Courtney Straub, Healthy Living Editor The Behrend Beacon Lose Weight, Feel Great •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00000 • Feel good about your body by Amy Frizzell staff writer Spring break has come and gone and some of us are still regretting not hitting the gym before hitting the beach, while others are still trying to remember what they did over the break. Well, not to fear. Summer is coming up and there's still time to reach that goal of feeling good before taking another adventure that requires a bathing suit. While dieting and exercise helps sometimes feeling good about yourself doesn't take much. So here are 20 tips on how to feel good about yourself and your body. 1) Listen to your body. If you're hungry, eat. If you're tired, rest. If you have energy, use it. 2) Look for beautiful things about yourself and your life. Stress and over exertion can cause problems with your body and make you sick. So, looking for beautiful qualities gives you a chance to focus on something that isn't so stressful, therefore reducing stress and giving you a little confidence booster. 3) Keep a list of all the qualities you like about yourself and your life. Keep the list in a place where you can see it easily for a little reminder to yourself. 4) Put up post-it notes to remind you to smile, or take in a breath of fresh air. 5) Don't let your body image interfere with something you want to do. Doing this can only lead to regret in life and that's not something you can add to your list. 6) Enjoy exercising. Go out and do the things you like to do, whether it is basketball, soccer, swimming or rowing. If you enjoy what you're doing then it doesn't seem like exercise. 7) Exercise to feel good about yourself. If you don't feel good about yourself after you exercise, then what's the point of exercising? 8) When you wake up in the morning take a minute to stretch. Stretching The truth about fad diets With the thought of the Freshman 1 5 many people - especially girls - will do anything it takes to fight the weight they gain at college. Because college students don't always have time for the gym, one of the quickest ways to drop weight is with fad diets. These diets include anything from doing the Slim Fast plan to taking diet pills. The commercials look great. People who used to be 300 pounds and could not stand for more than 10 minutes now stand before you in the tiniest bikini with amazing abs. What's their pitch? They only took a simple pill, ate right and lost weight. The saying "If something is too good to be true, it probably is" applies. Taking a pill isn't going to melt the fat off bodies, there must be something else to this. Well, what the commercials fail to tell you is that these people who dropped such enormous amounts of weight had to work out, too. The pills might work for you and you'll see some weight come off. Unfortunately once you stop using the pills, the weight comes back. Sometimes, you can gain the weight back and then some. One ingredient in the pills, Ma huang, helps you lose the weight. Ma huang, increases heart rate, blood pressure, can cause seizures, heart attacks and even death. So while you'll be thin, you could unintentionally hurt yourself in the end. Ephedrine, disguised as Ma huang, is how companies get away with putting this active ingredient in their pill. Along with other fad diets there is the "no carb" diet, where you eliminate all breads and starches. This is one of the best quick diets out there. By eating all protein and vegetables and fruit, your body quickly sheds its self of fat. Yet, once you are done and have lost all the weight and go back to eating breads again, the same thing happens as with the pills. You start to gain weight again. Sometimes in the end, you weigh more than when you started. The best way to lose weight is the old-fashioned way. Eat fruits and vegetables; limit the intake of carbs yob eat, cut back on junk food, and drink lots and lots of water. Water is one of the key components of loosing weight, along with 3-5 days of exercise for 30 minutes a day, plus weight training. It might take a while to lose weight this way,'s the healthiest way. allows you to breathe, providing a moment to think about how refreshed your body feels. 9) At night before you go to bed take time to breathe ,also. When you lay down take deep breaths and let your muscles relax as you fall asleep. This is very calming and will allow you to sleep better. 10) Your skin renews itself every month, your stomach lining every five days, your liver every six weeks and your skeleton every three months. Just think about it. 11) Do you really have time to be obsessing over the way you look? Life is too short to waste your time. 12) Use the time you spend worrying about your body to get something done. Doing this will make you feel like you've done something, therefore you'll feel better about yourself. 13) Pay attention to what you have instead of what you don't. This gives you a positive mindset making it easier to accomplish the goals you really want to achieve. 14) Wear comfortable clothes. Don't be afraid to wear sweatpants every once in a while. There's nothing wrong with that, that's what they were made for. 15) Walk with good posture, keep your head up. Using good posture exerts less pressure on your spine therefore avoiding pain. Plus, it just looks better. 16) Create a list of things your body can do. Like can you put both of your feet behind your head at once, or touch your tongue to your nose. 17) Take a minute to think of how complicated the mechanics of your body are, and appreciate that. 18) Smile, it's not that hard. 19) Laugh, it's not that hard either. 20) Your body is amazing. It's like a well-oiled, fine tuned piece of machinery that's strong in itself, yet fragile at the same time by Erika Jarvis staff writer •.!!I'',iiil-;iv,,:,i! iirE!.;,,il,,"\-.,,!.:1.,.!"1*,4* Friday March 21, 2003 Stretching before and after physical activity allows your body to relax ose weight the healthy way During the last two decades, the number of overweight people in the United States has increased. ( ently about one quarter to one third of adults and one quarter of children and teenagers in the U.S. are overweight. Obesity is the primary cause for a wide range of serious diseases, including heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancer. It also tends to raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and makes you more likely to develop diabete s . I hereh ue obesity is one of the most significant, but preventable, causes of death and disability among adults. The easiest way to determine if your body is overweight is to find your Body Mass Index ( liM I I checks how much you should weigh based on your height. It is a relative comparison between the proportion 01 Lit versus lean in your body Determine your Body Mass Index by using the following formula I. Divide your weight (in pounds) by your height (in inches) squared 2. Multiply the results of Step Iby 705. Example: if you are 5'3" (63 inches) and weigh 138 pounds, the equation looks like this 13M1 - - [l3B/(63x63)] x 705= 24.5 A healthy BMI is somewhere in the range of 19 to 25. A BMI of 25 to 29.9 is considered overweight and over 30 is considered obese. If you are not sure whether or not you are overweight, see your doctor immediately. A healthy diet is the first step to start losing weight. The number of calories a person eats and the number of calories a person's body uses each day controls the body weight. So in order to lose weight, the body needs to take in fewer calories than the body uses. The best way to do this is by becoming physically active and eating less. Regular physical activity will help you lose weight, look better, and feel better. An activity that is done on a regular basis for 30 minutes each time is the way to start. The activity should make the heart beat a little faster and make it a little harder to breathe. Do not over do it! As the body gets adjusted to physical activity, it is best to exercise at a low pace for a long amount of time. Losing weight is not easy and it takes time. Keep in mind that you didn't gain weight overnight so it is impossible to lose it overnight. Most people are capable of losing the weight they want in a suitable time period Lifting weights is just one of the physical activities that helps your body maintain a healthy body weight by Courtney Straub Healthy Living Editor ~j ..r. i PHOTO COURTESY OF KRTCAMPUS COM Page I he 13N11