian community to connect," said
Lynn McNeil, coordinator of the Prot
estant Campus Ministry.
To start the series, student Jen Kuntz
discussed how finding God related to
the four seasons. For a long time Kuntz
felt that her life was in the fall. She
was doing well in school, her family
- My opinion is still the some: a war with Iraq won't
solve the problem and will only cause other
problems. When ouer, Iraq will end up lust like
Afghanistan: ruled by a weak president and
tivrlordsbecause the U.S. pulled money and support
as soon as our interests were served.-
Erm Troester 4,1
women playing football became a re
was fine, and her life seemed comfort
able. Then one day she realized her
spirituality was a little rocky.
"I wasn't happy or content at all,"
said Kuntz.
Then, just a leaf drops when the
weather turns to winter, her life
dropped. Everything that was happen
ing in her life went wrong. Slowly,
Kuntz began struggling through the
During the winter, God brought
many things to her attention, she said.
Kuntz began realizing that while she
was getting along with her family and
friends, she was not making an effort
to meet new people. Although it is tak
ing time, she said God is helping her
change her heart to love everyone.
"I had to change my lofty attitudes
and motives to find the grounded truth
of God," said Kuntz.
She said God also brought to her at-
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Friday, March 21, 2003
"I agree that something needs to
be dune, I just wish it wouldn't
go as far as this. War is unneces
sary. I haze a lot of friends over
there that I worry about."
fenny Rabbit!
Marketin , , 04
by Tara Pavan
contributing writer
When going to the gym to workout
or to catch a game of pickup you might
notice the trophies in the glass case at
the end of the hall. Whose are they'?
If you look a little closer you will
notice they are Behrend Dance Team
championship trophies. These
outstanding 14 girls not only brought
home two first-place trophies from two
regional competitions but also went on
to win National Championships the
nations capitol.
This summer the dancers began their
journey with 10 talented girls at UDA's
Dance Camp at Rutgers University, At
the beginning of this fall semester, they
held triy-outs and added four more
talented girls to complete the squad of
But the dancing had not begun there.
The dance team program began in Fall
1999 after Becca Sheaffer approached
Brian Streeter about the idea. Streeter
agreed and the dance team started
tention that she was lacking in the faith
and trust department. Looking back on
her life, Kuntz realized that all her
struggles and trials had been a wake
up call to show more faith in God. She
feels that through the struggles and tri
als, God was telling her he missed her.
Then her pastor told her something
she will never forget. She wanted
Kuntz to let God create the faith inside.
"I thought could it be possible that
God could create trust in me when I
didn't trust him," said Kuntz.
After seven months, spring is now
beginning to appear in her life. Kuntz
still questions and challenges God but,
her faith is getting stronger everyday.
Throughout the long winter, Kuntz
feels that God's grace was with her and
he was waiting for the right time to
show her the spring.
"God patiently pursued me," said
iembers of
omen's football
, am show off
eir athletic
. owess during a
ame. Team
ames members
ilbert and
larkell will visit
, ehrend and
Iscuss their
dancing at basketball games with 16
girls on the team. Four years later, the
team had a new look and was ready to
not only dance at the bovs - and girls'
basketball games hut also compete
with the support of the Behrend
Athletic Department and coach
Melinda Juratovic.
They first prepared themselves for a
regional competition at Shaler High
School for a hid to the C.O.A
Nationals. Their hard work paid off
as they brought home their first first
place trophy and a hid the C.O.A
Nationals. Their next challenge caine
after Christmas at Robert Morris
University for A.C.D.C.'s regional
competition, where they also brought
home a first place trophy and a hid to
nationals. After much thought they
decided they would attend one national
competition, A.C.D.C's Battle at the
Capital held in Washington, D.C. from
Feb. 28 to March 1.
Five dancers also joined the small
group portion of the competition. Just
as the team brought home a first place
Student Jen Kuntz speaks of her faith at the season's first Soup for theSout
"1 wish this war didn't ha - oe to •
happen, but if it is necessary •
for World Peace for it to •
happen then let it be. - •
Luis Made •
Liberal Arb:, 04
Why Join the Outdoors Club?
The Outdoors Club is an opportunity to meet many people and
experience different outdoor activities. If you are interested in hiking,
camping, backpacking, canoeing, kayaking, and skiing, the Outdoors Club
is definitely for you.
In the beginning of the school year, we went backpacking through
The Allegany National Forest. On a bright October morning, we packed
everything and started on a wonderful adventure. We hiked the whole
morning and a little into the afternoon until we reached our destination.
When we reached our destination, we set up our tents, started a campfire,
and had lunch.
After lunch, some rested while others explored Allegany. Floyd
Mattie, on the other hand, decided to take a jog throughout the forest. He
definitely had a good workout. After dark we gathered around the campfire,
which got to be about six feet tall, and talked. Most people talked about
previous camping and backpacking events. Most of us fell asleep around
two or three in the morning. At the crack of dawn, we woke up and had
breakfast. After breakfast, we cleaned up the campsite and finished our
hike. We finished around four or five the next day; it was a blast.
The week after finals, we are planning to go to the Laurel
Highlands for hiking and caving. If you are interested, come to our
meetings on Monday at 6 p.m in the Winter-Green Commons by the
RUB desk. I look forward to seeing anyone who decides to join.
The Behrend Beacon
'Not really. I still think there
is a better way to handle it.
We're still not completely
sure who we are fighting."
Lacy Buzard
Comm 04
trophy and title of A.C.D.C's National
Champions in the Open College
Division, the small group also brought
home a first place from its division.
During the season the dance team
and cheerleaders also hosted their own
competition, the fourth annual Spirit
Against Cancer in the Junker Center.
More than $2500 was raised for the
American Cancer Society donated, in
memory of Behrend's first dance team
coach Rebecca Hubler-Decker.
The Behrend Dance Team has
definitely kept itself busy this season
but each member wouldn't have it any
other way. The girls' hard work and
commitment definitely paid off and
they are looking forward to not only
supporting the Behrend Lions at
basketball games but to also compete
each year. Don't be surprised if you
see the Behrend Dance Team
competing on ESPN in the near future.
These girls definitely have what it