Question of the Weelt by Jen Henderson, associate editor • ? ' ' ' f Movie of all time'' • • . • ! : • ie ,i i ~„ ~ • .44 • .. i iri li e• • 1 • ~ K 4(1 • ..:. 1 • • • k • .." ri • " • 7 7 • • ....r • r.,, ~., ,.. :1 1 1 . . . I L -1 • . , . • • -..„ • • . -.4 • 11 • • -, ,„ • _AN • 1 . . .;,,,,-- ' - t• \ . • . .../ • • r • -o. \ , :°,3f . ~, . • ' • • ' '4;i7:•:..-; , ..1;,; „, • , • e ~ to: irf Ity € '4 * 4, ''''''r; 1 • ‘ ' , 5). "' :r • • • kf, '* I k 'llf ' ‘,-,' • • .. 1 j, • . • ~ , • IF '''., , ..,.. ' It, ' 4l,: i 7re? , : <;'; f • .....mallitt • IP - ....,:' 1 ...„ • • ' 9 % 1 x...• S.s .0 , 1 • • • • • • • " 'Singin' in the Rain'. I love • • musicals and it's such a happy • • movie, it puts me in a good • mood." Courtney Bliss HRIM, 03 United Way kicks off annual campus fundraising campaign By Aimee Pogson staff writer The United Way kicked off its fundraising campaign Monday at Penn State Behrend. The event will continue for the next two weeks. Students are urged to get involved in as many of the activities as they can. The United Way is a national organization that is dedicated to improving communities by funding programs for various local agencies. The Erie Branch of the United Way currently funds 39 agencies in the community. Some of these groups include Hospice of Metropolitan Erie, which cares for and comforts terminally ill patients and their families; the Dr. Gertrude A. Barber Center, Inc., a residential facility that assists people with disabilities from the time they are born until the time they are adults,; the YMCA and YWCA of Erie; the Metro-Erie Meals on Wheels; and many more. The money donated to the United Way goes straight to specific programs that these agencies provide. The organization has a community investment committee that examines the specific programs an agency offers and approves them for funding. The agencies are required to prove the outcomes of their programs. By donating money straight to a program instead of to an agency's general fund, the United Way ensures that the donated money will be used for a worthwhile cause. Of every dollar donated, 99 cents stays in Erie. Penn State University has a long tradition of supporting The United Way. It is the only charity the University endorses. The University believes the organization helps to fulfill the mission and vision of Penn State. It also believes that it is important to be a good neighbor to the community. Penn State recruits help and support from the community and they believe it is important to give something back. Behrend hopes to raise $40,000 through this year's campaign. So far they have raised 20 percent of this goal. The faculty has participated by making payroll deductions, and students are encouraged to participate in various activities in the residence hall. Some of these activities include a floor challenge in which different floors in the residence halls compete to see which one raises the most money and a best smile competition. Information about these and other Soup for the Soul speaker addresses hunger PHOTO BY CHRISTINE KLECK / BEHREND BEACON Sister Mary Herrmann of the Sisters of St. Jo seph Neighborhood Network addresses at tendees of this semester's first Soup for the Soul luncheon. " 'Scarface'. I like mobsters." . " 'Pretty Woman.' Who Henry Chong • doesn't like Richard Gere?" • Finance, 01 • Larerna King • • English, 03 activities will be posted in the residence halls. Behrend has already raised $l3O through activities like taking pictures with the Behrend Lion, which took place at Saturday's scholarship lunch. Progress towards this goal can be tracked on a thermometer posted along the road near the PHOTO BY ERIN McCARTY / BEHREND BEACON A reminder of the annual United Way campaign stands near Behrend's entrance. Coordinators hope to raise $40,000. by Courtney Straub The Soup for the Soul program that the Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) and the Protestant Canipus Ministry (PCM) started last spring is continuing this fall. At the first session, on Thursday, Sister Mary Herrmann from the Sisters of St. Joseph Neighborhood Network (SSJNN) talked about feeding the hungry and thirsty. The SSJNN has been trying to help the area of 12th to 21st Streets and State to Cranbery Streets. Sister Herrmann started working at the SSJNN a couple of years ago. Before that the only people that she saw hungry were in pictures. "I never really saw or experienced hunger," said Sister Herrmann. One day she was walking down the street when a little girl stopped her and asked Sister Herrmann to talk to her mom. The mom did not want to talk. Sister Herrmann gave the little girl a magnet with the SSJNN's phone number on it. A few days later Sister Herrmann got a call from the mom asking for food. Sister Herrmann Friday, October 4, 2002 staff writer •• • " 'Pretty in Pink', • • Andrew McCarthy is hot in : Currently there are 70 volunteers from Behrend's faculty helping the program, and the University would like to see more student volunteers. "It's important, I think, for the students to understand what the United Way does in the community, because sooner or later you are going went to the house and could not believe what she saw The only food in the house was a can of vegetable soup, a box of salt, one tube of crackers, and one bottle of ketchup. Right away Sister Herrmann worked to get them emergency food, rent money, and a job for the mother. "I would never have known that that situation occurred if I had not been out on the streets. Now I try to get out of my office as much as I can to see what's going on," said Sister Herrmann. The SSJNN has also started a nutrition program for needy families. The families are taught how to make the most of money, how to buy the most nutritious food, and how to cook the food. "People don't know how to manage food," said Sister Herrmann. In Sept. 2000 the SSJNN partnered with St. Paul's Church to open a Soup Kitchen. The kitchen operates every Monday and is staffed by volunteers. Last Monday the Soup Kitchen served 117 people. Local businesses and individuals supply the food. They also donate that movie." Meredith Hennon Sociology, 03 The Behrend Beacon " 'Prefontaint'!' Tim Schultheis Electrical Engineering, 03 help people less fortunate then you." If students still want to get involved after the United Way campaign ends, they may volunteer their time at any of the smaller agencies. Most organizations will be more then happy to have volunteers. Anyone interested in volunteering problem of food for people to take home. The Soup Kitchen has had a very positive effect on the community and it has some great rewards. One week Sister Hen - mann showed up to set the tables and they were already set. The only person in sight was a 10-year-old boy. Sister Herrmann asked him if he knew who had set the tables and he replied that he had. The little ho` had watched the volunteers the week before to see where they kept everything. "Her talk made me think of things I'm doing and of things I'm not doing. I need to he more bold and look for opportunities," said Jen Kant/. 08. Sister Herrmann shared many other storm•. about the SSJNN and how the organization is helping the community. "She challenged me to go outside of myself and discover how I can really he the kind of person to take care of others who are less fortunate than myself," said Sister Mary Drexler, the CCM coordinator. Next week the speaker will be Nancy Dusckas from the Dusckas Funeral Home.